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// or element, update the intersection rect. // Note: and cannot be clipped to a rect that's not also // the document rect, so no need to compute a new intersection. var doc = parent.ownerDocument; if (parent != doc.body && parent != doc.documentElement && parentComputedStyle.overflow != 'visible') { parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent); } } // If either of the above conditionals set a new parentRect, // calculate new intersection data. if (parentRect) { intersectionRect = computeRectIntersection(parentRect, intersectionRect); } if (!intersectionRect) break; parent = parent && getParentNode(parent); } return intersectionRect;};/** * Returns the root rect after being expanded by the rootMargin value. * @return {ClientRect} The expanded root rect. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._getRootRect = function() { var rootRect; if (this.root && !isDoc(this.root)) { rootRect = getBoundingClientRect(this.root); } else { // Use / instead of window since scroll bars affect size. var doc = isDoc(this.root) ? this.root : document; var html = doc.documentElement; var body = doc.body; rootRect = { top: 0, left: 0, right: html.clientWidth || body.clientWidth, width: html.clientWidth || body.clientWidth, bottom: html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight, height: html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight }; } return this._expandRectByRootMargin(rootRect);};/** * Accepts a rect and expands it by the rootMargin value. * @param {DOMRect|ClientRect} rect The rect object to expand. * @return {ClientRect} The expanded rect. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._expandRectByRootMargin = function(rect) { var margins = this._rootMarginValues.map(function(margin, i) { return margin.unit == 'px' ? margin.value : margin.value * (i % 2 ? rect.width : rect.height) / 100; }); var newRect = { top: rect.top - margins[0], right: rect.right + margins[1], bottom: rect.bottom + margins[2], left: rect.left - margins[3] }; newRect.width = newRect.right - newRect.left; newRect.height = newRect.bottom - newRect.top; return newRect;};/** * Accepts an old and new entry and returns true if at least one of the * threshold values has been crossed. * @param {?IntersectionObserverEntry} oldEntry The previous entry for a * particular target element or null if no previous entry exists. * @param {IntersectionObserverEntry} newEntry The current entry for a * particular target element. * @return {boolean} Returns true if a any threshold has been crossed. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._hasCrossedThreshold = function(oldEntry, newEntry) { // To make comparing easier, an entry that has a ratio of 0 // but does not actually intersect is given a value of -1 var oldRatio = oldEntry && oldEntry.isIntersecting ? oldEntry.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1; var newRatio = newEntry.isIntersecting ? newEntry.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1; // Ignore unchanged ratios if (oldRatio === newRatio) return; for (var i = 0; i < this.thresholds.length; i++) { var threshold = this.thresholds[i]; // Return true if an entry matches a threshold or if the new ratio // and the old ratio are on the opposite sides of a threshold. if (threshold == oldRatio || threshold == newRatio || threshold < oldRatio !== threshold < newRatio) { return true; } }};/** * Returns whether or not the root element is an element and is in the DOM. * @return {boolean} True if the root element is an element and is in the DOM. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._rootIsInDom = function() { return !this.root || containsDeep(document, this.root);};/** * Returns whether or not the target element is a child of root. * @param {Element} target The target element to check. * @return {boolean} True if the target element is a child of root. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._rootContainsTarget = function(target) { var rootDoc = (this.root && (this.root.ownerDocument || this.root)) || document; return ( containsDeep(rootDoc, target) && (!this.root || rootDoc == target.ownerDocument) );};/** * Adds the instance to the global IntersectionObserver registry if it isn't * already present. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._registerInstance = function() { if (registry.indexOf(this) < 0) { registry.push(this); }};/** * Removes the instance from the global IntersectionObserver registry. * @private */IntersectionObserver.prototype._unregisterInstance = function() { var index = registry.indexOf(this); if (index != -1) registry.splice(index, 1);};/** * Returns the result of the performance.now() method or null in browsers * that don't support the API. * @return {number} The elapsed time since the page was requested. */function now() { return window.performance && performance.now && performance.now();}/** * Throttles a function and delays its execution, so it's only called at most * once within a given time period. * @param {Function} fn The function to throttle. * @param {number} timeout The amount of time that must pass before the * function can be called again. * @return {Function} The throttled function. */function throttle(fn, timeout) { var timer = null; return function () { if (!timer) { timer = setTimeout(function() { fn(); timer = null; }, timeout); } };}/** * Adds an event handler to a DOM node ensuring cross-browser compatibility. * @param {Node} node The DOM node to add the event handler to. * @param {string} event The event name. * @param {Function} fn The event handler to add. * @param {boolean} opt_useCapture Optionally adds the even to the capture * phase. Note: this only works in modern browsers. */function addEvent(node, event, fn, opt_useCapture) { if (typeof node.addEventListener == 'function') { node.addEventListener(event, fn, opt_useCapture || false); } else if (typeof node.attachEvent == 'function') { node.attachEvent('on' + event, fn); }}/** * Removes a previously added event handler from a DOM node. * @param {Node} node The DOM node to remove the event handler from. * @param {string} event The event name. * @param {Function} fn The event handler to remove. * @param {boolean} opt_useCapture If the event handler was added with this * flag set to true, it should be set to true here in order to remove it. */function removeEvent(node, event, fn, opt_useCapture) { if (typeof node.removeEventListener == 'function') { node.removeEventListener(event, fn, opt_useCapture || false); } else if (typeof node.detatchEvent == 'function') { node.detatchEvent('on' + event, fn); }}/** * Returns the intersection between two rect objects. * @param {Object} rect1 The first rect. * @param {Object} rect2 The second rect. * @return {?Object|?ClientRect} The intersection rect or undefined if no * intersection is found. */function computeRectIntersection(rect1, rect2) { var top = Math.max(rect1.top, rect2.top); var bottom = Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom); var left = Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left); var right = Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right); var width = right - left; var height = bottom - top; return (width >= 0 && height >= 0) && { top: top, bottom: bottom, left: left, right: right, width: width, height: height } || null;}/** * Shims the native getBoundingClientRect for compatibility with older IE. * @param {Element} el The element whose bounding rect to get. * @return {DOMRect|ClientRect} The (possibly shimmed) rect of the element. */function getBoundingClientRect(el) { var rect; try { rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (err) { // Ignore Windows 7 IE11 "Unspecified error" // https://github.com/w3c/IntersectionObserver/pull/205 } if (!rect) return getEmptyRect(); // Older IE if (!(rect.width && rect.height)) { rect = { top: rect.top, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom, left: rect.left, width: rect.right - rect.left, height: rect.bottom - rect.top }; } return rect;}/** * Returns an empty rect object. An empty rect is returned when an element * is not in the DOM. * @return {ClientRect} The empty rect. */function getEmptyRect() { return { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };}/** * Ensure that the result has all of the necessary fields of the DOMRect. * Specifically this ensures that `x` and `y` fields are set. * * @param {?DOMRect|?ClientRect} rect * @return {?DOMRect} */function ensureDOMRect(rect) { // A `DOMRect` object has `x` and `y` fields. if (!rect || 'x' in rect) { return rect; } // A IE's `ClientRect` type does not have `x` and `y`. The same is the case // for internally calculated Rect objects. For the purposes of // `IntersectionObserver`, it's sufficient to simply mirror `left` and `top` // for these fields. return { top: rect.top, y: rect.top, bottom: rect.bottom, left: rect.left, x: rect.left, right: rect.right, width: rect.width, height: rect.height };}/** * Inverts the intersection and bounding rect from the parent (frame) BCR to * the local BCR space. * @param {DOMRect|ClientRect} parentBoundingRect The parent's bound client rect. * @param {DOMRect|ClientRect} parentIntersectionRect The parent's own intersection rect. * @return {ClientRect} The local root bounding rect for the parent's children. */function convertFromParentRect(parentBoundingRect, parentIntersectionRect) { var top = parentIntersectionRect.top - parentBoundingRect.top; var left = parentIntersectionRect.left - parentBoundingRect.left; return { top: top, left: left, height: parentIntersectionRect.height, width: parentIntersectionRect.width, bottom: top + parentIntersectionRect.height, right: left + parentIntersectionRect.width };}/** * Checks to see if a parent element contains a child element (including inside * shadow DOM). * @param {Node} parent The parent element. * @param {Node} child The child element. * @return {boolean} True if the parent node contains the child node. */function containsDeep(parent, child) { var node = child; while (node) { if (node == parent) return true; node = getParentNode(node); } return false;}/** * Gets the parent node of an element or its host element if the parent node * is a shadow root. * @param {Node} node The node whose parent to get. * @return {Node|null} The parent node or null if no parent exists. */function getParentNode(node) { var parent = node.parentNode; if (node.nodeType == /* DOCUMENT */ 9 && node != document) { // If this node is a document node, look for the embedding frame. return getFrameElement(node); } // If the parent has element that is assigned through shadow root slot if (parent && parent.assignedSlot) { parent = parent.assignedSlot.parentNode } if (parent && parent.nodeType == 11 && parent.host) { // If the parent is a shadow root, return the host element. return parent.host; } return parent;}/** * Returns true if `node` is a Document. * @param {!Node} node * @returns {boolean} */function isDoc(node) { return node && node.nodeType === 9;}// Exposes the constructors globally.window.IntersectionObserver = IntersectionObserver;window.IntersectionObserverEntry = IntersectionObserverEntry;}());ENGLISH DICTIONARYSYNONYMSTRANSLATEGRAMMAR GRAMMAR A-Z SPELLING PUNCTUATION WRITING TIPS USAGE EXPLORE WORD ORIGINS LANGUAGE QUESTIONS WORD LISTSSPANISH DICTIONARYMoreGRAMMAR GRAMMAR A-Z SPELLING PUNCTUATION WRITING TIPS USAGE EXPLORE WORD ORIGINS LANGUAGE QUESTIONS WORD LISTSSPANISH DICTIONARYSite languageEnglishespañolOxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Synonyms, and Spanish to English TranslatormenuTrending WordsMost popular in the worldunstapledhomermolerBelyando spewHomelWord of the daysussed/ sʌst /adjectiveSee definitions & examplesrandom-questionsIs An Olive A Fruit?grammarSample Letters In Spanish And Englishbusiness-writingEmail mistakes to avoidAre there any English words with no vowels?Explore Grammar Content From Oxford DictionaryLANGUAGE QUESTIONSWhat Is The Longest English Word?Language QuestionsHow Many Words Begin With The Letter 'X'?Confused WordsWhen To Use The Words 'Shall' and 'Will'Word OriginsWhat Is The Origin Of The Word 'Ok'?WORD LISTSForeign Words And Phrases Now Used In EnglishQuizzes & GamesHola Hispanohablantes!Explore our Spanish Dictionary and Translation Tools for Spanish to English and English to SpanishFind Out MoreSpanish Quote Of The Month “Todos nuestros sueños se pueden hacer realidad si tenemos el coraje de perseguirlos.”Walt DisneyEXPLORING SPANISHTry These Useful Spanish Expressions In Your Next ConversationGrammar Help from Oxford DictionaryLearn How To Pronounce These English Words CorrectlyWhich Is Correct: 'Compare With" Or "Compare To"?Have You Ever Spelled These Words Incorrectly?Learnt' vs. 'Learned': Is There A Difference?FeedbackBrowse The English Dictionary: #abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzFind out MoreAboutContact UsPrivacy PolicyDo Not Sell My InfoDictionary & SynonymsUK English DictionaryUS English DictionarySpanish DictionaryEnglish SynonymsTranslationsSpanish to EnglishEnglish to SpanishExploreArticles© 2022 Lexico.com