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Chaos ensued. Hilarity closely followed.nTh among allHomeAboutBooks I want to buy/readMy collected list of annoyancesCode and stuffImageGalleryIRCbotLightroom Export to Sta.shPrivacy PolicyXen on FedoraAWS, IPv6 dual stacking, and TerraformPosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, Sysadmin on July 5, 2020My server had been running for 2 years, and it was overdue for a rebuild. I decided it was time I revisit AWS, and this time, try setting up dual stacking from the start. Which meant I needed to figure out how to get IPv6 working on AWS, and just to make things more interesting, […]aws, terraformNo CommentsFedora Cloud 28+ on GCEPosted by Kyle Lexmond in GCP on June 17, 2018Alt: Documenting the process of getting Fedora onto a GCE instance. Unlike EC2, there are no official Fedora images for use on GCE. CentOS7 is a reasonable alternative, but I was used to having the latest and greatest packages, pretty much by default. Which meant that I wanted to get Fedora. Thankfully, there’s a way […]gcp2 CommentsA First Look at Google Cloud DatastorePosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on dev.to. At first glance, Datastore is equivalent to DynamoDB. I personally think that Datastore is better compared to SimpleDB. Unfortunately, SimpleDB isn’t accepting new customers/isn’t being deployed to new regions, so it’s not a […]aws, cloud datastore, first look, gcpNo CommentsA First Look at Google Cloud StoragePosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on dev.to. Storage price wise, S3 and GCS are mostly comparable, with a note that GCS bandwidth is more expensive, and you don’t really get a choice of what rate you want to pay. GCS […]aws, first look, gcp, gcsNo CommentsA First Look at Google Compute EnginePosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on dev.to. Compute Engine is one of the more important services for me. While I’d love to have all my stuff on managed services like Lambda/Cloud Functions, it’s not possible. The fundamentals of GCE are […]aws, first look, gcpNo CommentsA First Look at Google Cloud PlatformPosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017This got really long, so I broke it up into parts. Feel free to skip to the parts you’re interested in. * Setting up, Organization differences & IAM/Authentication (this post) (dev.to mirror) * Google Compute Engine (dev.to mirror) * Google Cloud Storage (dev.to mirror) * Google Cloud Datastore (dev.to mirror) I have a bunch of […]aws, first look, gcpNo CommentsMoving to the USPosted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on June 23, 2017I’m moving to the US, and as part of that I’m wrapping up a host of legal things. I have some of this documented for my own benefit, and some friends are talking about similar things, so I decided to just write it all down. Disclaimer first: I am not a lawyer, do not take […]taxes2 CommentsExploring AWS OrganizationsPosted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS on March 6, 2017When AWS Organizations went GA, I was really happy. While I’ve had my personal AWS account for a while, I have a bunch of sites that aren’t personal in nature, and I wanted to spin them off into another account with the intention of having enough isolation that I could apply Terraform to those accounts […]aws, aws organizations1 CommentTerraform import with AWS profiles other than defaultPosted by Kyle Lexmond in Linux, Sysadmin on August 4, 2016I’ll come back and clean this up, but for now: Undocumented: It will use the default AWS profile – it will pull in your shared credientials, and use the default values if specified. As per code, use AWS_PROFILE= terraform import aws_db_instance.default to import using a AWS profile that isn’t default. ELB holds onto subnets […]terraformNo CommentsPrinting the table structure of a SQLite Database in AndroidPosted by Kyle Lexmond in Programming on July 17, 2016I’m doing some Android app development, and as part of it, I hit some issues with the database. My first plan was to download the database and open it in SQLite, but having to re-establish my ADB debug session each time I downoaded the file got annoying, so I decided to write a short snippet […]AndroidNo Comments« Older EntriesRecent PostsAWS, IPv6 dual stacking, and TerraformFedora Cloud 28+ on GCEA First Look at Google Cloud DatastoreA First Look at Google Cloud StorageA First Look at Google Compute EngineMay 2022MTWTFSS12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031« JulBlogrollCoding HorrorJeffrey Friedl's BlogJoel on SoftwareKalzumeus SoftwareRands in ReposeThe Daily WTFThe Old New ThingYou Are Not So SmartFriends'Uncle Edna'JustinLevy XDThe WullArchivesJuly 2020June 2018July 2017June 2017March 2017August 2016July 2016May 2016April 2016March 2016February 2016January 2016December 2015November 2015September 2015August 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015November 2014October 2014July 2014April 2014December 2013October 2013September 2013June 2013May 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012May 2012April 2012March 2012February 2012January 2012December 2011November 2011October 2011September 2011August 2011May 2011April 2011March 2011February 2011November 2010October 2010September 2010March 2010February 2010December 2009July 2009December 2008Fusion theme by digitalnature | powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS) ^SetTextSizeSetPageWidthLoading Comments...Comment×