Is it maintained?
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Is it maintained?
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2022-05-24 05:03:01

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2022-05-24 05:03:01

Toggle navigationIs it maintained?Check a projectMetricsAbout GitHubIs it maintained?Check the activity of open source projectsCheck a projectMetricsResolution timeMedian time needed to close an issue.Open percentagePercentage of open issues.Some issues are ignored based on their labels (example of ignoredlabels: "enhancement", "feature"…). For the median time needed to close anissue, issues older than 6 months are ignored too.Projects recently analyzedRnen/AdminToolboxgregsdennis/manatee.jsonstardustdl/linq-in-rustPHP-DI/PHP-DI "Average time to resolve an issue"mswart/openmensa-parsersopenfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-apirestpythonfwdekker/intellij-randomness PHP-DI/PHP-DIfbuessen/SpinParserPopular projectsRailsFlaskExpressSymfonyZend FrameworkLaravelAngularJSMeteorReactReact NativeGulpOh My ZshAboutIs it maintained? is an open source project whose goal is tomonitor open source projects.Have you ever wondered whether or not to use a library or a framework,uncertain of how well it is maintained? Fork on GitHubReleased under the MIT license-Matthieu Napoli-GitHub-Supported by PrettyCI-Theme by Start Bootstrap