Joey Hess
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building worthwhile things that might last
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Joey Hess
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2022-05-14 12:44:32

"I love Joey Hess"

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2022-05-14 12:44:32

Joey HessEditRecentChangesHistoryPreferencesBranchableDiscussionblog postsannouncing zephyr-copilotPosted Wednesday afternoon, February 23rd, 2022encountered near the start of a new chapterPosted late Monday evening, January 17th, 2022Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty DayPosted Tuesday afternoon, December 21st, 2021a bitter pill for Microsoft CopilotPosted mid-morning Saturday, July 10th, 2021typed pipes in every shellPosted late Wednesday evening, June 16th, 2021html { background: url(joeykite.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover;}.sidebar { background: none; border: none;}input#searchbox { display: none;}#pageinfo { display: none;}.pageheader .actions ul { border-bottom: none;}#pagebody { margin-left: 20%;}.archivepagedate { font-size: 0.5em;}.actions { display: none;}personalblogpicshomecontact meGPG keytodotechnicalcodevcshomeoffgridtalkspodcastsscreencastsrfcsboxenfunJoey Learns to Flyoldusenetlanguagesyurtcavinggrepmetainterviews2012: The Setup"When power is low, I often hack in the evenings by lantern light."2015: Life after Debian"I want to build worthwhile things that might last."2016: Linux Weekly News"I still see myself as a beginner, and certainly not an exemplar."Last edited at lunch time on Sunday, March 24th, 2019