Istanbul Tech Talks 2019 | Global Developer Conference
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2022-05-06 16:24:24

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} HOMEHOMEABOUTSPEAKERSAGENDAApp StoreVENUEPAST EVENTSSliderPEAKCONTACT HOMEHOMEABOUTSPEAKERSAGENDAApp StoreVENUEPAST EVENTSSliderPEAKCONTACT  Istanbul Tech TalksGlobal Developer Conference Session videos: YouTubeSession slides: ITT Speaker DeckABOUTIstanbul Tech Talks is a global developer conference gathering engineers for a day of deep-dive sessions on the hot topics in software engineering.   SPEAKERS ConstanceCaramanolisSoftware EngineerLyft Constance Caramanolis is a Senior Software Engineer at Lyft working on Data Infrastructure. She was a part of the Server Networking team for over two years where she built and deployed Envoy and its ecosystem.Constance implemented the first set of configuration management, network security and engineering education. Previous to Lyft, Constance worked at Microsoft on several different projects and teams.KavyaJoshiSoftware EngineerSamsara Kavya Joshi writes code for a living at a start-up in San Francisco. She particularly enjoys architecting and building highly concurrent, highly scalable systems. In her free time, she reads non-fiction and climbs rocks. Before moving to San Francisco to be an Adult, Kavya was at MIT where she got a Bachelor's and Master's in Computer Science.KiefMorrisHead of Cloud Technology ConsultingThoughtWorksKief Morris is the Head of Cloud Technology consulting at ThoughtWorks, and wrote the O'Reilly book "Infrastructure as Code" (http://oreil.ly/1JKIBVe). He helps organizations to adopt “Cloud Age” technologies, practices, and ways of working. Originally from Tennessee, Kief moved to London in the dot-com days and has been there ever since.MarkWestData Science ManagerBouvet Mark West is a Brexit Refugee living in Oslo, Norway. Previously a Java Developer and Architect he is currently leading a team of Data Scientists at Bouvet where he is learning something new every single day!In his spare time Mark is Leader for the Norwegian Java User Group aka javaBin. He is also one of the volunteers behind JavaZone, one of the biggest community-driven conferences in Tech.MartinBeebyPrincipal Developer EvangelistAmazon Web Services Martin Beeby is a principle evangelist at AWS. He has been developing applications since he was 16 and over the past 20 years has worked on projects with many major companies and brands. His primary focus is on .NET applications and he has worked as a C# and VB developer since 2001.Prior to joining AWS, Martin worked for Oracle and Microsoft as a developer evangelist and software development engineer.MichaelHüttermannPrincipal DevOps Consultanthuettermann.net Michael is Principal DevOps Consultant. He was recognized to be Oracle Java Champion in 2006, Oracle Developer Champion in 2017, and Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador in 2018.NicJacksonDeveloper AdvocateHashiCorp Nic Jackson is a developer advocate at HashiCorp and the author of “Building Microservices in Go”, a book which examines the best patterns and practices for building microservices with the Go programming language.Nic is also currently writing “Vault in Action,” a book which discusses operational and application security using the popular open source HashiCorp Vault, due to be published summer 2019.NikolasBurkDeveloper RelationsPrisma Nikolas is a GraphQL enthusiast currently working at Prisma. Before that he worked as an instructor at the Make School Product College in San Francisco. Nikolas is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge - after finishing his Master's degree, he spent 3 months at the Recurse Center in NYC to study functional programming. Recently, he played a major role in creating the popular fullstack tutorial How to GraphQL. Today, he enjoys giving workshops and talks all around GraphQL and various programming concepts. VENUEIstanbul Technical University, Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi, Maslak, Istanbul PAST EVENTS 20142015201620172018 STAY [email protected] © 2019 Istanbul Tech TalksCookie UseWe use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies.AcceptLearn More