KWFinder: Keyword Research & Analysis Tool by Mangools
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KWFinder covers both traditional and competitor keyword research to help you find long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. Try it for free!
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KWFinder: Keyword Research & Analysis Tool by Mangools
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2022-05-04 06:54:07

/KWFinderWe are hiring!SEO Tools KWFinderKeyword ResearchSERPCheckerSERP AnalysisSERPWatcherRank TrackingLinkMinerBacklink AnalysisSiteProfilerSEO metrics & Insights SEO Browser extension SERP Volatility checker SERP SimulatorKnowledge KWFinder guideKeyword research guideSEO guideMangools BlogSEOpediaPricingSign inGo to App Start 10-day FREE trial Log out PLANKeyword lookups0/0Loading...SERP lookups0/0Loading...Site lookups0/0Loading...Backlink rows0/0Loading...Related keywords:25 200 700Competitor keywords:10 25 UnlimitedTracked keywords:10 200 700 1500Your plan has expired. Please upgrade to continue using Mangools SEO tools. Upgrade your account Billing Account settingsFind long tail keywords with low SEO difficultyKWFinder is the only keyword tool in the universe you will ever need. Seriously ?Try seo agency or kwfinder.comTrusted by the big ones, loved by everyone Keyword analysis toolFind keywords that you caneasily rank forKeyword analysis is no rocket science. ? Just go for the keywords with low SEO difficulty and high search volume. We have exact search volumes and the most accurate keyword difficulty!Brian DeanSEO expert, backlinko.comKWFinder has lots of the features that other tools have. But unlike most other tools, it's VERY intuitive.At $29/month you really can’t go wrong with a Mangools subscription. Great value.Competitor keyword research toolSee what your competitors rank forDon't know where to start? Find out what works for your competitors. Just enter their domain or URL and KWFinder will show you the best keywords they rank for. Easy-peasy ?Matt DiggityOwner, Diggity MarketingKWFinder is a super-effective tool for finding easy-to-rank keywords.What I love the most is its interface. Simple and straightforward, exactly how most SEO tools should be.Exact search volumes and search trendsGet search volumes with historical dataTiming is the key to keyword analysis! Create content based on historical search volumes and long-term trends. Identify seasonal keywords and hot topics ?️ that will boost the organic traffic of your website.Julia McCoy | CEO, AuthorFounder, Express WritersWeekend is for planning ;) Using KWFinder to find a gold mine of keyword opportunities! Amazing tool!Keyword tool meant for local SEOLocal keyword research and SERP analysisFind location-specific long tail keywords for your website! Choose from more than 50k locations ? and get precise local search results for each keyword.Nathaniell BrenesOwner, One More Cup of CoffeeMangools has a good mix of simple and advanced data for both newbies and experienced users to work with.This is in contrast to some other tools, which have too many advanced settings and data for newbies to figure out quickly.What's under the hood2.5 Billionrelated keywordsgrowing ~ 20 M monthly~ 100 Mcompetitor keywordschecked each month~ 52 ksupported locationscities, districts, countriesExplore all featuresThousands of keyword ideasGet 5 lookups per 24 hours, 25 related and 10 competitor keywords per lookup in a 10-day FREE trial.Approved by SEO authorities 4.0“At a low price and with new functionality rolling out regularly, KWFinder is easy-to-use, and inherently valuable tool to have in your SEO arsenal.”Read the review 4.5“Mangools brings ease of use to a type of tools that are often mind-blowingly complicated. The supplementary features make it even more compelling.”Read the review 4.8“KWFinder is an excellent tool that really simplifies the keyword research process in a way other tools just haven’t managed to do.”Read the reviewMore than 25,000 paying customers can’t be wrong. See more testimonials .We've been featured onPlans & pricingStay cool, we have a 48-hour money back guarantee!Black Friday deal is here!Save ~40 %with annual plansAnnual MonthlyKeyword lookups / 24 hKeyword suggestions / searchCompetitor keywords / searchSERP lookups / 24 hTracked keywords dailyBacklink rows monthlySite lookups / 24 hSimultaneous loginsMangoolsBasic$00.00 $29.90per monthSave $ per year$ 00.00 billed upon purchase$00.00 $29.90per year$00.00 $29.90per month100Keyword lookups / 24 h200 of 700Keyword suggestions / searchUnlimitedCompetitor keywords / search100SERP lookups / 24 h200Tracked keywords daily2000Backlink rows monthly20Site lookups / 24 h1Simultaneous loginsSubscribe nowSubscribe nowMangoolsPremium$00.00 $39.90per monthSave $ per year$ 00.00 billed upon purchase$00.00 $39.90per year$00.00 $39.90per month500Keyword lookups / 24 h700 of 700Keyword suggestions / searchUnlimitedCompetitor keywords / search500SERP lookups / 24 h700Tracked keywords daily7000Backlink rows monthly70Site lookups / 24 h3Simultaneous loginsSubscribe nowSubscribe nowMangoolsAgency$00.00 $79.90per monthSave $ per year$ 00.00 billed upon purchase$00.00 $79.90per year$00.00 $79.90per month1200Keyword lookups / 24 h700 of 700Keyword suggestions / searchUnlimitedCompetitor keywords / search1200SERP lookups / 24 h1500Tracked keywords daily15000Backlink rows monthly150Site lookups / 24 h10Simultaneous loginsSubscribe nowSubscribe nowStill not convinced? Start with a 10-day FREE trial!Get 5 lookups per 24 hours, 25 related and 10 competitor keywords per lookup in a 10 day trial.Start 10-day FREE trialNo credit card needed, no strings attached ?Subscribe to newsletterGet the latest content to your inbox every month. No spam, we hate it too. MangoolsPlans & pricingAffiliate programTestimonialsComparisonsSpecial offersJobs & CareersPress kit & resourcesTerms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyAbout usContact usSEO tools KWFinder SERPChecker SERPWatcher LinkMiner SiteProfilerMangools APICustom data exportsFree SEO toolsBrowser extensionSERP simulatorSERP volatility checkerHelp & knowledgeFrequently Asked QuestionsMangools BlogKWFinder guideSERPChecker guideSERPWatcher guideLinkMiner guideSiteProfiler guideFrom our blogUltimate guide to SEOKeyword research guideMangools SEOpediaMade with love byJuicy SEO Tools you will loveEnglish | EspañolJuicy SEO Tools you will loveKWFinderKeyword ResearchSERPCheckerSERP AnalysisSERPWatcherRank TrackingLinkMinerBacklink AnalysisSiteProfilerSEO metrics & InsightsPricingFree SEO Tools SEO Browser extension SERP Volatility checker SERP SimulatorKnowledge KWFinder guideKeyword research guideSEO guideMangools BlogSEOpediaSign inGo to App Account DashboardStart 10-day FREE trialvar _rollbarConfig={accessToken:"b71f8a776a934e7ea5f29db63f5f9483",captureUncaught:!0,captureUnhandledRejections:!0,payload:{environment:"production"}};!function(o){var n={};function t(r){if(n[r])return n[r].exports;var e=n[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return o[r].call(e.exports,e,e.exports,t),e.l=!0,e.exports}t.m=o,t.c=n,t.d=function(r,e,o){t.o(r,e)||Object.defineProperty(r,e,{enumerable:!0,get:o})},t.r=function(r){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(r,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(r,"__esModule",{value:!0})},t.t=function(e,r){if(1&r&&(e=t(e)),8&r)return e;if(4&r&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var o=Object.create(null);if(t.r(o),Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&r&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var n in e)t.d(o,n,function(r){return e[r]}.bind(null,n));return o},t.n=function(r){var e=r&&r.__esModule?function(){return r.default}:function(){return r};return t.d(e,"a",e),e},t.o=function(r,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,e)},t.p="",t(t.s=0)}([function(r,e,o){"use strict";var n=o(1),t=o(5);(_rollbarConfig=_rollbarConfig||{}).rollbarJsUrl=_rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl||"https://cdn.rollbar.com/rollbarjs/refs/tags/v2.22.0/rollbar.min.js",_rollbarConfig.async=void 0===_rollbarConfig.async||_rollbarConfig.async;var a=n.setupShim(window,_rollbarConfig),l=t(_rollbarConfig);window.rollbar=n.Rollbar,a.loadFull(window,document,!_rollbarConfig.async,_rollbarConfig,l)},function(r,e,o){"use strict";var a=o(2),l=o(3);function c(r){return function(){try{return r.apply(this,arguments)}catch(r){try{console.error("[Rollbar]: Internal error",r)}catch(r){}}}}var n=0;function t(r,e){this.options=r,this._rollbarOldOnError=null;var o=n++;this.shimId=function(){return o},"undefined"!=typeof window&&window._rollbarShims&&(window._rollbarShims[o]={handler:e,messages:[]})}var i=o(4),s=function(r,e){return new t(r,e)},d=function(r){return new i(s,r)};function u(o){return c(function(){var r=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0),e={shim:this,method:o,args:r,ts:new Date};window._rollbarShims[this.shimId()].messages.push(e)})}t.prototype.loadFull=function(l,r,e,o,i){var n=!1,t=r.createElement("script"),a=r.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],s=a.parentNode;t.crossOrigin="",t.src=o.rollbarJsUrl,e||(t.async=!0),t.onload=t.onreadystatechange=c(function(){if(!(n||this.readyState&&"loaded"!==this.readyState&&"complete"!==this.readyState)){t.onload=t.onreadystatechange=null;try{s.removeChild(t)}catch(r){}n=!0,function(){var r;if(void 0===l._rollbarDidLoad){r=new Error("rollbar.js did not load");for(var e,o,n,t,a=0;e=l._rollbarShims[a++];)for(e=e.messages||[];o=e.shift();)for(n=o.args||[],a=0;a