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Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Unified Modeling Language (OOAD with UML), Business Process Management and Business Modeling with BPMN and SBVR. Software requirements - model driven approach. Business Analyst. System Designer.
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Business Systems Consulting & Training About MeContactBlogPrivacy PolicyNewsletterSee more… SysML – a few wordsaboutIn this place, I have been col­lect­ing some speaks about the SysML lan­guage. It is ori­gin from UML (it is a UML pro­file). SysML is the main MBSE meth­od weRead the rest of thispage» Ontology-Oriented Data Management and Document DatabasesThis study presents a meth­od for the stor­age of data organ­ized in digit­al doc­u­ments, which is proven in prac­tice. The dis­cussed meth­od does not bear any dis­ad­vant­ages of the rela­tion­alRead the rest of thispage» Business Systems Analyst & DesignerBusiness AnalysisOMG.org notations: BMM, BPMN, SBVR. ... Read More ... Software RequirementsOMG.org notations: UML, SysML ... Read More ... Training and workshopsPractical use of notation and patterns ... Read More ... Jaroslaw Zelinski IT-ConsultingI have 30 years of exper­i­ence in the IT sys­tems mar­ket. I have been inde­pend­ently design­ing and super­vising imple­ment­a­tions for 20 years, the last 10 years also remotely. I have been involved in inform­a­tion and sys­tems mod­el­ing research for 15 years, and I am also an aca­dem­ic teach­er and have research experience.Table of ContentsInter­im Enter­prise ArchitectClasses and WorkshopsBusi­ness Pro­cess Man­age­ment (£499)Day 1Day 2Addi­tionsBusi­ness Soft­ware Design (£499)Day 1Day 2Addi­tionsMeth­od­o­lo­gies andtoolsObject-Ori­ented Ana­lys­is and Design with Uni­fied Mod­el­ing Lan­guage (OOAD withUML)Busi­ness Pro­cess Man­age­ment and Busi­ness Mod­el­ing with BPMN andSBVRBusi­ness ana­lys­is, require­ments gath­er­ing – mod­el-driv­en approachCASE soft­wareMoreBib­li­o­graphyInterim Enterprise Architect(prices: ask about SLAplan)Ongo­ing ana­lys­is of oper­a­tion­al doc­u­ments and the devel­op­ment and main­ten­ance of doc­u­ment­a­tion that includes busi­ness pro­cess mod­els and related inform­a­tion sys­tems archi­tec­ture. The goal is to col­lect and doc­u­ment know­ledge about the organ­iz­a­tion and man­age it in a way that allows it to be used imme­di­ately to make decisions about changes and present selec­ted inform­a­tion about the way things are done to outsiders.col­lec­tion and ana­lys­is of source doc­u­ments, user stor­ies,etc,Form­al­ized block dia­grams (BMM nota­tion) describ­ing busi­ness mod­els and com­pany strategies, and recom­mend­a­tions for effi­ciency improvements.Form­al­ized block dia­grams (BPMN/SBVR nota­tions) describ­ing busi­ness pro­cesses, doc­u­ment flows and their struc­tures, and busi­ness rules and onto­lo­gies, recom­mend­a­tions for effi­ciency improvements.Form­al­ized block dia­grams (UML nota­tion) and use-case spe­cific­a­tions, as graph­ic­al-descript­ive spe­cific­a­tions of soft­ware requirements.Form­al­ized block dia­grams (UML nota­tion) describ­ing the HLD archi­tec­ture and logic of the sys­tem oper­a­tion and the LLD archi­tec­ture and busi­ness logic of each ded­ic­ated applic­a­tion ser­vice (use case) as spe­cific­a­tions for the ded­ic­ated software.Form­al­ized block dia­grams describ­ing the doc­u­ment and inform­a­tion struc­tures in the sys­tem and its flow (UML notation).Stand­ard pro­fes­sion­al doc­u­ment­a­tion (A4, pdf) on-demand.Classes and WorkshopsNOTE: Pro­mo­tion­al prices to cel­eb­rate com­pany ini­ti­ation and train­ing in Aber­deen! All classes in prop­erty: Centrum Offices, 214 Uni­on St., AB10 1TL, Aber­deen. Ask about remote versions.Business Process Management (£499)Organ­iz­a­tions use Busi­ness Pro­cess Mod­el­ing in order to visu­ally doc­u­ment, under­stand, and improve their pro­cesses. BP Mod­el­ing visu­ally rep­res­ents all of the con­nect­ing activ­it­ies, events, and resources of the pro­cess of a product or ser­vice to make it more effi­cient. Soft­ware devel­op­ment is a risky field. Experts recom­mend devel­op­ing clear mod­els with under­stand­able nota­tion early on in pro­jects in order to val­id­ate the require­ments of the soft­ware. Busi­ness Pro­cess Mod­el­ing allows soft­ware engin­eers to nego­ti­ate with stake­hold­ers to determ­ine the sys­tem that needs to be built, based on what is optim­al for both groups.Day 1BPM intro­duc­tion,busi­ness pro­cess mod­els: defin­i­tions, rules,CRUD and RACI matrix,Busi­ness Architecture,doc­u­ments as data car­ri­ers, doc­u­ments standardization,Day 2BPMN found­a­tions,Ana­lyt­ics mod­els in busi­ness analysis,flow ele­mentsarti­facts,pools andlines,examples and their discussion.AdditionsAddi­tion­al prac­ti­cing work­shops are possible.(source: http://www.bptrendsassociates.com/)Business Software Design (£499)Pro­gram­ming is not solely about con­struct­ing soft­ware — pro­gram­ming is about design­ing software.(Ozkaya, Ipek. ‘Build­ing Blocks of Soft­ware Design’. IEEE Soft­ware 37, no. 2 (March 2020): 3–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2019.2959049.)Day 1Sys­tem definition,Object paradigm definitions,“Sys­tem thinking”,Busi­ness soft­ware archi­tec­ture and integration,Day 2What is it: MOF, MDA,UML,basic con­cepts: class, clas­si­fi­er, value, pack­age, structure,sys­tem design SPEM pro­cess: use case mod­el, use case scen­ario, use case realization,UML dia­grams: class dia­gram, state machine dia­gram, inter­ac­tion dia­gram, activ­ity dia­gram, com­pon­ent diagram,AdditionsAddi­tion­al prac­ti­cing work­shops e.g.: busi­ness pro­cess map­ping and design, Use Case 2.0 style sys­tem design, doc­u­ment-ori­ented data mod­el­ing, microservices archi­tec­ture in prac­tice, sys­tem integ­ra­tion design, mechat­ron­ic sys­tem mod­el­ing with SysML, etc.Methodologies andtoolsObject-Oriented Analysis and Design with Unified Modeling Language (OOAD withUML)Object ori­ented paradigm: under­stand­ing anduseMOF (Meta Object Facil­it­ies) as found­a­tion of UML nota­tion . UML nota­tion: using for mod­el­ing object ori­ented sys­tems .Mod­el-View-Con­trol­ler (MVC) pat­tern: what is it domain Mod­el inOOAD.OOAD: how do we use UML dia­grams and for what. Prac­tice. (Use Case dia­gram and use case scen­ario, sequence dia­gram, class dia­gram: sep­ar­ate archi­tec­ture, vocab­u­lary and data types, state machine dia­gram, activ­ity dia­gram, data types in UML/OOAD). Doc­u­ment and mock-up mod­el­ing with UML com­pos­ite struc­ture dia­gram as a classes , NoSQL – doc­u­ment-ori­ented data­base , Mod­el Driv­en ArchitectureMore about used meth­ods and tools: see on one of my papers.Business Process Management and Business Modeling with BPMN andSBVRBusi­ness Pro­cess Man­age­ment, defin­i­tions and scope .BPMN nota­tion: using for busi­ness pro­cess doc­u­ment­a­tion, ana­lys­is and design, optim­iz­a­tion . Descript­ive and Ana­lyt­ic models.BPMN and oth­er aux­il­i­ary tools . SBVR vocab­u­lary and rules as a busi­ness logic descriptionBusiness analysis, requirements gathering – model-driven approachIncom­plete­ness prob­lem in tex­tu­al require­ments spe­cific­a­tions . Mod­el as a requirementsDis­cip­lined agile meth­ods , agile modelingUse Case 2.0 Mod­el Based Sys­tem Engin­eer­ing (MBSE) . I offer high-qual­ity ser­vices in the field of busi­ness ana­lys­is, require­ments spe­cific­a­tion, and soft­ware archi­tec­ture design. All my works are based on Mod­el Driv­en Archi­tec­ture approach (MDA) . It means each ana­lys­is includes: the busi­ness ana­lys­is work stage (Com­pu­ta­tion Inde­pend­ent Mod­el design, CIM), require­ments spe­cific­a­tion stage (Use Case mod­el and scen­ario design, as a needed applic­a­tion ser­vices spe­cific­a­tion), and solu­tion design as a tech­nic­al descrip­tion of (Plat­form Inde­pend­ent Mod­el design, PIM) .I use MBSE meth­ods (see INCOSE page). As an ana­lyst and design­er, I need a domain expert per­son to work (as an author­ized domain know­ledge provider).I use the latest proven meth­ods. As a research­er and aca­dem­ic lec­turer, I have the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge too and I know the latest soft­ware engin­eer­ing trends. Thru the last 30 years, I have had many suc­cesses in doing pro­jects for private and pub­lic companies.CASE softwareI’m an exper­i­enced user of one of the best CASE soft­ware (full range Visu­al-Paradigm CASE soft­ware since 2005), if you need any help on how to use CASE sys­tems, how to do mod­el­ing in UML, BPMN, SysML, and so on, ask me about the workshop.Keywords: Enter­prise Archi­tect, Busi­ness Ana­lyst, Design Author­ity, Solu­tion Design­er, Solu­tions Architect.MoreSee Sum­mary and con­di­tion page.Com­mu­nic­a­tion in the pro­ject sees Com­mu­nic­a­tion and work.For more about me, see Jaroslaw Zel­in­ski page.Any addi­tion­al ques­tion? Fill the Con­tact Form.Bibliography{5085975:GMJDZZJ4};{5085975:F2ETGHYN};{5085975:CR84KHQT},{5085975:8AJYXT9E};{5085975:7SY4A9KE};{5085975:P5PE3C3R};{5085975:GGPUJMUW};{5085975:52C9MPEY},{5085975:L4FMVIX5},{5085975:F56U5S8N};{5085975:TBT7B5D2},{5085975:84CYAT4F},{5085975:UWH8D5UI};{5085975:GNJVJ8R6};{5085975:QABVZACS};{5085975:R82MIYPB};{5085975:LXK8VA68};{5085975:XH8WRWWF},{5085975:GJXBNWHC},{5085975:LXK8VA68};{5085975:NZTIUBEK},{5085975:P5PE3C3R};{5085975:NZTIUBEK};{5085975:XSXM2FP8};{5085975:TBTQMSD8};{5085975:84CYAT4F},{5085975:TBT7B5D2},{5085975:UWH8D5UI};{5085975:TBT7B5D2};{5085975:GMJDZZJ4};{5085975:F2ETGHYN};{5085975:CR84KHQT},{5085975:8AJYXT9E};{5085975:7SY4A9KE};{5085975:P5PE3C3R};{5085975:GGPUJMUW};{5085975:52C9MPEY},{5085975:L4FMVIX5},{5085975:F56U5S8N};{5085975:TBT7B5D2},{5085975:84CYAT4F},{5085975:UWH8D5UI};{5085975:GNJVJ8R6};{5085975:QABVZACS};{5085975:R82MIYPB};{5085975:LXK8VA68};{5085975:XH8WRWWF},{5085975:GJXBNWHC},{5085975:LXK8VA68};{5085975:NZTIUBEK},{5085975:P5PE3C3R};{5085975:NZTIUBEK};{5085975:XSXM2FP8};{5085975:TBTQMSD8};{5085975:84CYAT4F},{5085975:TBT7B5D2},{5085975:UWH8D5UI};{5085975:TBT7B5D2}apaauthorascno115 Ambler, S. W. (2004). The object primer. Agile Mod­el-Driv­en Devel­op­ment with UML 2.0 (Third Edi­tion). Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sityPress. Ambler, S. W. (2002). Agile mod­el­ing. John Wiley &Sons. Aßmann, U., Zschaler, S., & Wag­n­er, G. (2006). Onto­lo­gies, meta-mod­els, and the mod­el-driv­en paradigm. In Onto­lo­gies for soft­ware engin­eer­ing and soft­ware tech­no­logy (pp. 249–273). Springer. Booch, G. (2007). Object-ori­ented ana­lys­is and design with applic­a­tions (G. Booch, Ed.; 3rd ed). Addison-Wesley. Booch, G., Chris­ter­son, M., Fuchs, M., & Koistin­en, J. (1999). UML XML Map­ping Schema. 8. BPMDS (Work­shop), Rein­hartz-Ber­ger, I., Zdravkovic, J., Gulden, J., Schmidt, R., EMMSAD (Work­shop), & CAiSE (Con­fer­ence). (2019). Enter­prise, Busi­ness-Pro­cess and Inform­a­tion Sys­tems Mod­el­ing: 20th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence, BPMDS 2019, 24th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence, EMMSAD 2019, Held at CAiSE 2019, Rome, Italy, June 3–4, 2019, Pro­ceed­ings (Vol. 352). Spring­er Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978–3‑030–20618‑5 Cabanil­las, C., Res­i­nas, M., & Ruiz-Cortés, A. (2012). Auto­mated Resource Assign­ment in BPMN Mod­els Using RACI Matrices. In R. Meers­man, H. Pan­etto, T. Dillon, S. Rinderle-Ma, P. Dadam, X. Zhou, S. Pear­son, A. Fer­scha, S. Ber­ga­mas­chi, & I. F. Cruz (Eds.), On the Move to Mean­ing­ful Inter­net Sys­tems: OTM 2012 (Vol. 7565, pp. 56–73). Spring­er Ber­lin Heidel­berg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978–3‑642–33606-5_5 Daoust, N. (2012). UML require­ments mod­el­ing for busi­ness ana­lysts (First edi­tion). Tech­nics Publications. Den­nis, A., Wix­om, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2012). Sys­tems ana­lys­is and design (5th ed). JohnWiley. Hart, L. E. (2015). Intro­duc­tion To Mod­el-Based Sys­tem Engin­eer­ing (MBSE) and SysML. Delaware Val­ley INCOSE Chapter Meet­ing, 43. https://www.incose.org/docs/default-source/delaware-valley/mbse-overview-incose-30-july-2015.pdf Kurt Bittner. (2011). Use-Case 2.0: Scal­ing up, scal­ing out, scal­ing in for agile pro­jects. https://www.ivarjacobson.com/publications/white-papers/use-case-ebook Miller, J., & Mukerji, J. (2003). MDA Guide Ver­sion 1.0.1. 62. OMG.org. (2016, Octo­ber). MetaOb­ject Facil­ity (MOF). https://www.omg.org/spec/MOF OMG.org. (2014, June 18). Mod­el Driv­en Archi­tec­ture (MDA). https://www.omg.org/mda/ Papamarkos, G., Zam­boulis, L., & Poulovassil­is, A. (2015). Xml Data­bases. School of Com­puter Sci­ence and Inform­a­tion Sys­tems, Birk­beck Col­lege, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don. http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~sven/adm08/xmlDBs.pdf Podeswa, H. (2010). UML for the IT busi­ness ana­lyst: a prac­tic­al guide to object-ori­ented require­ments gath­er­ing (2nd ed). Course Technology/Cengage Learning. Šen­kýř, D., & Kroha, P. (2019). 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IGI Glob­al. https://www.igi-global.com/book/applications-approaches-object-oriented-software/235699 ArchivesFebruary 2022March 2021January 2021December 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020CategoriesGeneralModels and architectureVisual-ParadigmMetaLog inEntries feedComments feedWordPress.orgNewsletter "Programming is not solely aboutconstructing software—programmingis about designing software." (Ipek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, [email protected]) ©2022Jaroslaw Zelinski IT-Consulting| Small Business Theme by: D5 Creation | Powered by: WordPress We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies.Cookie settingsACCEPTPrivacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy OverviewThis website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 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