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Seconds later, you have a clean, comprehensible, perfectly printed document. Indeed, the invention and innovation of printers have made it much easier, quicker… Continue Reading Worship Expressing our Faith Through Art and Music Since time immemorial, man used so many mediums to define their religious beliefs. Mediums like, songs, art, literature and dances are a few of them. This helps man express their beliefs and makes their worship more meaningful. Art is often used to express religious beliefs in so many ways. The… Continue reading Fate The Catholic Church View On Horoscope And Zodiac Signs For years it was strictly forbidden: reading your horoscope. After all, it is occultism and it is strongly condemned by the Bible and by consequence also by the Church. But it was also astrologers who traveled to Bethlehem after seeing a strange star in the sky and thus discovering the… Continue reading Top Most Influential Religion in the World It’s true there are many religions exist in this world- people have different beliefs. When talking about religion, we often think about God or supernatural power. Indeed, it is true because religion means to have faith in God and to have something we believed in. Almost every people believes in religion,… Continue Reading Wine Making As A Religious Encounter The connection between religion and wine is hundreds of years old – leaving behind a rich heritage of fine wines from all over the world Wine Enthusiast Owe A debt of appreciation to the Judeo-Christian religions. In large comparison to other beliefs that prohibit their devotees from drinking it, the… Continue Reading Integration of Wine in Religious Practices Wine has been around for centuries and has become part of people’s many aspects of life, especially on special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and the holidays. Wines are either put on display on the finest wine racks or kept chilled in stylish and durable wine refrigerators to ensure…Read More The Religion of Hospitality Cultures have come to influence and affect their respective people for as far as everyone can remember, with culture comes different sets of practices and somehow attitudes that become dominant to people, their household, and their communities. With so much to consider and choose from, hospitality and its domineering effect…Read More Jubileoteresiano Beliefs Charity Church Community Religion Technology Posted on July 4, 2022July 17, 2022 The Atheist Camping Inspiration: How to Have a Meaningful Time Outside of Religion Many people who are atheists have never been to an atheist campout. This is because many of them don’t know what it is and what it entails. We have spoken to outdoor (outdoor recreation) and camping experts of Ballachy about the basics of an atheist camping experience, the benefits of going to one, and why you should consider attending one in the future!What is an Atheist Camping Experience?The first thing that people should know about an atheist camping experience is that there is no formalized religion or belief system at these camps. Campers can be an agnostic, secular humanists, or even religious but without any specific faith. They are not necessarily anti-religion either; they just do not believe in any particular faith themselves.Read also: How Religion can have an Impact on Your Life?The Basics of an Atheist Camping ExperienceAn atheist camping experience is a great way to get away from the distractions of everyday life and spend some time with like-minded people. Camping is a great way to enjoy nature without the use of technology. It provides an opportunity to disconnect and de-stress.Atheist camping offers an opportunity to enjoy nature with like-minded people, while also having opportunities for intellectual discussion and activities. The campsites are usually located in beautiful natural settings, so you can enjoy the outdoors while still feeling safe from predators or other threats that may exist in the wild.Atheist campers often enjoy outdoor activities during the day, such as hiking, rafting, canoeing, and kayaking. They also participate in more intellectual activities during the evenings such as astronomy and geology programs. Campsites offer opportunities to enjoy social events with fellow members of the atheist community.Campfires are a common activity at these campsites; they provide a space for campers to gather around and enjoy each other’s company. Atheist camps are a place where individuals can come together to learn, socialize and have fun while in an outdoor environment. The secular community sees them as a way to foster atheist culture, which is often underrepresented in day-to-day life.How you can have a meaningful time outside of religion?There are many ways to have a meaningful time outside of religion. One such way is inspiration camping. This is where people come together and enjoy the outdoors in order to find inspiration for their lives and work. on mindfulness and self-care. These types of events can also be a great way to meet fellow believers from different communities. Every church has its own unique culture, and sometimes it is helpful to allow people outside of your local community the opportunity to experience what living in your religion means and how it impacts the rest of society. Community Read More Posted on March 10, 2022March 11, 2022 Ohio Passes Law to Galvanize Ruling of Not Requiring Waivers for Religious Head Wears Ohio has made it a law to bar schools from requiring athletic participants to obtain waivers, or to restrict their religious clothing that do not pose dangers. Although The National Federation of State High School has already removed the need to require such waiver and/or restriction, a female student athlete named Noor Abukaram was still prevented from participating in an athletic competition for failing to submit a waiver that would allow her to wear a hijab during the competition.As a result, Republican Sen. Theresa Gavarone re-introduced the law that previously failed to make it to the senate floor; this time citing the need to make the sports association ruling a law in the state of Ohio. That way, students belonging to religious groups that obeserve certain practices will no longer be barred from participating in sports competitions just because of a waiver requirement. Only recently, the legislation was approved by the Ohio House and Senate and was signed into law last month by Gov. Mike DeWine.Background Story to Noor Abukaram’s PlightNoor Abubakaram experienced disqualification in a cross-country race in 2019 because her coach failed to obtain a waiver that will allow her to wear the hijab required by her Muslim religion. Abubakaram’s coach said he did not apply for a waiver as he believed it was no longer necessary, although it turned out that the association holding the competition still required the waiver as part of the rules.In order not to let other people experience same thing as she did, Abukaram reached out to Senator Theresa Gavarone, who had previously introduced such law, which was not taken up for deliberation. The Repulican Senator deemed it best to re-introduce the bill in order to stop similar events from happening again in Ohio.Moreover, Noor shared her experience in social media sites which caught the attention and gained the support of many people belonging to different religions and cultures. The high school athletic association changed the rules; which now lets referees allow religious head coverings even without a formal waiver. Religion Read More Posted on January 12, 2022January 9, 2022 How Religion can have an Impact on Your Life? Religion is a big part of our lives, and it can have a huge impact on how we live our lives and at times, even on how businesses are making decisions like in Earnhardt Ford, whether the car would be able to meet religious needs in terms of mobility and accessibility and so forth. From the way we pray to the way we judge people, religion can have a big impact on how we interact with the world. If you’re not comfortable with religion, you’re not alone. But what if there was a way to get past your religious filters and see the good in religion?In this post, learn why you should embrace religious beliefs and embrace your faith. It’s important to remember that all religions are different, but there are certain universal truths that shouldn’t be denied: The path to enlightenment is found in being yourself and following your heart.What are some of the benefits of being religious?Religion has a huge impact on how they view the world. For example, if you were to ask someone how much they believe in God, you might be surprised to learn that many people don’t answer the question honestly. Instead of telling the truth, they will tell you what they think they should say or what they want their parents to think.What are the benefits of studying religion?There are many benefits of studying religion, including: It can provide you with guidance and support when you need it. It can offer comfort and advice on how to live a meaningful life.Religion also has social benefits that can be important for society at large, such as charities and hospitals. There are also many religious organizations that provide social services, like charities and hospitals.What are some of the most common misconceptions about religion?Many people have a misconception about religion. They think that religion is a form of control or something that is used to brainwash people.But the truth is that religion can be used as a tool for growth. It can help you better understand yourself and others around you. With this being said, while they are not perfect, they are most definitely doing good work in the world, which is why we should support them instead of demonizing them. Uncategorized Read More Posted on December 18, 2021December 24, 2021 Https://privatesectorseo.com/seo-services-arizona: Getting Unrivaled SEO Results And SEO Tips For Your Church Website SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the most cost-effective and viable approach to understand as well as reach consumers in moments that are of great importance. Hence, brands with online presence need the right SEO strategies as it will most definitely better the overall visibility and searchability of a website.When it comes to running SEO campaigns, one way to make certain you use the proper SEO strategies, effectively implement them and most importantly see results, outsourcing to an experienced SEO company offers numerous benefits.Https://privatesectorseo.com/seo-services-arizona/ – Getting Unrivaled SEO ResultsOne of the most reliable SEO companies in the search industry that has over three decades of  experience is https://privatesectorseo.com/seo-services-arizona/. With Private Sector SEO, you are sure to get incomparable results.The Arizona-based SEO company has dedicated themselves to mastering marketing in the digital space in order to provide all the accounts that partner with them results. They have successfully run hundreds of SEO campaigns for various accounts across various industries. With the expertise and experience that they have, you can be assured that they know and understand digital marketing and that they are great at it.The major source of web traffic is frequently Organic Search and it is a fundamental and a very big part of the website performance of most businesses as well as a significant element of the buyer funnel, which eventually get users to complete an engagement or a conversion. As the SEO strategies of https://privatesectorseo.com/seo-services-arizona/ are well-thought of and well-researched, websites will rank better in search engine, drive more organic traffic, boost conversions as well strengthen your brand overall.SEO Tips For Your Church WebsiteRunning an SEO campaign does not only benefit businesses as even non-profit organizations can also make use of Search Engine Optimization spread their awareness regarding their cause. This includes churches.People don’t only look for shops and restaurants on the internet, as the internet is the go to look for information, including looking for churches near their area. This would then mean that if you want people to find your church, you need to be in the same place where they are looking – the online space.Similar to businesses, SEO greatly helps in making your church more visible and easy to find online, helping your church to appear in search results. So, if you want people to find your church and to potentially gain more members, having presence online and optimizing it is imperative. To get started, here are a few tips for churches when running SEO campaigns.Research and Integrate Relevant Keywords. Searching for the right keywords (words and phrases) that people make use of to locate churches online and integrating these keywords in your content will greatly help your church to turn up in SERPs.Make Use of Strategies for Local SEO. Local SEO makes it easier for people to find what they are looking for in their area. Hence, local SEO makes sense if you want people in your area to find you. You can begin by listing your church in online directories.Create a Responsive Design. There is an increase use of mobile devices. This would then mean that your website should have a responsive design, wherein your website automatically adjusts to the size of the screen of the device used making it easier to navigate. If your web design isn’t responsive, you can lose valuable traffic. Technology Read More Posted on November 15, 2021 The Connection between Belief and Religion Belief is when we are considering that something is true regardless if we can prove it a hundred percent or not. Each and everyone has their own beliefs about the world and life. As mentioned, a belief can just be about anything like for instance, one might believe that cabinet manufacturer South Dakota is way better compared to others in the region.Beliefs and ReligionWith religion on the other hand, belief is something that is relevant to spirituality and humanity. According to sources, religion is the collection of belief systems, cultural systems as well as worldviews that are connecting spirituality to humanity and at times, moral values. There are a lot of religions that have symbols, narratives, sacred histories and traditions.It has the tendency to derive religious laws, ethics, morality or at times, preferred lifestyles. As a matter of fact, there are numerous religions that have clergy, organized behaviors which sets a definition of what is constituting membership or adherence, regular meetings or even services for the goal of veneration of prayer or deity, congregations of laity and/or scriptures.Practicing ReligionIn regards to practicing religion, it might include commemoration, sermons of activities of gods or a god, festivals, sacrifices, feasts, funerary services, initiations, meditation, matrimonial services, art, music, dance, public service or any other elements of human culture.Religious BeliefBeliefs in religion, more specifically in spirituality have been in existence.There are lots of societies who left us with a bunch of historical evidence of their belief system whether it was about worshipping gods and goddesses, worshipping the sun and so forth.A good example of beliefs left by history includes but not limited to:StonehengeThe Bamiyan BuddhasThe Almudena Cathedral in MadridFujiyamaUluru at Alice SpringsSacred mountain of JapanKaaba in Saudi ArabiaIn other words, religion is describing the relationship of humans to what they believe as “sacred, divine, spiritual or holy”. Usually, it is being accompanied by set of organized practices that is fostering community of people who is sharing the same faith. Since religion and beliefs have a deep connection to mankind, it sometimes have an influence on a person’s identity and decision-making. BeliefsReligion Read More Posted on November 6, 2021November 7, 2021 Maine’s Vaccine Mandate to Reject Religious Exemption Upheld by Supreme Court In Maine, a state law in effect since 1989, requires hospital and healthcare institutions to have workers vaccinated against all kinds of contagious diseases. Recently, the state released a mandate rejecting religious exemption as reason for not getting vaccinated. Although a group of health workers requested the Supreme Court to uphold their religious right to refuse vaccination, the court decided to uphold the state of Maine’s new vaccination mandate instead.Actually, this is not the first time that such a petition challenging the vaccine mandate of state has been rejected, the Maine health workers’ request was the first to use religious principles as basis for objection against the vaccine mandate. Still, similar to the decision handed down by the Supreme Court in the states of New York and Indiana, the request to nullify the vaccine mandate in Maine was rejected.How Did the Supreme Court Justices Arrive at the Rejection Decision?The decision was not unanimous though, as it was decided on the strength of a majority vote of 6-3 in the 9-man panel of justices. Garnering the vote of mostly conservative justices, the court ordered via a brief statement that it is not usual to put concerns over religious rights ahead of a state’s COVID-19 situation,The three dissenting justices include Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, who asserted that the state’s vaccine mandate discriminated against the health workers’ religious objection to the COViD-19 vaccine. Two of the justices appointed by the Trump administration, namely Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett contended that the Supreme Court’s emergency docket is not the proper venue in which to uphold the integrity of the health workers’ religious claims.+++ Religion Read More Posted on August 22, 2021August 17, 2021 5 Tips for Planning Your Ultimate Spiritual Road Trip We are at the height of summer vacation time, and to me, meaning one thing — ROAD TRIPS! after all, I consider myself to be something of a road trip aficionado.My road trips always involve curated playlists handpicked specifically for that exact adventure. I never leave on an interstate journey without a legal pad and Sharpie so as to speak with other motorists. Mixed in with all of those shenanigans, however, my family and friends ensure to never leave our Catholic faith reception. Travel could be a good way to experience the sheer variety and vastness of the Catholic tradition and also the universal church. Aside from the common things to check when doing road trips like packing food and getting the number of roadside assistance like towing San Jose, below are additional tips when traveling on the road for a spiritual journey.Visit a singular new churchMy family always celebrates Mass while we’re on vacation, which lets us simultaneously experience the local culture and also participate in a very Mass that’s often entirely different than what we are familiar with. Doing so, we’ve attended Mass in enormous basilicas and tiny chapels, overlooking the ocean in Mexico, and under towering trees at an outside Mass in Northern Michigan. Masstimes.org can steer you toward all manner of churches, regardless of your destination. The website catholicplaces.org also lists notable Catholic points of interest but focuses on basilicas, cathedrals, and shrines that transcend the standard neighborhood parish.2. Catch a music festivalIn recent decades, music festivals became destinations of their own. There are weekend-long concert events spanning all music genres, and Christian music is not any different. An inventory and map of many of the larger Christian music festivals will be found here.ALSO READ: The Advantages of Listening to Christian Music While DD3. Head to campusI reside in a school town. I used to be initially surprised at what number of tourists visit Michigan State University’s campus daily. Some are alumni, some are families with prospective students, and plenty of others have unique motivations like seeing a field game in every Big Ten stadium. Take a look at the USCCB’s list of U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities. Not to mention, almost every Catholic university has regularly scheduled Masses hospitable to the general public. And if you discover yourself in East Lansing on MSU’s campus, make sure to run one block north and stop by my home parish of St. John Church and center, home of the Catholic Spartans. Go Green!4. Drop in on a parish festivalSome regions of the country admittedly try this better than others. Those dioceses, particularly, have parish festivals every weekend of the summer and well into the autumn. I remember visiting several of those each summer once I was a child growing up in Milwaukee. Think beer tent, local cover bands, carnival games for the children, and perhaps even some midway rides all staffed with volunteers from the hosting church. Testing the events section of your diocesan website is another good place to begin.5. Participate in an occasion MassThere are some oceanside parishes that hold Mass on the beach, some that have Mass out on the lawn, and that I have found myself at a Polka Mass or two also. So, the subsequent time you’re road-tripping across the country, hunt for a Mass within the great outdoors. Beliefs Read More Posted on August 5, 2021 Maine Church Wants SC to Bar Governor from Issuing COVID-19 Restrictions Recently, Justice Stephen Breyer of the Supreme Court rejected a petition by a church seeking to bar future COVID-19 restrictions affecting church activities. The Calvary Chapel in Orrington, specifically requested the U.S Supreme Court to preempt incumbent Democratic Gov Janet Mills from bringing back Covid-19 restrictions, in light of the continuing spread of the delta variant across the country.Deciding on his own and without waiting for his colleagues or hearing arguments about the petition, Associate Justice Stephen Breyer turned the the Calvary Chapel’s petition. A lawyer from the Maine Attorney General Office explained that the petition was deemed unnecessary, since Governor Mill’s civil emergency authority to issue such an order has already expired.Calvary Chapel Lawyers Brand COVID-19 Restriction Periods as “Reign of Terror”Calvary Chapel officials consider the preemptive action as important since the attorneys described the 14-month previous coronavirus restrictions ordered by Gov. Mills as a “reign of terror”. That being the case, the chapel officials wanted to make sure that if ever any restrictions will be reimposed, the order will not encroach on their their religious liberties.Calvary Chapel’s representative, Liberty Counsel, mentioned it was important for them to obtain an injunction as the Supreme Court will not be hearing cases until late September. (more…) Church Read More Posted on July 8, 2021July 9, 2021 Honesty And Integrity – Trusted Tow Truck In San Jose As motorists, you need to be ready to tackle whatever crisis or emergency you may encounter on the road. These emergencies could be a tire blowout, empty fuel tank, accidentally locking yourself out of your car, car battery dying, or getting into a road accident. Rather than abandon your vehicle, you have the option to get in touch with a professional towing company.Trusted Tow Truck In San JoseWhen in San Jose, you can get in touch with Fast Tow Service, a professional towing company that you can trust and count on for tow truck in San Jose as well as roadside assistance. They are open 24/7 so you can ring up their friendly staff any time you require their services so they could dispatch a tow truck right away, and expect it to arrive at your location within 30 minutes.Not only is Fast Tow Service equipped with the proper equipment and tools, but they too have skilled and practiced operators to provide roadside assistance, towing and recovery services the proper way, efficiently as well as safely. The towing company aims to provide high quality services at a price that is affordable. When it comes to honesty and trust, you can surely depend on them. So if you have need for a  tow truck in San Jose, get in touch with Fast Tow Service.On Honest And Integrity In BusinessRunning a company or a business that’s ethical as well as socially responsible may be challenge for some that they resort to deceit so as to make more profits. Such companies don’t value honesty and integrity. A worker that is trustworthy is honest.If honesty and integrity isn’t a guiding principle on how a company or business addresses each facet of its work process, it is almost impossible for them to build and establish trust and loyalty in clients as well as its prospects.Companies and businesses spend years forming trust and loyalty with their target audience, and honesty is the key to help build and establish them. When customers or clients see that a business or company does the correct and proper way in all of their dealings as well as cares about producing or delivering quality goods or services, they will most likely reward that company or business with their trust and loyalty.In the Bible, it has so much to say regarding honesty and integrity as well as character, sincerity and consistency in maintaining these virtues even when stressed or under pressure. A life of honesty does not only entail being honest with and to others, but to be honest and truthful with ourselves as well. Community Read More Posted on July 3, 2021 The Advantages of Listening to Christian Music While DD For a lot of people, music is more than just something to listen to on a morning travel to work or a drive with a  commercial towing vehicle. A few people like songs that excite and motivate, which is why they listen to calming Christian music. Even above celebrating faith and love, gospel works as mental, physical, and social motive. Read on to learn how Christian music can enhance your state of life.How Christian Music Improves Your Regular Routine1. Deepens FaithGospel outlines the views and ideas of the Christian faith. By its growing demand in mainstream culture, it encourages extensive spiritual awareness and praise of God. Its songs espouse hope, love, and service in listeners. Whether a song is about what God has done for humankind or what you can do to increase His word, hearing to Christian music is a great way to nourish your holiness.2. Encourages the SoulIf you’re ever thinking doubtful of yourself or your situation in the world, hearing to gospel music will suggest you of your importance as one of God’s inventions. For the positivity and inspiration, you have to stay motivated, turn to Christian music. It enables readers by strengthening the mind and soul.3. Provides Several GenresOpposed to common belief, Christian music is not just composed of one genre. In the present times, several various sub-genres of doctrine exist. From classic writing songs to urban contemporary gospel, it’s simple to use faith-based music regardless of your preferences. The difference in styles and sounds is not the same as any other genre.4. Enhances Mental HealthLater in life, worry about death can be hard for senior citizens to manage. Nevertheless, a recent research showed that listening to Christian music has a great impact on our overall well-being. Those who listened regularly experienced more extraordinary self-esteem and felt more content with their lives. While there are many potential reasons for these results, it is obvious that gospel provides people a sense of purpose. ReligionTechnology Read More Posted on May 7, 2021 Catholic Bishops Laud Biden’s Final Decision to Increase Refugee Admissions Cap President Joe Biden announced last May 04 that his administration will proceed with the original plan to raise the refugee admission cap of 15,000 to 62, 500. Immediately following the announcement, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement welcoming the President’s reversal of a previous decision to let stay, ex-president Trump’s order to cut refugee admission to only 15,000.Actually, the reversal of his decision to keep Trump’s 15,000 cap came as a result of the backlash coming from some Democratic lawmakers and supporters who are refugee advocates. The U.S. President, who is himself a devout Catholic, made a quick turnabout, by saying that his final action removes the historically low number set by former president Trump as it does not reflect the country’s values of welcoming and supporting refugees.Brief Summary of the USCCB’s Message to President BidenThe statement, signed by Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, who chairs USCCB Migration Commission Migration Commission expressed appreciation, saying that “extending help to those who need it most is a step in the right direction.”Bishop Dorsonville added that it’s a critical step toward rebuilding the impaired Refugee Admissions Program, which was apparently crippled when Trump slashed the cap down to a historically low level of 15,000.Through the statement, Bishop Dorsonville gave emphasis to the fact that the U.S. has for decades, been at the forefront of refugee resettlement. He added that being a nation of immigrants, the U.S. has a moral obligation to extend help to those in need around the world.In closing the statement, Bishop Dorsonville reminds everyone that the Catholic Church’s teaching is that every human being is created after God’s image, which makes it important for each person to protect, give value as well as respect the inherent dignity that every individual possesses. Community Read More Posted on April 17, 2021April 19, 2021 Hire An Honest Towing Company By Being Aware Of Towing Scams Regardless of the industry, there are numerous frauds and scams to cheat and rip off unsuspecting victims. These frauds and scams are also present in the towing industry which are a threat to a lot of vehicle owners. Because of this, many motorists find it hard to trust towing companies, even though many are honest and reliable such as tow truck san jose.Towing Scams To Watch Out ForMost often, towing scams target stranded motorists and take advantage of the vulnerable situation that they are in. Deceitful towing companies or tow truck drivers will do anything that they could so as to be able to get from their victims as much money as they could. Hence, it is imperative that you are aware of the different towing scams out there. By equipping yourself with such knowledge, you can identify and easily avoid being tricked and scammed and be able to find a reliable towing company like tow truck san jose. With that, here are some towing scams to be aware of:Be Wary Of Tow Truck Drivers With Perfect TimingMany dishonest tow truck drivers patrol and search the roads for a stranded vehicle. Sometimes, they even listen to police radios. Often times, they will stop and do all they can to convince you to get their towing service. They take your car keys, hand the paperwork to you, and haul away your vehicle. After this, they will charge you for more cash or even store your car even if it isn’t necessary. To get back your car, you again need to pay. .Some Tow Truck Companies Pay For Opportunities For TowingIn some place, tow trucks aren’t allowed to be roaming around to search for towing opportunities. Because of this, they hire someone or another company find for potential towing opportunities. The person or company they have hired will then report to the towing company this potential towing job, particularly vehicles with parking violations.Dishonest Towing Companies Use Your Car As HostageIf a tow truck lifts your vehicle on their truck, know that they don’t necessarily have the legal right to do this, especially without your approval or permission. So make certain you research and read about the towing laws and regulations in your area as well as your right. When tow truck drivers do this, they will demand payment up from prior to returning your car. If you don’t have money to pay for it or simply refuse to pay, the driver of the tow truck still as the legal obligation to in unhitch and return your vehicle. If the driver of the tow trick leaves with your vehicle especially without your permission because you did not pay, you can actually bring this matter to court. Community Read More Posted on March 5, 2021March 5, 2021 High-Ranking Catholic Clergymen Issue Statement of Support for LGBTQ+ Youths Last January, a group of high-ranking Catholic clergymen issued a statement of support for LGBTQ+ youths as an assurance that the church stands alongside them. The powerful message of their statement is that Catholicism teaches to not discriminate on whom to respect, and love even if they are lesbians and gays. The church does not condone any acts of bullying, harassment, or violence against these youths.The clergymen who issued the missive include Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, NJ, retired auxiliary Bishops Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit and Dennis Madden of Baltimore; Bishops John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky; Steven Biegler of Cheyenne, Wyoming; Edward Weisenberger of Tucson Arizona; and Robert McElroy of San Diego.Apparently, they deemed it important to let the LGBTQ+ community know that God loves them because God created them, and that the Almighty is on their side. LGBTQ+ youths have been the victims of numerous violent acts, and in many cases, are unable to get the support they need from their own families. Some became homeless as a result of rejections, while a higher number have committed suicide.Through the Tyler Clementi Foundation, the cardinals, archbishops and bishops took the opportunity to call on:“All people of goodwill to support and stand in solidarity with them, as well as defend LGBT youths, as they are also God’s children who need help so they can live a life of virtue.”After learning of the statement released by the group of church leaders, Auxiliary Bishop John Dolan of San Diego likewise expressed approval of the action they took.American Jesuit Reverend James Martin and author of the book “Building a Bridge,” who endorses the inclusion of the members of the LGBT+ in churches, remarked that the group’s statement is a huge step and that he even considers it as historic.Message of Support of LGBTQ Youths Still Does Not Advocate Same Sex MarriageAlthough the message conveys acceptance of LGBTQ+ youths and of the Catholic church’s unwavering support for them, their faith still regards homosexual activities as acts of the “intrinsically disordered.”. Many church leaders in the country are still heavily opposed against the idea of allowing same-sex marriage. There are still no indications that acceptance of the practice will be endorsed even among transgenders.Nonentheless, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, known for being an opponent of same-sex marriage, endorsed the statement calling for the protection of the LGBTQ+ community. The archbishop said he is appreciative of the Church’s awareness and care for individuals struggling with their sexual identities, especially those being rejected by the very people who are supposed to love them, as well as those being victimized by bullies. Church Read More Posted on March 3, 2021March 1, 2021 12 Religious Paintings And What They Tell Us Being Catholic does not imply that I spend all day praying, listening to Christian music, and viewing EWTN. While I travel, I see museums as part of my mailing checklist. On past trips, I did not anticipate seeing spiritual paintings in any way, but to my surprise, they had been exactly what annoys me the most.A few of the favorites museums would be exactly the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay. But should you would like to respect Catholic religious artwork, the Museo del Prado is also in my view, the very best, since I discovered the best assortment of paintings and a few of the most well-known ones I’m comfortable with.Spiritual Art Teaches Us About Our ReligionIt’s fascinating to find out the way the lifestyles of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints have inspired artists for decades. Such artwork has inspired people to be faithful to the teachings of the Lord.It’s amazing to have the ability to picture the truths Jesus taught through spiritual paintings created by gifted musicians; more, when you consider the first graphics firsthand you’re able to find the meaning behind each masterpiece.In case you’ve been to museums in which sacred art is displayed, you may agree how thrilling it’s to be facing spiritual artwork that we generally see only in images, tarot cards, reproductions, publications, and other websites. You may stare at those paintings for quite a very long time without becoming bored.The almost supernatural ability of the artists is wonderful. A few of my favorites include Murillo, Velázquez, Rubens, El Greco, and Goya. And a number of these paintings are colossal.Without pretending to provide you a spiritual art course, I’m going to discuss some comments in my impressions and expertise of those masterpieces, and some simple interpretation of among my favorite paintings.Top 12 Religious Paintings and Their MeaningsIf you’re interested in finding a few divine inspirations in a not-so-Catholic entire world, allow me to discuss a few of my beloved religious artwork, that was painted by the 14th through the 18th centuries. It’s Difficult to pick Just a dozen because there are so many magnificent ones that I enjoy as well, but I was able to pick twelve:1. The Last Supper by Leonardo da VinciTo start with, I was amazed that this wasn’t a decorating, however a mural that steps 15 × 29 ft. It does not possess the vibrant colors and higher resolution which we’re utilized to seeing in replicated prints.Da Vinci’s The Last Month is within the Dominican convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. To be able to maintain this masterpiece that the room temperature has to be controlled, therefore a max of 25 people are able to input the refectory every quarter-hour. They do not allow you to take photos, but there’s a framed copy beyond the primary area that you’re permitted to picture.This painting is about the betrayal of Christ along with the establishment of the Eucharist. Jesus has only announced that among those twelve will soon betray him. Da Vinci depicts the response of every disciple into the information. The apostles are organized in 3 groups of 3 with Chris at the center as the focal point along with his own body in the kind of a triangle, emblematic of the Trinity. He supplies stability and calmness compared to the expressions of their apostles.Evidently, this mural from Leonardo da Vinci has prompted countless Catholics within the duration of time, for I have observed breeding in virtually every Catholic dining area. I believe it’s the very first famous painting I recall watching in my youth.Along with this sense, the feeling of depth is among those facts that I respect in this masterpiece; also that I discovered Leonardo had no surname and that’s the reason precisely exactly why he’s known as “da Vinci”, meaning “of Vinci.”2. Christ Crucified by VelázquezHere’s a calm representation of Christ after passing with a Spanish artist out of Sevilla called Diego Velázquez. It measures 98 x 67 inches.Velázquez’s Christ Crucified depicts Christ having an entire body of classical proportions, symbolizing the ideal guy, whilst blood drips slowly out of his wounds down his entire body along with the timber of the cross, transmitting a sense of isolation, isolation, and remainder, instead of revealing the misery of Christ’s fire.This is unquestionably a devotional painting that invites meditation and silence.3. The Adoration of the Shepherds from El GrecoThe artist’s name has been Doménikos Theotokópoulos, however, he’s well known by his nickname “El Greco.” (He had been a Greek together using Spanish citizenship). He had been born in Crete but lived the majority of his life from Spain, and it’s said he, over several other painters, managed to catch the Spanish dedication to faith.The painting, The Adoration of the Shepherds, is at El Prado, also steps 126 × 71 inches. It’s but one of the most-visited pictures, as I heard from an excursion guide.It shows us that the miracle on the faces of their shepherds as they consider the luminous picture of the Christ Child, whom the Virgin shows with fantastic tenderness. The kneeling shepherd, who’s loving with reverently folded palms, could be a self-portrait portraying El Greco’s rising dedication.In case you’ve noticed this painting first hand, you may concur that the vivid colors of these characters’ clothes are among the qualities that captivate the many, in addition to the stunning use of light which emanates from Baby Jesus, which makes the scene seem so genuine.4. The Angelus by MilletThe Angelus from Jean-François Millet is situated at Musée d’Orsay at Paris, also steps 21.9 × 26 inches.The topic is amazing: a guy and a girl are reciting the Angelus in a quiet area. As they’ve stopped at the midst of functioning, all of the tools of the labor –a potato fork, basket, sacks, along with also a wheelbarrow–are directly together.Millet explained: “The thought for The Angelus arrived at me personally since I recalled that my grandma, hearing that the church bell ringing while we had been operating in the areas, constantly made us quit the job to say that the Angelus prayer to the bad departed.”Unless you happen to be a member of a spiritual order, getting a break to pray and invite God is not always practical, particularly in the event that you work in a workplace. I perform for The Catholic Business, which is only one of the advantages here: workers collect at noon willingly to pray the Angelus.5. The Tears of Saint Peter from El GrecoSaint Peter’s humankind comes within this particular painting. It’s located at El Greco Museum in Toledo, Spain.Within this gorgeous function, Saint Peter’s eyes glisten with tears once he’s refused Our Lord. Now profoundly sorrowful and grieving because of his sin, so he lifts his eyes to heaven and seeks citizenship.From the backdrop to the left there seem two little amounts of trust: a girl, and an angel. Mary Magdalene signifies the repentant sinner, and it’s she who’ll inform Saint Peter that Jesus’ tomb is empty. The angel is responsible for announcing the Resurrection of Jesus.I had been transferred by this painting along with the symbolism; it’s one I especially remember from El Greco Museum.6. The Descent from the Cross by Van der WeydenThis weapon was painted by the artist Roger van der Weyden. The Descent from the Cross is an early Flemish painting, together with using nearly life-size amounts, also is an 86.5× 103 in. triptych situated in Museo del Prado, Madrid.This masterpiece summarizes the despair experienced by the Virgin in the death and suffering of the Son. Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, along with a third person hold Jesus’ up body; Our Lady has fainted, also has been encouraged by Saint John and a number of the sacred women who saw the crucifixion.Examine the Virgin’s head, and this can be pale. The blue of her robes creates a true contrast with her own complexion.Notice how Jesus and Mary’s bodies really are all parallel, which points to their own “double flame” The expressions of all of the women and men are profoundly moving.The psychological effect of the mourners grieving over Christ’s body is outstanding. If I must describe this job in 1 word: magnificent.ALSO READ: Ideas to Design a Church for the Poor7. The Immaculate Conception by MurilloThe Immaculate Conception was created by the Spanish celebrity Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. There are lots of functions of art on this name in El Prado Museum, yet that one is almost 108 x 75 inches.The philosophy of the Immaculate Conception maintains that the Virgin Mary, the pure boat that could take Jesus Christ, was conceived without original sin. The Holy Roman Catholic Church teaches that, on the deathbed, Mary was awarded the graces which are often bestowed through baptism following a child’s birth.The depiction of the Virgin Mary in this circumstance is taken in the Book of Revelations, in which it explains “a woman clothed with the sun, together along with the moon beneath her feet.” Sad to say, the memorial of El Prado does not permit people to shoot pictures. And also you’re able to observe how majestic it seems with a golden frame.8. The Disputation On the Most Holy Sacrament by RaphaelThe Disputation On the Most Holy Sacrament by Raphael depicts a scene with all witnesses from heaven and earth. It measures 200 × 300 inches, also can be found in the Vatican Museum. This best thing about the fresco is easy to overlook if you do not understand the significance behind this.God the Father is standing from Jesus, who’s seated on the imperial throne revealing that the nail holes in his palms; under Him is your Holy Spirit. Jesus stays between Mary, His mother, along with Saint John the Baptist, His uncle, and forerunner. The three men of the Blessed Trinity and Mary and John collectively form a cross.On the left and right of this Trinity is that the Church Triumphant, symbolized by patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament in addition to martyrs and apostles in the New Church; they’re the “great cloud of witnesses.” The characters are (from left to right): Saint Peter, Adam, Saint John the Evangelist, David, Saint Laurence, Judas Maccabees, Saint Stephen, Moses, Saint James the Elder, Abraham, along with Saint Paul. They’re celebrating the scene under their location in paradise.Beneath the celestial scene we see that the Holy Sacrament, that’s the pillar of the Church Militant–both that the Christians that continue to be earthly pilgrims. Members of this Church are revealed talking Transubstantiation and the actual existence of Christ at the Eucharist.The painting demonstrates the Trinity and the Eucharist with individuals both in heaven and in the world, for collectively we constitute the Church.I like this painting as it provides us a vision of the glory of paradise and how Catholics chase it here in the world.9. The Coronation of the Virgin by VelázquezIn this painting, Mary has been placed in the center with Christ about the abandoned, God the Father about the best, along with also the Holy Spirit between the two, forming the Holy Trinity. It measures almost 70 x 52 inches along with the first work is currently in Museo del Prado.The composition creates an inverted triangle, but in addition, it appears heart-shaped. Even the Virgin Mary is the focal point figure, with a mindset of modesty, reverence, and emotion; her right hand put upon her soul reinforces that notion.God the Father is painted as an old guy, symbolizing intellect; both Father and the Son are revealed in the process of crowning the mind of the Virgin with a garland of roses. The Holy Spirit has been depicted in the conventional type of a white dove. These three men are introduced in exactly precisely the exact identical elevation, alerting us of their ideal equality over the Holy Trinity. Cherubs are visible at the bottom of this painting.The usage of blues and violets in their own clothes, rather than the conventional red, is just another detail to capture their attention. Blue signifies heavenly elegance. Even the Virgin Mary is frequently portrayed wearing blue. Blue also reflects confidence, fantastic health, and also the condition of servitude. Purple colors are constantly related to royalty.For me personally, this can be an awesome painting, making me wonder why does no one paint in this way anymore? Maybe those who visited https://www.paintingkits.net/ and want to learn painting can use this as an inspiration.10. The Virgin of the Grapes by MignardThe Virgin of the Grapes was painted with the French artist Pierre Mignard in 1640 and can be exhibited in the Louvre. The dimensions are currently 47.6 x 37 inches.In the backdrop, the darkened landscape, partly covered by a drape from the foreground, is quiet and stable. Even the Child Jesus looks at us with gentleness from beneath the thin veil of His mommy; the veil signifies innocence. The Virgin’s gloomy ring alludes to the skies, and the reddish color evokes her adore. The apples might be an indication of Original Sin and the blossoms the Virgin and the Child consider in their hands signify the Eucharist and also the sacrifice of Christ our Redeemer.Being a mother, I immediately connect with this particular movie. There’s an expression of fantastic tenderness. I really do have a toddler, and he enjoys grapes! What else could I say? This painting actually compels me to become a patient and adoring mother, although I reside through the point known as the “terrible twos.”11. The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo Da VinciThat is an oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci that’s exhibited in the Louvre. It steps nearby 78.3 × 48.0 inches.“As its name suggests, the scene indicates that a rocky grotto, in which four characters are sitting on the rock floor at a pyramid shape.To the best the Archangel Gabriel welcomes us into the scene using an amazing gaze, pointing into the child-figure of Saint John. Together with his other hand, even the more angel affirms the Christ Child sitting alongside him. In the apex of this pyramid stays the hand is increased, palm-down, within the mind of the infant Christ, like giving him a boon.Gabriel’s hand, which will be pointing into the baby John, creates a flat line at the distance between the hand and the mind of Christ, appears to let us mimic him and like finishing an invisible cross. The Christ Child little right arm has been raised in a gesture of benediction, geared toward the baby Saint John, that clasps his hands. The ring is completed from the Madonna who stretches her arm encircle the mind of the baby John.”Aside from the significance, the feeling of depth in the background, in addition to the method of sfumato, which permits colors to color gently to one another, would be the characteristics that grabbed my attention.12. L’Innocence by BouguereauThis masterpiece,” L’Innocence, was generated by the French painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1893. It’s the sole painting recorded here I haven’t seen in person as it’s from a personal collection. While I have a take a look at this picture, I visit tenderness and innocence at the market of love between a mom and her son or daughter.I believe everyone has their own method of becoming heavenly motivated. My husband, for example, finds inspiration from listening to Gregorian chant while he’s in the shower (awkward). I am not likely to judge; every one people are called to holiness in an exceptional way.The usage of religious artwork to inspire a desire for holiness is exceptional. It’s helped me to locate divine inspiration, but not just since the paintings are beautiful, but as a result of their heavenly meaning. They have a priceless character difficult to acquire in a contemporary world.I’m inspired by Religious art and its foundation. I picked my son’s title following each of these archangels, as well as motivated by its symbolism, I purchased L’Innocence breeding to be exhibited in his own nursery. I decided to get a photo taken of my child and me in a similar posture. Religion Read More Posted on December 2, 2020December 2, 2020 Trump Claims He is Not Religious At All But Finds Religion Useful Most evangelists and other religious organizations believe Trump is their religion’s champion as he praises their religious organizations during speeches. However, according to some people,who have worked closely with Trump, most of the outgoing president’s comments about religious beliefs and practices are full of skepticism and disdain.Even his former White House aides are now saying that they have heard this president ridicule sacred rites and doctrines, mock conservative religious leaders, and often into stereotyping faith groups. Yet when addressing evangelical groups during rallies, he gives a promise that his administration will continue to serve and fight for religious American citizens.Surprisingly, many high-profile Christians are aware that Trump is not truly religious, as he has been brazen enough to constantly admit his lack of knowledge about the Holy Scriptures and inexperience in praying the way most Christians do. He was even observed to have interrupted a discussion about religious freedom, only to complain and brag about the nickname he made for Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska.Why the Duplicity? What’s In It For Trump?Most of the revelations come from Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime confidant and personal attorney but turned witness against Trump by cooperating with Special Prosecutor Mueller in the investigations related to the case of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.Cohen’s disclosures are detailed in his recently published memoirs entitled “Disloyal.” Backed by statements coming from former aides, Trump believes that by smooching up to evangelical leaders and letting them stay at his hotels, the leaders would endorse him. He was proven right when he won the 2016 Republican presidential nomination over contenders Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee despite their deep religious background.On one occasion, a former aide narrated how Trump laughed when his adviser showed a Youtube video of Israeli televangelist Benny Hinn conducting “faith healings,” calling Hinn’s religious ministry as some sort of racket.According to Cohen, Trump focuses more on how these Christian evangelist leaders make their profits. Even if he perceives their beliefs and rituals as absurd, he is very familiar with how numerous prosperity-gospel churches’ conduct business dealings, and therefore useful as potential sources of campaign donations. Religion Read More Posted on September 4, 2020September 4, 2020 Trump’s Religious Upbringing : Why He Is The Way He Is While the 2019 Pew Center research revealed that only 50% of Americans think religions is mportant in one’s life, many are taken aback by Trump’ lack of morality; oftentimes leading to questions about his religious upbringing or the seeming lack of it. In a June 2020 poll conducted by Morning Consult for POLITICO, only about 50 percent of all Christians who responded to the poll think that Trump is not religious, while only a third think he is religious. .Trump Was Raised According to the Gospel of Norman PealeActually, Trump was born and baptized as a Presbyterian, but during his formative years, Trump’s grandfather and father became avid followers of Norman Vincent Peale. So much so that when Peale wrote and published “The Power Of Positive Thinking in 1952,” the book became an important source of inspirational thoughts in the Trump household. At the time when Donald Trump was 26 years old, Dr. Peale chose to serve as head pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church, using the pulpit to spread his motivational teachings.Naturally, the Trump family transferred their place of worship and religious affiliation to the Marble Church, and on Sundays, religiously attended Peale’s worship services and listened to his teachings. Even if it meant driving a good 13 miles away from Queen, the church became the Trump family’s place of religious worship. In fact Donald and his two sisters’ marriages were officiated there, as well as the funeral services of Trump’s parents Fred and Mary.Who was Dr. Norman Peale and What Religious Influence Did He Have on Donald Trump?Trump is often described and criticized by his opponents, including former allies with whom he had a falling off, as someone who is childish, narcissistic and delusional. At the same time, he tried to mask his inferiority complex with unbelievable self-assurance. Yet once people get to know who know what Dr. Peale taught his followers, one will get to understand why Trump is the way he is.Peale attracted many affluent members of New York’s business community, particularly the corporate CEOs, because his theology combined worldliness and godliness. His main teachings were inculcating self-confidence and strong faith in one’s abilities as philosophies in life.In his other books, Peale enumerated 10 rules that his followers must follow, mostly about believing in one’s self, overcoming feelings of inadequacies and most important of all, form an indelible mental picture of one’s self as successful. Peale’s advice was to tenaciously hold on to that image, no matter what happens, especially when things look bad.Many called Peale as “God’s Salesman” and his teachings “Gospel of Optimism.” His critics though called him a con-man, and his church a cult.What the Family of Dr. Peale Thinks of Donald TrumpAlthough Trump and Dr. Peale later developed a close friendship, to which The Donald had nothing but praises for the now deceased pastor, Peale’s son John now 79, cannot say the same for Trump. In a 2016 phone interview by The Washington Post, John said Trump’s frequent mention of his father’s name during campaign rallies is actually a problem for the Peale family. The minister’s son said he cringes and winces whenever Trump invokes Dr. Peale’s name and that he regrets the publicity of their connection. BeliefsReligion Read More Posted on July 19, 2020July 15, 2020 Helping Other People is a Great Mission for Christians Thirty Full Trucks to Iraqi RefugeesAt the end of May, a truck sunnyvale towing is full of clothing, personal care items, and school furniture left Nunspeet. End goal: the refugee camps in Northern Iraq, 5000 kilometers to the east. The car arrived in Erbil last Wednesday.Martin ten Caat is one of the coordinators of the transports, together with Jan van Panhuis, Henk Jan van der Weerd, and Martha Groothedde. Ten Cart is a member of the Reformed municipality in Kampen, where this initiative started in 2014. Christians in Mosul and surrounding villages were suddenly faced with the choice by IS: either to switch to Islam, or to pay some kind of religious tax to stay there, or to flee. Most fled and sought refuge elsewhere in churches, parking garages, or vacant homes.FundraiserOther Reformed congregations in the country, but also some congregations from other church associations, did want to put their shoulders to the wheel. For example, support was received from Apeldoorn, Houten, Amersfoort, and Leiderdorp. Fundraising campaigns also started there. Nunspeet now has a central national collection point.The Iraq Aid Working Group provides aid through several small Protestant congregations in Iraq. The Iraqi pastor Rev. Johanna Marten, living in the Netherlands, is the liaison between the Netherlands and Iraq. Sometimes he flies to Iraq to coordinate the distribution of the goods.Special NeedsThe Iraq Aid Working Group has been working from the start with the Special Needs Deputies of the Reformed Municipalities. In Iraq, Ten Cart not only left things behind but also learned something for himself: “The confidence that refugees have in God is a great lesson for us. It is our Biblical mission to work for our fellow human beings. Setting up action as a church congregation takes some free time, but you get a lot in return. We have noticed that not only are Christians in Iraq grateful for what we bring to them but also grateful because there are evidently Christians in the world who think of them, who pray for them. If we tell them that we are sorting clothes for them somewhere in the Netherlands with twenty people, or are loading a truck with eight people, they are doing very well. ” Religion Read More Posted on May 28, 2020 Reopening Places of Worship : California Issues Guidelines Last Monday, California state officials released fresh guidelines for religious orders to follow, when holding in-person worship in churches, mosques and synagogues. The guidelines signify the re-opening of places of worship after several weeks of suspension of opening due to the COVID-19 crisis.First off, the guidelines state that the number of worshippers must be limited to 25% of the building’s capacity for attendees. Still, for buildings with huge capacity, the maximum number is capped at 100 worshippers only, even if the equivalent 25% of the building’s capacity is higher .The place of worship must first be cleaned and disinfected, while staff in charge should wear clean gloves when arranging the disinfected areas.Moreover, every person entering the building including church staff, should wear a face mask, be screened for symptoms, as well as have their temperature taken.Safe Distancing MeasuresPhysical distancing must still be maintained at a distance of 6 feet between congregants including religious staff. Visible markings must be in place to clearly indicate the seating positions, arranged in alternate rows.However, families attending as a group are allowed to sit next to each other but only if the family member lives in the same household. Throughout the holding of a religious ceremony, children are to remain seated with their family.Activities While Inside the BuildingChurch staff and congregants should be discouraged from hugging, shaking hands or carrying out any form of greeting that involves physical contact, and at the same time breaking safe-distancing measures.When giving communion, state officials recommend modifying the officiating priest or minister’s traditional practice of placing the “sacramental bread” on the tongue of the worshipper; as well as drinking of “sacramental wine“ from a single cup. The new practice being recommended is to place pre-packed communion items in pews.Where serving of food and beverages has been practiced prior to the global health crisis, the guidelines call for cessation of such practice to avoid crowding as well as cross contamination. If the serving of food and beverage is a necessity, the guidelines recommend serving them pre-packed in disposable containers. Drinking fountains or water dispensers should be removed, or at the least be turned off, to prevent congregants from accessing them.The state guidelines suggest limiting the hours spent by congregants inside the building. The recommendation also includes suspending in-person choir practices, and as much as possible, limiting the number of choir members who will sing during mass or service to allow safe-distancing.Guidelines Include Orders When Holding Wakes, Funeral or Religious RitesThe guidelines state that the same orders and recommendations must be practiced and observed when holding wakes or funerals to honor a deceased member, particularly in limiting the number people and in observing safe distancing. To those whose religious practice of honoring the dead includes shrouding or washing of the body, the state recommends the wearing of protective gears in case the deceased is suspected to have died from COVID-19, ChurchReligion Read More Posted on February 12, 2020 Will Islam Surpass Christianity as the Largest Religion on a Global Scale? Data gathered by the Pew Research Center in a 2017 global survey about religion, show that Islam has been spreading much faster than Christianity, and now has potential to surpass the latter in being the largest religion on a global scale.According to the Pew report, the numbers of Muslims in Islamic countries have grown from 1.8 billion since 2015; and is expected to increase by 70% and reach 3 billion by 2060. Yet, population growth is not the only driving factor though, as the research center has established other possible reasons.Religion and Living ArrangementsIn determining the relationship between religion and households throughout the world, a Pew 2019 survey suggests that patterns in living arrangements tend to influence the extent by which people give value to religion. In terms of sizes, Hindus and Moslems have larger households than Christians and non-Christians.Yet in a previous social science research, the data collected in the U.S. where households are relatively small, tell a different story. The patterns influencing the extent by which most Americans value religion and their participation in a religious community, is largely linked to patterns of marriage, childbearing and divorce.Younger and Older Generations: Views on the Importance of ReligionAcross 58 countries in which Pew had conducted surveys pertaining to the importance of religion, the findings were not significantly different. Still, In 46 out of 106 countries in which surveys were conducted, adults below 40 are less inclined to say that religion plays an important role in their lives.Based on specific religion, about 50% of the younger generation of Christians in the average country, regard religion as important, while 56% of the older generation of Christians attest that religion is important. The age gap pattern shows that only half of the Christians in both age groups consider religion as important to their way of life.In contrast, the age gap pattern in an average islamic country shows only a 3-percent difference between younger and older generations of Muslims. Survey data reveal that 76% of Muslims in ages below 40, as well as 79% of those belonging in the 40 and above age bracket, consider their religion as very important.There is clear indication that in the future, there will be a greater number of people belonging to the Islamic faith when compared to the potential number of people adhering to a Christian religion.Education Level and Inequality of Wealth Influence Practice of ReligionThe Pew Research Center’s analysis of their survey results indicate that religious commitment is higher in countries where there is higher income disparity and lower educational attainment.Analysis shows that in European countries where the population has more years of education, there is a lower rate of attendance in religious services. In contrast, countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the population ordinarily experiences few years of schooling, tend to have a higher proportion of adults committed to attending religious services.However, data gathered from the U.S. show that the American population is an exception to this observation. Results showed that when compared to the 102 countries surveyed, the U.S. is the only country with a higher-than-average number of adults who pray (55%), whilst also having higher than average level of income. Religion Read More Posted on December 24, 2019January 2, 2020 Religion and Man’s Actions By the time of Jesus Christ until today, there’s been violence from spiritual that wish to lord their faith over individuals. Man is a free agent and has fought against authoritarianism and dictatorship. This has led in religion’s beginning till today. Judaism for example has been in the commencement at the fore front of those killings.Religion has murdered great guys, crushed fantastic dreams, eradicated households and destroyed states. But folks follow faith due to the desire in person. Religion has to do with man faking to operate their way cerebrating their deeds can merit some type of reward. Many are that if their lamentable is outweighed by their great afterward the Lord will sanction them to shell out in His kingdom.For the previous centuries, many more people have died due to faith. In the event that you align yourself with the other faith those expressed to become Christians, where there’s not any leniency for you, this is deep in the states. Like fowls cerebrating they do God a favor, people’s mind cuts. Atrocities have been completed by Individuals from religion’s designation and this has subsequently influenced countless people’s life.Instead of faith bringing unity (togetherness, oneness), it’s rather established plenty of sectarianism. It has brought a wealth of execration Instead of faith bringing love. There are businesses who might never hire you once you align yourself with a faith that is specific. There are regimes which won’t ever come to electricity or vice versa due to their affiliations and you will find kids who will not be born to consummate their fate due to disagreements that are spiritual. The hunt for placidity has been undermined due to faith.Another reason why faith has failed is due to hypocrisy. Bellwethers of those religions attempt to impress by doing things which look inside their hearts and houses , they’re equally as ebony as coal. Exactly the manner can not ever be obnubilated, although they attempt to be who they aren’t cerebrating it will not be produced kenned, their traits that are obnubilated will catch them up.These matters takes the help of Expert. Religion is like an equipment that needs attention when broken. A strength or a power that will come from the an “Expert” or the Man above all. Religion Read More Posted on November 23, 2019November 22, 2019 The Moment When Drones are Banned During Pope’s Visit The popularity of drones is starting to increase. This means that its benefits and uses are being well known and appreciated all over the world. This has been a great for many years now among drone developers because they know how majority of the people are not that familiar with the uses of drones.More than a decade ago, drones are known as nothing but a flying robot that aims to capture great aerial view but little did people know that these drones save thousands of lives in the military because it serves as a form of defense.With the above mentioned statement, it is no wonder why drone industry is very persistent when it comes to making the technology popular worldwide because drones are also being used by a normal person for his/her travel documentation. This review by 10hightech.net  will give more information about the existing drones in the market and their specific uses.There are already some companies and investors that express their interest on the technology. However, in some countries, like Philadelphia, drones are still not that acceptable.There is an instance before when Pope John Paul visited Philadelphia and the government prohibited the use of drones for safety purposes. While some say that the reason is valid, the drone industry argued that the government is hindering the drone from being well known by the attendees.In 2015, the US regulators issued a statement few days before the arrival of the pope. They said “Drones or any kinds of vehicles that are unmanned are prohibited on the day of the pope’s arrival”.  In addition to that, even air balloons were not allowed during the two day visit.According to the drone developers “the issue was not that big deal, because firstly, people actually do not care about the drones since they will not actually get anything from it” which is actually true.Also, the government said that they did that only for the sake and safety of pope and other aircraft since it may collide with other commercial aircraft.  They did not have any motive of not wanting the drone technology to get the exposure it needs. BeliefsChurchReligion Read More Posted on November 7, 2019November 5, 2019 The Religion of Hospitality Cultures have come to influence and affect their respective people for as far as everyone can remember, with culture comes different sets of practices and somehow attitudes that become dominant to people, their household, and their communities. With so much to consider and choose from, hospitality and its domineering effect to everyone is something that should definitely be preserved and taught to generations to come.Hospitality: A Language For All CulturesThis trait that emerged as a culture is basically the act of hosting for visitors regardless of who they may be and how close they are. Hospitality revolves around politely accepting guests in your home and making them feel as wanted and comfortable as possible.It comprises preparing food for them serving it to them and making them feel as relaxed as possible. The Filipinos who are greatly known for this trait go as far as letting their guests use their own rooms and bed, to make them feel highly prioritized and taken care of. They serve almost every food they can give, and what makes this even more heartwarming in the Philippines is that every household does this, regardless of how well off they are or not. In most cases, utmost hospitality even comes from those who don’t have much to offer but offers whatever they have anyways, and to top that all off, they do it consistently with big smiles on their faces. The religion of hospitality doesn’t start and end on homes (that can be secured with security cameras – https://yoursmarthomeguide.com/smart-security/ring-vs-ring-pro-vs-ring-doorbell-2-vs-ring-elite) but also on establishments, hotels, and other spaces that should manifest such. Hospitality doesn’t end where you give it, but it will transcend to people and can greatly manifest how they welcome their guests as well. Hospitality is a manifestation that people with or without knowing each other completely may treat everyone with the same politeness, thoughtfulness, and care. Beliefs Read More Posted on October 31, 2019 The Miracle Behind Archbp. Sheen’s Forthcoming Canonization into Sainthood The miracle behind Archbishop Fulton John Sheen’s forthcoming canonization into becoming a full-fledged Catholic saint, is through a young boy named James Fulton Engstrom. Born stillborn in September 2010 to Travis and Bonnie Engstrom in Goodfiled, Peoria, Illinois, baby James came back to life after 61 minutes of not showing any signs of pulse or a heartbeat.Although James’ parents came to know about the late Archbishop, only, by watching YouTube videos of old episodes of the TV envangelist’s “Life is Worth Living, his teachings had strengthened the young couple’s Catholic beliefs.So much so that throughout the 61 minute-ordeal, Travis and Bonnie had invoked the name of “Fulton Sheen;’ praying for his intercession in asking God to breathe back life into their newborn son.Thus, the miracle happened. Baby James’ heart soon started beating only a few seconds away from being legally declared as dead. Still, the people at the hospital tried not to raise their hopes; telling them that baby James’ was still in a life-threatening situation; and if ever he survives, some damage could be expected.The Engstrom couple continued to pray for Archbp. Sheen’s intercession, asking family and friends to join them in their prayers so that baby James would grow up to live a normal healthy life.Today and already nine years old, James Fulton Engstrom, is a typical bicycle-riding boy who loves “chicken nuggets” and an avid fan of “Star Wars.” Bonnie Engstrom Asks the Peoria Diocese to Recommend Archbp. Sheen’s CanonizationBonnie Engstrom said, God allowed the miracle to happen not just for baby James and the Engstrom family, but for His Honor and Glory.“I really do not think it was given to us, for us,”…“The miracle was given to the church, for the church.”This belief moved Bonnie to share her experience with the Peoria Diocese as proof that even decades after his death, Archbishop Fulton John Sheen and his work as a TV evangelist had touched their lives, strengthened their Catholic faith and belief in the power of prayers.The case for Archbp. Sheen’s recommendation for canonization was officially opened by Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria in 2002. The case received official recognition in June 2012 from Pope Benedict XVI, who officially declared that Archbishop Sheen had demonstrated a life filled with “heroic virtues” in accordance with the decree of the “Congregation for the Causes of Saints.”Finally, and after years of gathering evidence, conducting interviews and recommendations, including the recommendation that came from a 7-member panel of medical experts, Pope Francis confirmed on July 5, 2019 that a miracle did happen when the Engstrom family’s prayers were answered through the intercession of the late Archbishop Sheen. BeliefsReligion Read More Posted on October 19, 2019January 8, 2020 Donating Second Hand Appliances You’ve wanted to get rid with a blender or your microwave or machine however you also are aware that it could be of any use to somebody else. Other folks could possibly be interested to get a appliance even if it’s broken.When you have older appliances and also would like to donate them to some one in need, lots of charities may mend or wash them up and sell or re install them. Most businesses accepting big and little appliance gifts have special instructions for contribution dropoff or pickup, therefore make sure you get hold of them before loading the products.Check charity shops and associations out. Alternative collections or some stores could possibly be considering your appliance when it’s busted. Anyone with got the power could encounter the applying, and also they sell people in need things at rockbottom prices and also have it working right away. Ensure that to notify the shops that the applying is brokenup.Post it on Freecycle. The internet site FreeCycle allows individuals get a multitude of things that others no longer desire or desire or to share.Pay a visit to the community salvage yards. Some salvage yards may accept and sometimes purchase appliances that are broken, based upon their requirements. Watch exactly what people on your field will willingly take.Contact theatre and artist groups. Appliances that are broken consistently arrive with a parts which may be made to anything else. Check a number of theatre groups in your neighborhood or the artists. Out of what some believe crap work can be made by artists, and pretty much anything cans turn .Turn to repair shops. Some ARC shops will count on parts that are viable from machines to resolve the others. Check around to see places that fix appliance’s kind you’ve got and see whether they need to buy. You maybe astonished. Charity Read More Posted on August 28, 2019 Vatican Document Expounding on Gender Change, a Harmful Tool for LGBT Community Says New Ways Ministry Sometime in June, 2019, the Vatican published a document stating the Catholic church’s position on gender change. According to the 30-page Vatican document entitled “Male and Female He Created Them,” gender cannot be changed, in which church touts the notion as a personal choice rather than biological, and is akin to an endeavor that sets out to “annihilate the concept of nature.”The Vatican document sub-captioned as “Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender in Education” intends to help lay leaders and educators in discussing human sexuality, particularly among young students. After all, the issue is currently one of the most debated today.However, the New Ways Ministry, an organization seeking to reconcile faithful LGBTQ Catholics with the church, is calling the published document a “harmful,” rather than an educational tool. Francis DeBernardo, editor-in-chief of the New Ways Ministry said that the Vatican’s description delineation of gender identity, will be used to harm and oppress not only those who choose to change their gender (transgenders), but also gays, lesbians, and bisexuals as a whole.According to DeBernardo, the document “Male and Female He Created Them,” grossly misreprepresents the LGBTQ society by linking their communities to libertine or unprincipled sexuality. A position, which if inculcated as part of ministry and education, especially among the youth, will encourage as well as perpetuate, bigotry, hatred and violence against the different members of the LBGTQ minorities.What the Vatican States about Gender ChangeThe Vatican released the document in time with the LGBTQ’s 2019 global celebration of June as “Pride Month,” to which Italy also participated.Prepared by the Congregation for Catholic Education (CCE), the document focuses on “an educational crisis” arising from debates about the topic of sexuality and “gender theory.” Through statements, the CCE conveys that educational challenges have emerged because of the varying forms of sexual ideology that fall under the general category of “gender theory.”The Gender theory is a cognitive theory introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981, which strives to explain how individuals are gendered in society, and of how gender-related characteristics are observed and transferred to other members of a culture.The document text states that the gender theory“denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman, envisaging a society that is without sexual differences, whilst eliminating the anthropological basis.”In response, Francis DeBernardo wrote that the text of the document will only confuse those who are earnestly struggling to seek answers to questions about their sexual orientation and gender identity. Such states of confusion can lead to addiction, inflicting self-harm, and at worst, even suicide. Moreover, families who misconstrue the intent for which the document was published, would give them a reason to reject their children, which eventually leads to the alienation of LGBT people from the church. BeliefsChurch Read More Posted on July 2, 2019 Embracing New Age Beliefs, Adhering to Doctrines Devoid of Rules and Restrictions A 2018 Pew Research survey showed that a huge percentage of nearly seventy percent (70%) self-professed Catholics in the U.S. embrace one or more New Age beliefs. Of the 70%, 42 percent believe spiritual energy can be derived from physical things, 40 % believe there is spirituality in mystical physics, 29 percent believe in reincarnation, while 26 percent believe their fate is determined by forces of astrology.In all those beliefs, Christians and members of any other religion do not have to be at the mercy of one god, because as the New Age teaches, the Gods revered by most religions are already dead. That being the case, New Age followers do not have to be bound by old religious doctrines when searching for truth and self-fulfillment. Basically, the rule has been rewritten to doing “whatever feels good as long as no one gets hurt in the process.”The problem, however, is not the New Age beliefs, but the perception by many that it is a new form of religion that makes any forms  of worship and way of life, justifiable. There are no prophecies about a “second coming” and no threats of damnation to those who do not believe in the prophecy. If taken as a religion, it appeals to those who prefer not to work for a traditional religious concept of living one’s life, toward the salvation of one’s soul. After all, the New Age doctrine inculcates that man’s soul will reincarnate, and not burn in hell or transcend into a life everlasting. .The Problem with New Age is That…New Age aims to awaken in man the belief that human beings are by nature, divine. They only need to learn how to send out their divine spirit, or look for a medium with which to channel their divine facet. To do this, New Age believers must use crystals, which means a believer has to buy them from some specialty New Age stores to make sure the crystals work.Practicing New Age means spending hours in meditation, and the proper way to do this is to listen to New Age recorded music. There is a wide range of New Age music to choose from; specifically composed as background music for self-hypnosis that paves the way for mystical healing or for getting in touch with different world spirits.Now while a New Age believer is at a specialty music store, looking for meditational, non-verbal music, there is an array of accessories which he or she can buy for prepping up one’s surroundings in order to make it suitable for an astral adventure. A single session of meditation works well with cup of “aura cleanser,” which actually is just a concoction of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottleOne interesting buy that can cost as much as fourteen dollars ($14), is a ten-milliliter bottle containing “essence of guardian angel support.” Probably a good buy for those who are not aware that the Christian God offers guardian angel support for free. Beliefs Read More Posted on June 30, 2019 How History And Religion Weigh In On The Issue Of Stricter Immigration Measures Illegal immigrants have been a big issue, not only in the United States of America but also in other countries all over the world. US President Donald Trump has been vocal about his opinion about the undocumented migrants being the cause of the country’s crumbling economy. This statement, coming from one of the most powerful figureheads in the planet, is huge, and others hearing this tend to be swayed easily. No wonder why the general public seems to think that being disparaging of immigrants is okay. If you are man of religion with a strong faith and special relationship with our Lord, would you also believe that stripping away the rights of migrants who are only seeking for a save haven and a better life is acceptable in the eyes of God?Jesus Teaches Us To Be Compassionate To Those Who Are In Need, But What Are We Doing Now?The life of Jesus Christ on Earth has always been about mercy and compassion. Christ taught us to be merciful to those who are poor. Feeding those who are hungry and clothing those who are struggling with the cold air outside are just some of the things that we can do to give praise and glory to God. Showing love to the poor is one big way for us to show how much we love and adore Christ.However, with how the things are going with undocumented immigrants being subdued in different countries, it looks like we are forgetting how to be compassionate. Even for those people hoping to seek refuge in a safe country, governments have tasked forces to stop them at the border. Instead of welcoming them with love, we show them just how ruthless we can be. Let us not be afraid to exercise our faith to influence other people, in this case, to be compassionate of innocent migrants.There Is Nothing To Fear In Showing Love And CompassionMany leaders claim that letting refugees into their countries is the reason why there is a growing issue of unemployment among the citizens. Not only that, the immigrants are also blamed for the rising criminal activities. It seems that fear has already grown in the hearts of the public, and this is already overshadowing our capability of showing love. Many verses in the Holy Bible have been clear that oppressing foreign people in your own territory is a very hurtful act.We should be thankful that there are many people out there who still believe in the words and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. For one, a talented orthopaedic surgeon in Austin, TX is not afraid to show compassion by using his God-given gifts to treat patients effectively. If all of us can be an example of love and acceptance, we can show the whole world that we can welcome these migrants with open arms instead of threatening them. Religion Read More Posted on May 13, 2019 Teresiano : Finding Meaning in the Works of Saint Teresa of Avila A celebration of the life and times of Saint Teresa of Avila is a remembrance of the reforms brought about by the first woman to have been bestowed the title “Doctor of the Church.”Also known as Teresa of Jesus, she began her Teresian reforms in 1562 as a way of re-establishing the Carmelite life of religious women, back to its truest sense and as prescribed by the Council of Trent. Carmelite Reforms initiated by St. Teresa had emphasized and restored the life of austerity and contemplation; core traits of the Carmelite way of life as it first started in Mt. Carmel, the mountain of the Prophet Elijah in Palestine during the 12th century.The Council of Trent on the other hand, referred to pronouncements and clarifications of the Catholic church’s doctrine, in order to counter the Protestant Reformation movement that transpired between 1545 and 1563.The Primitive CarmelitesThe Carmelite movement was started during the 12th century by a group of hermits who desired to live a life of prayer, similar to the life lived in Mt. Carmel by the Prophet Elijah. They represented the primitive Carmelites who had followed the formula of a simple life outlined by St. Albert of Jerusalem. The formula later became known as the Rule of St. Albert, by which Carmelites and Discalced Carmelites throughout the world, still abide as way of life.The Discalced Carmelite NunsA reformed Carmelite nun became a Discalced Carmelite, a barefoot nun living a cloistered life totally devoted to contemplative life spent in prayers,mediation and penance. True Carmelite life is free from distractions and trivialities, as had been the original way of life adapted by pious women who became members of praying communities officially established in 1452 in Florence, Italy.The Discalced FriarsSaint Teresa’s reforms were not only for the Carmelite nuns but also for Carmelite friars who also wanted to live their spiritual lives in intense prayers, and at the same time able to administer pastoral care of people, particularly those whom the church had neglected.In 1567, St. Teresa was quite concerned when she learned that there were millions of Latin Americans who have not yet heard the Gospel of Christ’s teachings. Thereafter she asked and received permission from the catholic church to establish a community of Carmelite friars. Her goal was to have a group of friars living contemplative lives like the Carmelite nuns, whilst keeping such life in balance in carrying out missionary and apostolic work outside of their cloister. Religion Read More Posted on November 2, 2021May 15, 2022 Religion: Hygiene and Purifying the Soul In the days of Corona, hygiene and handwashing depend on everyone’s lips. Therefore, we look not only at the history of physical cleanliness but also at the topic of ritual purity in the history of Judaism, especially in the history of Judengasse in Frankfurt.We have been constantly washing our hands lately to prevent corona infections of ourselves and others, not only by cleansing our body but also by disinfecting our homes and cleaning our pets using cleaning machines, see. In addition to hygienic reasons, hand washing also has a ceremonial aspect.Ritual hand washing in JudaismThere is much ritual handwashing washing in Jewish religious practice. Many of them date back to the time of the old Temple in Jerusalem. The priest Kohanim washed his hands before the temple service and before the priest blessed the people. This tradition continues to this day. Even in Orthodox worship, Kohenim washes his hands before receiving the priestly blessing at the synagogue.Ritual handwashing uses a special container, natlan. This is a kind of big mug with two handles. It is filled with water and each hand is usually poured 3 times. Ritual bathing helps to achieve the desired mental state for the practice of religious conduct. For their own religion and health, it keeps the hygienic “side effects” out of control.Clean clothes instead of clean bodiesTherefore, people in early modern Central Europe thought that water was harmful. They avoided it as a suspected carrier of the disease. So it wasn’t the body, it was mostly washed clothes, instead, it was treated with powder and make-up and wrapped in clean clothes. White clothes are worn under wool or silk clothes for easier cleaning. Collars, cuffs, petticoats, and linen shirts were changed more often and actually provided some hygiene. In addition, after washing, the laundry was spread in the sun on a large lawn. Sunlight not only makes the laundry glow white but also kills some viruses and bacteria.A house with JudengasseDisease, which lives in a confined space, can spread very easily under the cramped living conditions of modern Frankfurt and its Judengasse. The narrow Jewish quarters were built particularly densely in the 17th and 18th centuries, with some front and rear buildings, and little light or air penetrated the apartment.The three- to the four-story house was home to several families. However, people did not live in closed apartments and used separate rooms accessible from the central stairs.Even though the cleanliness requirements of 17th and 18th-century homes are already lower than they are today, for example, the reins of stairwells are no longer needed. They were so dirty that I was worried that touching them could lead to scabies. BeliefsReligion Read More Posted on September 15, 2021January 7, 2022 The Eloquence Of pictures And Religion For many people, churches have become museums – they are visited out of a curiosity for art. But most of the time the experience is a disappointment, the stale air, used incense, gray dust, and cold stone rather trigger anxiety. But religious images were never meant to be art either.The relationship between religion and art has become precarious. In our present, this has to do with the fact that religion itself has become an irritation. The smart and soft sense-giving authority to which it had become after the Enlightenment and in the democratic environment of modernity has meanwhile been given a variant in which violence and terror, fundamentalist mania for truth, and militant rejection of the world meet. The times when an increase in mortality and a reduction in conflicts could be associated with religion are long gone. The fact that religious practices arouse fear of contact, even disgust, is only too understandable in view of this heated environment.A pilgrimage church made into a new placeThe Belgian art curator Jan Hoet, who died some time ago and became famous as the director of Documenta 9 in 1992, had realized an exhibition on the subject of “Art, Myth, Psyche” in various locations in his (and mine) place of birth, Geel, shortly before his death. One of these places was a large pilgrimage church, the Saint Dymphna Church, named after an Irish princess who was beheaded in her immediate vicinity in the 7th century, as legend has it. I have known this church since my youth. Basically, she never really spoke to me. Like so many other churches, it has become an alien place and aesthetically alien place.There is only “art junk” in itHowever, abandonment is different from loneliness. There are churches that display an almost sublime solitude combined with a still perceptible pride in their history. In their size and in their impressive splendor they are like governors of a bygone age, like guardians of a message that is difficult to make itself heard. Some of her pictures or sculptures are still able to attract our attention. But in many places, like in that Dymphna Church, there are only “artifacts” around. And we suspect that we will never feel at home in these rooms again.Many churches do not have artThe disappointment obviously has to do with our expectations for art: Many churches simply do not have art, i.e. works that really appeal to us aesthetically. But some churches have their arts too, they paint in the backyard of the church, after painting here is the tips for easy to clean brushes. There can be no talk of aesthetic contemporaneity. And their religious function has also faded. Perhaps we even suspect that the aesthetic pallor that we encounter in many churches has to do with their religious indifference – with their indifference to a productive and therefore strenuous contemporaneity. From the point of view of aesthetic credibility for us, we come across art junk. From the point of view of religious credibility, we encounter dead material. Perhaps convincing contemporary art is needed so that that junk of art can again come to life religiously.Completely transformed interiorIn the middle of the large entrance portal was a huge sculpture by Jan Fabre, probably the most important contemporary Belgian artist. Fabre had created a huge and imposing human brain in white Carrara marble, which was pushed at the back by three completely exhausted turtles. The sticking-out tongue of one of these animals signaled the complete futility of the undertaking and the complete exhaustion it caused. The petrified brain, which has turned to marble, did not move from the surface – apparently since time immemorial.We humans have not made decisive progress since time immemorialIt was as if I suddenly understood the (possible) meaning of original sin. We humans have not made decisive progress since time immemorial. There is something in us that resolutely resists the idea that there is anthropological progress, progress in the deeper regions of man. Much of what we do ends up being in vain. We have to live with a “lack of being”, with a fundamental defect, we have to act in the awareness of a barrier that we cannot overcome. We would do well to be modest about our finiteness and skepticism about our sensibility. The large sculpture opens a church room that once housed the promise that there would be such a thing as grace, like mercy on our fallibility. And Fabre’s work of art left the question of whether there was “something like that”.Works create resonancesThe two examples are instructive. They show that art interventions, where they are done carefully and aesthetically well-considered, precisely because of their exciting character in relation to their surroundings, can develop an extraordinary effect. What does that tension do? It creates resonances – on both sides of the line. By “tension” I don’t mean the often cheap conflict, the provoked aesthetic dispute for the sake of the dispute. ChurchReligion Read More Posted on August 12, 2021May 4, 2022 Religion and Robux Game Since computer games have existed, religious elements can be found in them. Because the world of religions offers a wealth of stories, characters and conflicts are ideally suited for entertainment media. But especially in the independent developer scene, the trend in video games is becoming increasingly serious. Thus, players can get and withdraw robux these days.Robux: In terms of game mechanics, religion really appears all the timeThe player becomes God – and the game explains what religion is good for.Religion affects your empire in many ways, but its main use is that it makes your people happy. Happy citizens are more productive.In terms of game mechanics, religion really comes up all the time. What every gamer knows is that you go to the temple to heal yourself. Religion is in many games, a kind of repair shop for the salvation of his soul. Often, it is also for his physical salvation.Religious elements simply contribute to the visual, that’s because the religious, material culture simply offers a lot for the eye.Robux online games and religion: From ancient Greece to evangelical AmericaReligious elements have been found in them for as long as video games have existed. The world of religions offers a cornucopia of stories, characters, conflicts and, in general, aesthetic offers that are ideally suited for entertainment media. This applies to literature as well as to films and also to computer games.Processing mythological motifs in video games can have a sales-promoting effect. A few years ago the Japanese entertainment giant Sony wanted to tap into the growing Indian market by developing games with a regional reference. The first was “Hanuman: Boy Warrior”. The player slipped into the role of Hanuman, a deity in the form of a monkey, handed down in the Hindu Ramayana epic.In this 3D action game, the player fights with Hanuman against other characters from the Ramayana. “Hanuman: Boy Warrior” was unanimously panned by the trade press. But in India, the game was a sales success and became the model for similar attempts to turn motifs from Hindu mythology into action games.Many religious games are cheaply cobbled together games that focus on religious pedagogy. Religion Read More Posted on April 20, 2021July 14, 2021 Community Importance in Its Religious Beliefs The corona era is undeniably a crisis with a lasting impact on church communities. The feeling of being part of a religious community proves difficult to maintain, as became apparent in conversations with pastors, church council members and members of village churches. How important is a community to beliefs?The Influence of Our Times on ReligionIn society this is expressed in a lifestyle that we can characterize as expressive individualism. People want to distinguish themselves from others and live out the unique self. In life it is important to develop yourself, to ‘flourish optimally’. The starting point and anchor point of that expression lies in the emotion and intuition that we like to show to others. In addition, we cherish our independence from others. We like to determine how we live.Need a community to believe?Modern man thus seems to have less need for a community in which he or she joins. However, the Bible was written in a time and culture where the community was far more important than the individual. We find that in the Biblical stories. It already starts with Genesis 2.18, where God thinks it is not good that man is alone and creates a helper to suit him. The first community is born. Without going into further detail, words like nation , multitude, and congregation that we find throughout the Bible refer to a community rather than a loose collection of individuals. The Bible as a whole makes it clear – and most theologians agree on this – that you only become human in relation to others and in relation to God.The Church as a Moral CommunityAs humans we are invited to step into the story of God and Jesus. But life in this story is not without obligation. When you step into that story, you are accountable for your life course. It is therefore of the utmost importance that you live as much as possible according to the purpose that God has for our life. Jesus is the living example for us. We must go in His footsteps. It is not an easy road, we need the community to practice going down this road.This corona period is undeniably a time of crisis for many people, so they just stay at home but thanks to the applications made by the developers like ‘app companies UK’  the community stay strong  together. Even It’s still a crisis with long-term consequences for our culture and church families. In any disaster, though, there is still a chance. This problem will also serve as a trigger for considering what kind of Christian community we want to be in the present and future. We develop an eye for the breathing space that exists for the church to see diverse communities as a whole church, in terms of size, form, and content, by doing so. In places where existing cultures are no longer viable, this provides space and perspective to continue. BeliefsChurchCommunityReligion Read More Posted on April 8, 2021April 11, 2021 How Complex Hinduism is? We are given with tons of choices on what to buy for yourcamperlife. All are intended to make everything more convenient and comfortable. Sometimes, it even becomes confusing on what to buy for our trip due to the sheer number of options. Given the slight dilemma, what more if this is translated to religion?The Many “Gods” of HinduismIf in some religion, they only believe in one true God or savior, then you’d be surprised with Hinduism. Well at least that is what most people believed in. The truth is, Hindus believe in one supreme God only who made the universe. It just so happens that they call it by different names.The reason behind this is that, citizens of India who have different cultures and languages have distinct understanding of their God. Through history, there have been 4 major Hindu denominations that took over which are:SaivismShaktismSmartism and;VaishnavismFor the Saivites, Siva is their God. For Shaktas, it’s Goddess Shakti who is the supreme while for the Smartas, it’s Deites and lastly, for the Vaishnavites, it is Lord Vishnu. Because of the hgue diversity of the Hindus with regards to their god, they’re profoundly tolerant of the other religions and respecting that each pathway to the god they believe.Among the distinctive understanding in Hinduism is, God lives in remote heaven but is in everyone’s soul, waiting to be discovered.An Elaborate ExplanationHenotheistic and Monotheistic can be considered Hinduism. But never were Hindus became polytheistic in a sense that there are several equal gods. Henotheism means one God. Meaning to say, it’s the worship of just one god without having to deny the existence of the other gods. Hindus believe in the only all-pervasive god who is energizing the whole universe and sees him as the life in every soul in the planet.It is indeed confusing to have clarifications about this topic because even Hindus themselves feel the same thing. Unless you are really serious to learn about it, you may try to embrace the religion itself. It can give you a better perspective of what is it about. Uncategorized Read More Posted on January 23, 2021April 5, 2021 Church Goers and Other Perceptions We have a lot of different religions. Each has its own house of God, teachings, bible, beliefs and practices. The world is mostly dominated by Catholics. Catholics have a lot of churches. These churches have its own patrons and structures. Catholics are not required to attend mass every Sunday, but are encouraged of course to spend a day to the house of the Lord. Will one be condemned if he or she is not a church goer?The answer is, yes, for some Catholics, they do not tolerate such behavior. For some it is a must for everyone to attend the mass eat the holy eucharist and repent for your sins and even make peace with other people. However, the mentioned perception is just a mere subjective opinion. Your faith cannot be measured by attending mass every Sunday. In fact, not all church goers are entitled or certified saved when the Christ returns. People have their own beliefs, they might belong to a particular religion but that does not guarantee them that they are the kindest of them all.Sins are not like a dirty house that can be easily cleaned with the help of a شركة تنظيف منازل , but it can be vanished not just by attending the mass regularly or every Sunday. Even if one is not inside the church, if he or she repents for a wrong doing, the Lord listens and without a doubt accepts that sinful person.We do not condemn people who are not showy of their beliefs. We do not know the good deeds these people are doing outside the church which is more important. It reflects the goodness of the one and only Christ to other people. This is the real teaching everyone should practice without any doubtful intentions but only genuineness. BeliefsChurchReligionUncategorized Read More Posted on January 16, 2021September 29, 2021 Repurposing Discarded Pews as Churches Need to Have Safer Seating Arrangements The Supreme Court upheld petitions against the NY state’s enforcement of attendance limits, prompting many churches to institute their own mitigation measures. One of which is the replacement of church pews, putting in place individual chairs instead. in places of worship. That way, attendees congregating during mass celebrations or special church ceremonies lasting from 30 to 150 minutes, can safely distance from each other.Many of the old folks were opposed to the idea, worried that their place of worship would end up looking like a movie house. Nonetheless, they eventually agreed since they now find the cushioned individual chairs more comfortable. Those who put aside their sentiments about how their generation grew up sitting in church pews; ended up rationalizing that God would not mind whether they’re sitting on a pew or a chair, or for that matter kneeling on the floor.Church members on the other hand, were willing to buy the discarded pews as a way of raising additional funds for the project. Actually, the lot of us who bought the vintage wooden benches launched our own pew-repurposing projects, whilst coming up with ideas on how to put the vintage furniture into good use in our homes or place of business.Some Pew Repurposing SuggestionsChurch members who bought the discarded pews launched pew painting projects with the following repurposing ideas in mind:Rustic Seating for an Indoor Patio – Those whose homes have an indoor patio, used their church pew as a rustic addition. It proved to be a practical piece of furniture for taking short naps or for lazing out while trying to get a good signal when texting.Foyer Seating in Homes or in Offices – Family members or office employees have found the pew seating useful, when needing to remove outer garments or when disinfecting before entering the living or office area. .Garden or Outdoor Seating The open space underneath the pew provides an excellent outdoor spot for pets during the day. Some others found the wooden bench useful as receptacles for delivered orders, especially for food items.Actually the repurposing ideas are countless as some also converted their old church pews into a storage space by adding boxes or drawers to the bottom portion. Repainting the pews was of course an important step before the vintage furniture took its rightful place in their new setting.Being one of several church members who embarked on a pew repainting project, borrowing my neighbor’s orbital sander was not immediately possible. The husband was already giving their church pew a good sanding as preparation for the painting process. Anyway, I decided to buy one for myself, as waiting for my neighbors to finish their pew painting project was taking longer than I anticipated. Since the brand choices are many, I first looked up the selections reviewed by Bob Smith Tools, before deciding on the Black & Decker orbital sander.On my part, buying one was the sensible action to take because I’m loving the repainting project so much. I am now sanding an old dresser to make it look modern but at the same time make it look vintage. By the way, have I mentioned that you can also use an orbital sander to distress newly painted wood furniture. You’ll be amazed at how quick it takes to distress a newly painted wood furniture with the handy DIY power tool. Church Read More Posted on December 14, 2020January 22, 2021 Should Self Defense Be Considered A Sin? Christians often wonder exactly what exactly this means to turn the other cheek. Jesus instructed in Matthew 5, “You’ve heard that it was said ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’, but I say for you, ‘Don’t resist the person who’s bad, but if anybody drags on the ideal cheek, turn him the other also.'”When we pay careful consideration to the wording of the poetry, Jesus is teaching about turning the other cheek has a certain meaning. If I am confronting someone and that I smack that person about the ideal cheek, it could take me to smack the individual who has the back of my hands to generate contact with the individual’s right cheek.So, I believe what it implies is that Jesus is telling us how to not strike back when someone slaps an insult. I really don’t think it’s actually discussing penalizing or protecting ourselves from a vicious assault that could do us physical injury or kill us.Christians should not retaliate when persecuted particularly for their faith but should consider that as a portion of what God requires them to perform to endure for the sake of the testimony of the periodical.Self-DefenseThere are a range of different passages of Scripture that promote escaping from risk as well as with force in self-explanatory, if needed, and invite us to defend others against wrongful strikes. Jesus’s disciples completed swords, after three decades of travel with Jesus. At the garden of Gethsemane, they had decorations. Swords from the first century have been utilized for self. Therefore, I believe there are instances where the best martial arts for self-defense to stop from suffering an important bodily injury is warranted.But, I want to define additionally that Christians should not retaliate when persecuted particularly for their faith, however, should consider that as a portion of what God requires them to perform to endure for the sake of the testimony of the periodical.The Playground DilemmaThe following matter comes up with respect to self-indulgent, which is, what if kids do if attacked by a bully on a playground? Kids should be educated to become peacemakers, naturally (Mat. 5:9), however when your bully continues to reevaluate her or his strikes, and when no parent or instructor could intervene–that sadly happens–then I believe kids ought to be educated to fight back and defend themselves with determination and courage and to pray for and forgive people who assault them.They might continue to suffer bodily injury and internalize a profound sense of injustice and bewilderment at why no parent, educator, or other jurisdiction is shielding them. I believe that can be quite harmful.ALSO READ: Should A Prayer To God Follow A Certain Heart Or Should Your Intentions Only Matter? Beliefs Read More Posted on November 20, 2020February 8, 2021 How Religions are Formed? World’s major religions revolve around Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Each religion has its unique element including how each is organized as well as their belief systems. Other notable differences do include the nature of belief in higher power, how the religion began and history of how the world started. Also, this involves the utilization of sacred objects and texts.Religious OrganizationsIn reality, you are going to find various kinds of religious organizations and each has its own practitioner, structure and institution. To give you an example, when Roman Catholic Church emerged, it has borrowed most of its organizational principles from ancient Roman military and also, turned senators into cardinals.Sociologists are using different terms similar to sect, denomination and ecclesia in an effort to define these organizations. Scholars are aware as well that these said definitions are not static.Most of the religions are transitioning through different stages of organization. To give you an example, Christianity actually started as cult and transformed into sect and now, it exists as ecclesia.Cult FollowingCults similar to sects are basically new religious groups. In the US these days, such term is used to carry pejorative connotation. On the other hand, virtually all religions started as cults and slowly progressed to greater organization and size.The word cult is occasionally used interchangeably with New Religious Movement or NRM. These groups are typically disparaged as highly controlling of the lives of its members, secretive and being dominated by one charismatic leader.Cult following can be used as well not just in religion but also in products like for example, a short scale bass guitar creating a cult following because of the remarkable sound and quality it has.What’s a Sect?Sect is basically a new group which is most often small in size. Majority of well-known Christian denominations in the US nowadays actually started as sects. An example would be Baptists and Methodists that have protested against its parent Anglican Church in England just as how Henry VIII protested against Catholic Church by establishing Anglican Church. From the word “protest”, comes Protestant. This being said, sect can be considered as breakaway group that might be in tension with a bigger society. Uncategorized Read More Posted on November 5, 2020May 4, 2022 Health & Religion? Most research studies which promise to demonstrate how religious involvement is associated with better health don’t rule out other factors which may account for the connection, or error opportunity findings for actual ones.Study after study demonstrates that physicians have little time in their interactions with patients they routinely don’t follow based practice guidelines for preventative care and for therapy of chronic illness, though they are firmly supported by scientific proof. If doctors invest their limited time with patients participating in religious questions, they are going to have less time to deal with depression, smoking cessation, weight loss or diabetes — variables which are demonstrably associated with illness. This manner, bringing spiritual matters into clinical medication will deprive patients of sufficient medical care.The addition of faith in clinical practice can damage patients in different ways also. When doctors make promises about the advantages of spiritual activities, patients may feel exploited or even coerced into participating in spiritual behaviours which aren’t their own, only to avoid displeasing their physicians. In a nation that values spiritual freedom as far as anything else, coercive religious practices are just unacceptable.And doctors risk transgressing other ethical limitations also, when they inform their patients that spiritual practices can negatively affect their health. Asserting that these actions promote wellness can lead patients that do badly to question their spiritual devotion and also to experience guilt and guilt over their supposed spiritual failures.Finally, and possibly most significant, attempts to link religion and medical clinic are bad for faith itself. Bringing faith into the lab subjects into the reductionism of scientific materialism, stripping off all components of transcendence. The current report that spiritual experience relies upon the neurochemistry of the dopamine system in the mind is an ideal illustration of how faith is trivialized by analyzing it scientifically.“All these are critical elements of life and therefore are fundamental to the concerns of virtually every faith.” All these vital domains of human presence are beyond the way of science to tackle. For faith, on the flip side, they’re fundamental.Try or some vitamin C’s to avoid being in the hospital and making family worry. Efforts to carefully associate religion and medicine unwittingly indicate that faith does not have any advantages of its own and rather requires the methods of mathematics to establish validity. Proponents overlook the benefit of faith over science which Tyson describes. In such attempts, they demean instead of appreciate faith.For most, illness increases significant spiritual and religious concerns, providing relaxation to a and stress to others. Nobody disputes the importance of those concerns but recognizing they arise in times of illness does not mean that physicians should take them as part of the obligation. Religion Read More Posted on October 27, 2020February 1, 2021 Teachers Teaching Religion If you want to know how to become an online tutor, then it is very important that you are flexible and can easily adapt to new subjects that need to be taught among your students. When teaching, you wouldn’t be assigned to just one particular subject throughout your teaching career. You will be assigned to learn other subjects too such as mathematics, science, religion and so forth.Adaptability and FlexibilityIt is indeed difficult and a real challenge to teach topics about relation, more so if you don’t have a strong religious background or personal affiliation. But experts do believe that instructors and teachers are fully capable of disseminating information regarding religious diversity in a respectable way. Not only that, teaching religion as well as nonreligious identity can help students to develop their religious literacy, which is a critical skill in the 21st century.Being able to develop religious literacy will include the basic understanding of central texts, beliefs, histories, practices as well as contemporary manifestations of various world religious traditions as it rise out and keep on shaping a particular historical, social as well as cultural context. This literacy is equipping the students with the capability of getting along and working with diverse identities.Teacher’s ResponsibilityThe ability to navigate through the teachings of world religious might be hard among teachers indeed. On the other hand, studying religious diversity can also provide remarkable opportunity in modelling attitudes of respective curiosity to its students.If you will not assume of knowing everything about people, then you’ll be less likely to create hurtful generalizations or stereotypes. By having this mentality in mind, your students can follow your lead.Striking a BalanceAs an educator, it is your responsibility to explore commonalities among varying belief systems and differences as well. This is because each and every religion has its own core values. It is important to check what your assumptions are for every religion. For any teachers who are mindful of their own biases, it will enable them to overcome their biases and relay all facts as well as ideas in objective manner. Uncategorized Read More Posted on October 16, 2020July 8, 2021 Critiques on Harry Potter – The Cross With Religion Religiously motivated critics cross themselves when reading Potter, the churches themselves remain calm. Harry Potter as the spiritual spoiler of youth? Whoever believes will be saved.Not only millions of Potter fans are loyal to the Hogwarts pupil from book to book. Harry also calls his critics on the scene with every new adventure. Seduction to Satanism, a mockery of Christianity, belittling of occultism, and belief in spirits are the allegations.The criticism comes mainly from Christian fundamentalist circles. The Catholic sociologist and book author Gabriele Kuby, for example, does not mince words when criticizing the Potter mania: she is disgusted by a world of violence and horror, the constant threat and obsession that children have with the world of Get used to the occult, she says.Religious Backlash Towards Harry Potter“Harry Potter is a global long-term project to change the culture,” emphasizes Kuby in her 2003 account of the sorcerer’s apprentice phenomenon, “Harry Potter – good or bad?”. “With the trivialization of magic, the forces penetrate into a society which Christianity once overcame,” explains the author.In the novels there is no one who wants the good, Harry’s fight against evil is basically just a sham fight due to his relationship with the evil magician Voldemort.The writer’s opinion has not changed in the last four years – on the contrary. “I have received a lot of mail from parents who have encouraged me in my criticism and were happy that at least one of them publicly takes action against this hype,” she explains.Are you a Harry Potter fan? Then you shouldn’t miss this – harry potter house quiz!The then-Cardinal Ratzinger also expressly supported her educational work: In a letter published on Kuby’s homepage from 2003, today’s Pope recognizes in Harry Potter “subtle seductions that have an imperceptible and therefore deep effect and decompose Christianity in the soul before marriage it could grow quite well at all “.This argument recently animated a hacker who, according to his own account, had managed to break into the Bloomsbury computer: “We act as spoilsport to make reading the book useless and boring,” wrote the self-proclaimed avenging angel “Gabriel” the publishing industry, according to Reuters news agency.It turned out to be a mistake that parents at a school in Chemnitz enforced in March that reading a Harry Potter novel should be removed from the curriculum. The sociologist’s advice, however, is clear: “Keep the children away from Harry Potter as long as possible.” Religion Read More Posted on October 13, 2020June 3, 2021 Functions of Professional Church Cleaning Services Churches prepare to commence a fresh period of worship and learning. Sunday school classrooms that were closed during summertime are set to reopen with a multitude of new pupils both young and older. The ministry distance could be buzzing with apps and action. At this juncture, it’s fairly a difficult task to spot the ideal professional cleaners to clean the church according to the demands of a normal neighborhood association. Check out aspirapolvere to learn more about cleaning products and tools.Accountable for Room Cleaning, Setup, & TeardownRoom cleaning, installation, and teardown all can be managed effectively by specialist cleaning solutions which would send enough visitors to clean up the whole church area then organize the classrooms, in addition to the collecting spaces following the specifications of their government. Tables and seats are put up in rows or as wanted; A/V gear would be well prepared. Both the collecting spaces and classrooms will be well-equipped. The expert cleaners are placing all of the items in an order, packaging everything carefully and carrying them away, and wash the property invisibly. According to the church’s size and the true number of occasions to occur, cleaning solutions would allocate the ideal amount and type of resources for fulfilling the requirements. They’ve sufficient cleaning employees who might make certain that the whole church building is sparkling clean. If needed they may arrange a day porter who’d be accountable for particular activities like space installation & even teardown.Always Prepared to Take Up the ChallengeProfessional cleaning solutions are not on holiday. They’re always prepared to take the challenge up. Many times, a church in-house cleaning team won’t be accessible during the extended Christmas holiday season. Professional church cleaners will do exactly the substitution job with identical enthusiasm and dedication.Promotes sterile, Hygienic and Safe EnvironmentChurches have people of all ages and a number of them are somewhat more sensitive to dust and dirt than others. If would like to present a secure and clean atmosphere for everyone parishioners, it’s very important to employ a cleaning service that retains the construction clean. Despite the magnitude of this church, specialist cleaners will ensure the inside of the church is scrupulously clean and prepared to welcome people.They’d Be Organizing the Supplies on ThemMore frequently than not, churches wind up spending a great deal of cash on purchasing cleaning solutions. But professional church cleansers are attracting excellent and cutting-edge cleaning products which could significantly decrease the cost.Enjoy More Time for Focusing On Additional Vital TasksIf attempting to perform the whole church cleaning with in-house employees, it might be taking a lot of very good opportunities to dedicate time and focus on other critical characteristics of church management and management. It’s much better to assign the church cleaning tasks to specialist cleaners to be certain the church assumptions are spic and span in any way times and at precisely the same time, they’ve got sufficient time for focusing on additional duties.Forget about Security IssuesWhen a church decides to hire the assistance of custodial employees, it might be a time-consuming procedure to perform all of the essential background checks. In the end, the candidate might not pass the compulsory requirements for accessing particular regions of the church. What’s more, it would end up being quite pricey to do proper background checks and could cost the church an enormous sum of money. Professional cleaning services run these tests ahead so they may send the ideal employees for the ideal job.No Issues Regarding Employees’ CompensationIf in any event a full-time or part-time cleanup employee becomes injured at work, the church government would necessitate covering that employee’s compensation claims. These related costs could be skyrocketing extremely fast. But professional church cleansers already have their employees insured and that means they don’t have any responsibilities in case of a mishap. Church Read More Posted on September 25, 2020December 18, 2020 The Best Sleep Aid For Bodybuilding Or Religious Involvement For Better Sleep Sleep is an imperative and essential component for anyone wanting to build muscles and/or lose body fat. In fact, even if you have the best workout routine with the healthiest balanced diet, sleep is the only and best way for you to rest and restore your muscles.Adequate And Quality Sleep For Muscle Growth And RecoveryGrowth hormones, during sleep, is generated and where protein synthesis happens. Adequate sleep helps in preventing the breakdown of muscles and encourage fat loss. Moreover, as muscles and the body itself are allowed to recuperate, sufficient quality sleeps provide you more strength for your next workout.For many bodybuilders (and many other individuals), sleep may not come easily. Hence, they look for ways to ensure they get the sleep and rest they require to reap its benefits. Taking the best sleep aid for bodybuilding is one. For instance, Hibernate, a potent sleep supplement contains a combination of powerful ingredients that helps you to fall asleep quicker, increase your REM sleep, and aid in the recovery and growth of your muscles while you sleep restfully.Religion As Sleeping AidApart from taking the best sleep aid for bodybuilding or other sleep aids, there are other factors or ways to improve sleep, many of which are proven effective whereas some are “unbelievable.” Take religion as an example. According research, a person’s religious involvement is said to be linked with numerous components of good health. For example, cancer patients were reported to experience fewer physical signs of cancer as well as better functions because of religion. Other studies discovered noteworthy associations between religion and improved mental health.But are individuals who are involve, participate and engage in religion have better and longer sleep? A research took on this question and below are some of their discoveries:Individuals who were involved in religion were likely to have a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night. This connection was discovered only for individuals who were defined to have a “liberal-to-moderate” religions and not among people with “conservative” religions.Individuals who join religious services regularly (at least once a week) are said to more likely have a sound quality of sleep.Individuals who believe and are certain that God has control over their life report to have a better quality of sleep.While these seem to be very interesting results, it is vital to take note that religion wasn’t at all link with sound and better sleep. One research, for instance, discovered that being actively involves in religion was associated with less quantity of sleep, poor quality of sleep, and increased use of sleep medications among people experiencing religious doubts. In general, however, being involved in religion and improved sleep goes together. Religion Read More Posted on September 20, 2020February 23, 2021 Magnitude of Major Religious Group in the World There are hundreds of microwaves for seniors these days. But if you think that is plenty enough, you’d even be more surprised how many spiritual beliefs and religions there are in the world.What’s Abrahamic Religions?Three religions that are dominating the world’s faith are considered Abrahamic religions. It’s named in such a way as each claims to be descendant from ancient Israelites and following God of Abraham. These 3 major religions are Islam, Christianity and Judaism.IslamIslam has nearly 1.3 billion members all over the world. Every member is referred as Muslims. While the said religion is quite popular in Middle East, members don’t necessarily have to be an Arab to become Muslim. Whether you believe it or not, the biggest Muslim nation is situated in Indonesia.Its followers believe that there’s just one God, which is Allah and Mohamed is his last messenger. And contrary to popular belief, Islam isn’t a violent religion. There are 2 major sects for this religion and these are Shia and Sunni.ChristianityChristianity on the other hand has more or less 2.1 billion members, including 1.1 billion Roman Catholics, 373 million Protestants, 222 million Orthodox and 82 million Anglicans. As a matter of fact, Christians are making up nearly 30% of world’s population.It was in the first century when the religion was founded from Judaism. Followers believe that Jesus Christ was son of God and Messhia for told of in Old Testament. In Christianity, there are actually three major sects and these are:ProtestantismRoman Catholicism and;Eastern OrthodoxyJudaismAmong the three major Abrahamic religions, Judaism is actually the smallest in numbers with only almost 15 million members. Such as Sikhs, they’re ethnoreligious group. For every follower of Judaism, they’re called as Jews. At the same time, Judaism has several branches too with the most popular are the Conservative, Reform and Orthodox.While we have learnt about the major religious groups, there are also other people who have different beliefs. Fact is, about 1 million people are followers of smaller religions and around 800,000,000 people tend to join non-religious groups while 153 million people chose to be atheist or someone who doesn’t believe in form of a higher being. Uncategorized Read More Posted on September 7, 2020February 1, 2022 Produce a Simple Church Website Using a Drag and Drop Church Site Builder Creating a site is a necessity nowadays. Gone are the times once only had to be present from the physical universe to serve the area. These days, if would like to grow, help, and supply value, need to be within the electronic world also. To learn more about developing websites and SEO, visit SEO reseller website.Starting a Website For ChurchThere’s no greater way to serve the community by constructing a gorgeous church site. Beginning an internet church could be hard, particularly if don’t have specialized skills and comprehension.When creating a ministry website, simplicity makes it better. Developers need power qualities that will have an impact on the community as simple as it will in the actual world. A very simple design of the church site is the best way to attain your congregation and engage with internet actions and articles. To construct a church website that’s easy to manage and personalize it is a rarity nowadays.Personalized ThemesThe largest concern when constructing an internet existence is the characteristic of the representation of the end item. An excellent community with valuable values deserves the very best and the easiest visual encounter which will properly communicate their core beliefs.We’re the best church site design firm and we understand how to shield worth and create internet presence easy and effective. Our library is loaded with various church site topics that may be utilized and later altered the following requirements. It is possible to use each one the predefined church site design thoughts or include few components using an easy drag and drop tool and make a unique modern church site template.Users can further personalize their site to make it up and unique tastes. Want to be noticed more? They’re free to include custom HTML pages, CSS, and JavaScript.All of the concerns about content will probably be gone when will begin utilizing the church information management system. Services and resources, build especially for the church and niche web page can easily be accessible and readily available to use.Moreover, developers may also use the foundation attribute which permits collect gifts. Only one button may make a radical difference to a church community. In this manner, they can offset expenses on conducting the site, accumulate funds on charitable intentions, and a lot more. They may even produce several donation campaigns at precisely the same time so that the online network can grow to be a fantastic support for your regular affairs.The times with responsiveness problems are very long gone! It does not matter what device your tribe utilizes to get the site. The web site templates look great on any device. Their responsive layout will aid the site fit on a smartphone, desktop, tablet computers, kindle, and some other device on the market.Maximum Management of Online Church ServicesIf even after all the facts mentioned previously, developers still thinking about how to begin a church site, then experts’ advice would be to relax and revel in the journey. Resources are quite user friendly hence the enjoyable and skilled construction expertise. Developers have maximum control over content from the church directory. They will find sharing and privacy preferences that provide complete control power within the information. Church Read More Posted on September 7, 2020October 21, 2020 It’s A Taboo To Discuss Politics And Religion “Politics and religion are not discussed” is a rule used to keep peace at grandmother’s house lunches or the last veneer of civility in condominium meetings. When it comes to “religion in politics” the scenario tends to become more explosive, reaching the proportions of an epic battle.Why We Can’t Talk about Religion & PoliticsWhile you can talk about web design and development for political and religious entities, debating on the subject itself really make the blood boil. Because of that we often fail to get better information about them, unfortunately, one thing leads to another. By not informing ourselves, it is easy to believe that something that we disagree with is probably more a case of stupidity or naughtiness, or worse, if it is a slightly more distant subject, we tend to generalize this negative opinion to an entire group.However, with spiritual discourses gaining space in the political world, participating in this discussion is increasingly necessary. Is there a key to interpreting this phenomenon and avoiding such common simplifications?Portuguese sociologist, Boaventura de Sousa Santos SpeaksThe Portuguese sociologist, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, can help us with this task. He calls speeches that claim the presence of religion in the public sphere as political theology, however, he noted that the similarities between the different groups end there and proposed a typology to be able to address the complexity of this reality.To understand this typology, it is necessary to remember that until about two centuries ago religion and politics went together. Things started to change when the Enlightenment proposed that the State should be secular, that is, guided by rational logic. This philosophy animated several currents that, when they came to power, limited the political influence of religions. However, even today religions try to answer this, seeking to reintroduce sacred texts as elements capable of influencing public life, and from what Boaventura perceived such theological responses can be divided between two extremes.PluralistsThey believe that revelation (or sacred texts) can assist in the political organization of society, but accept the autonomy between both. The sacred text occurs in a specific social context, so it must be interpreted in order to find a principle that can be applied in the current social context.FundamentalistsThey believe that revelation should structure society in all its dimensions. Historically this term was coined in the early 20th century by Protestants from the south of the USA who, wishing to differentiate themselves from modern theologies, listed “The Fundamentals” that a Christian should follow, later that term also gained an almost pejorative meaning when applied to radical groups Islamic. Both in Christian and Islamic fundamentalisms there is a scripturalist principle *, that is, the sacred text is independent of the social context and must be understood in the most literal way possible.The sociologist also traces a second axis to classify such theologies according to his political interventions.TraditionalistsSocial differences, since they also exist in sacred texts, are seen as natural, inevitable, or even invested with a meaning that meets some divine purpose. The glorious past in the sacred texts is used to demonstrate that the social regulations of that time work and are therefore a good way to solve the problems of the present. Religion Read More Posted on August 11, 2020July 14, 2021 Religion, Technology, and Your Faith Both technology and religion are matters of values and ideas.Religion books have mixed data regarding technology. Yes, different characteristics but integrated in the modern world, in this case, the digital age.The Lord din not only approve the first technological project which is the Noah’s ark but also produced its details and features. The design and specifications were commanded to build to save the animals and some people from the flood.  After this, the basic breeding stick was  rewarded with survival.The human race had the chance to rejuvenate and spread once more. They discovered that they are capable of unlimited engineering ambitions so they constructed towers.Together with the unlimited engineering ambitions of human race, technological pride oversteps its limits which God disapproves.However, in a way, technology, urbanization, and modernization were factors of theological celebration by at least some Christians. Gadgets have been used for religious purposes. The spread of high technology accommodated different beliefs.No one can deny the fact that technology is important in every aspects. The world today is experiencing a very tough situation and the only means of spreading the word of God is through the use of technology. Most of the religion sectors use the social media to deliver the Gospel or the word of God.  Some uses an online storage to share what is written in the bible and encourage people to live with it.There are a lot of ways now to store the scriptures needed in our everyday lives. You can have your own external drive, USB or flash drive, and even look for  the best NAS for Plex server to create  your own library-like data of Gospels in your own computer or laptop.Always remember, your faith will not depend on how many gadgets and storage of soft copy scriptures you have. God will not judge anyone by how you access His words but on how you obey Him. ReligionTechnology Read More Posted on August 3, 2020September 14, 2020 The Gutenberg Printing Press And Spread Of Protestant Reformation You have a clean smooth blank paper and are ready to print your document. You place it in the printer paper try and hit the print button. Seconds later, you have a clean, comprehensible, perfectly printed document. Indeed, the invention and innovation of printers have made it much easier, quicker and more convenient for us to have a printed copy of whatever document we need.With the best printers, these have also made it possible for many people to make a business out of it, from book printing, t-shirt printing, stickers, mugs, and so much more. This truly shows how important printers are not only for personal and office use, but for creating a business out of it as well.The Invention of the Printing Press and Spread of Protestant ReformationIn 1448, Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press and had quite a considerable influence on the spread and dissemination of ideas and philosophies in and out of Europe. Printing technology have swiftly gone round Europe and played a major role in the realization of the Protestant Reformation as that time was a period of significant religious change. Martin Luther, the reformation leader, was only able to preach to a few of people. However, with the invention of the printing press, the printed word spread his preaching to a much greater number of people. This was pointed out by Mark U. Edwards from the Harvard Divinity School.Cost of Book Production and Price of Books. With Gutenberg’s invention, the cost of book production as well as other printed materials were cut. Before the invention, producing multiple book copies means copying the entire text by hand which was a painstaking and very much time-consuming, an occupation typically done by monks. One copy of a Bible may necessitate 300 treated sheepskins or 170 treated calfskins. The invention made printing on paper faster and way much cheaper.The Gutenberg Bible. Gutenberg’s printing press made reproductions of the Bible, which were the first books they printed. The Gutenberg Bibles were hugely popular. In fact, all 200 copies of the Bible that were to be printed were already sold prior to the completion of the printing. Technology Read More Posts navigation OlderRecent PostsThe Atheist Camping Inspiration: How to Have a Meaningful Time Outside of ReligionJuly 4, 2022Ohio Passes Law to Galvanize Ruling of Not Requiring Waivers for Religious Head WearsMarch 10, 2022How Religion can have an Impact on Your Life?January 12, 2022Https://privatesectorseo.com/seo-services-arizona: Getting Unrivaled SEO Results And SEO Tips For Your Church WebsiteDecember 18, 2021The Connection between Belief and ReligionNovember 15, 2021Maine’s Vaccine Mandate to Reject Religious Exemption Upheld by Supreme CourtNovember 6, 2021ArchivesJuly 2022March 2022January 2022December 2021November 2021September 2021August 2021July 2021May 2021April 2021March 2021January 2021December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020December 2019November 2019October 2019September 2019August 2019July 2019June 2019May 2019April 2019CategoriesBeliefsCharityChurchCommunityReligionTechnologyUncategorizedRutasTagsavoid dishonest towing companiesavoid towing scamsCatholic ClergymenChristian by lifestylechurchChurch PewscleaningcleanlinessDr. Norman Pealeengage in religionEvangelical and Other Religious GroupsFaithget enough sleepGutenberg bibleharry Potterharry potter serieshealthMarble Collegiate ChurchOpposition to Same Sex Marriagepolitics and religionPrayerprotestant reformationquality sleeprealization of religious changereformationreliable towing companyreligionreligious changereligious involvementRepurposing Discarded Church PewsRevelations About Trump's Relious ViewsSafer Church Seating Arrangementssciencesleep and religionsleeping aidsleeping supplementsStatement of Support for LGBTQ+ YouthsSupreme Courttechnological enhancementtechnologytowing fraudstowing scamsTrump's Religious UpbringingTrump's Use of ReligionwebsitePages#899 (no title)BannerCredencial-RutasDe la cuna al sepulcroFicha FamiliasFicha grupoFicha IndividualFicha NiñosFicha PeregrinoHomiliaMaterialesPresentadaPrivacy PolicyProcesionRuta de la salúRutasStay Connected CategoriesBeliefsCharityChurchCommunityReligionTechnologyUncategorized Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved | Tourable Child ThemebyBrycen Hammond ?#simple-notice-wrap-content iframe {width: 95%;border: none !important;max-height: 70px;padding: 0px;margin: 0 px;padding: 25px 15px 15px 15px;}body {overflow-x: hidden;}