LineStorm Interlude x1200 PvP Server
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LineStorm Interlude x1200 PvP Server
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2022-10-25 08:46:01

"I love LineStorm Interlude x1200 PvP Server"

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2022-10-25 08:46:01

HOMEStart PageACCOUNTCreate an accountDOWNLOADSFiles for gameSTATISTICServer StatsDONATEDonationsFORUMCommunity GRAND OPENINGSEP 30 AT 20:00 GMT+3!PERMANENT WEEKLY PROMOTION "VICTORY LINE"Participate in the promotion and get Coins of Luck every week!• Server Description: - Server: Interlude PvP x1200. - Sieges every week! - Auto-reward for capturing castles: Aden, Goddard, Gludio and Giran 10 Coins of Luck! - Turn on/off the ADC with the .acp command or Ctrl+click on the jar on the panel. - Apella sets have stats like: DK robe, Drak and Tallum heavy. - Skills "Nobless", "Block Buff", "Exchanger" at the birth of a character. - Maximum enchant 20\16\16. Safe +4. - Automatic restart of the server at 8:00 am Moscow time. - Transfer LS Service, trade of weapons with LS, Auction. - Buffer: 52 buff slots, buff time 3 hours. - Ability to buff premium buffs for "Festival Adena". - Chance to catch a skill with High-LS and Top-LS: 4% and 8%. - The respawn time of regular RBs is approximately 4 hours. - Ordinary RBs have a small PvP zone around them. - Bets and rent of clan halls are paid in Gold Bars. - The maximum number of sub-classes is 8, a quest for a sub-class is not needed. - Maximum number of clans in an alliance: 1. - Maximum number of people in a clan: 60. - ? Costume Quest! The quest is available from the Costumes Monk in any city! - ? Opportunity to get an epic jewelry for Apiga! - ? Free Premium for 12 hours for voting in HopZone! (.vote in game)• CRP system (clan reputation points): + 400 for capturing the castle. + 600 for killing Valakas. + 600 for killing Antharas. + 600 for killing Baium. + 300 for killing Frintezza. + 300 for killing Zaken. + 300 for killing Ant Queen. + 150 for killing Core. + 150 for killing Orfen. + 50 for gaining Hero. + 5 for killing RB 73+. + 1 for PvP (rarely awarded).• Where and what to farm: - in Ketra and Varka with "Farm"-mobs drop: a lot of adena (100% chance), Festival Adena (10% chance), books Monk's Scripture (10% chance), for the quest for costumes and agathions. - in MoS with "Elite"-mobs drop: Gold Bar (2 pcs. 100% chance), Festival Adena (15 pcs. 100% chance). - in Dino with Tyrannosaurus drop: Top-LS 76 (1 pcs. 40% chance), CP Potions (100 pcs. 100% chance), Festival Adena (up 2х pcs. 40% chance), Clan eggs (3% chance). - with RB 73+ drop: Top-LS 76 (up to 2 pcs., 70% chance), Festival Adena (up to 10 pcs. 90% chance), Clan eggs (3% chance), Apiga (1 pcs. 100% chance).• Contents of Boxes: - Green Box: High-LS 76 (1 pcs. chance 50%), Gold Bar (1 pcs. chance 50%). - Yellow Box: Top-LS 76 (1 pcs. chance 20%), High-LS 76 (1 pcs. chance 30%), Gold Bar (1 pcs. chance ~ 49.7%), Epic jewelry (1 pcs. chance ~ 0.3%). - Red Box: Suit (1 pcs. chance 100%).• Premium: - Experience multiplier: x1.5. - Adena drop multiplier: x1.5. - Chance of dropping Festival Adena from "Farm"-mobs: 20%, - Drop rate of Top-LS 76 with Tyrannosaurus: 80%. - Ability to buff premium buffs in the buffer and save them to the profile.• Automatic events: - Team vs Team (reward - Gold Bar, CP, FA, 5 Event Medal). - Base Capture (reward - Gold Bar, CP, FA, 5 Event Medal). - Last Hero (reward - hero status for a day).• Obtaining Nobless: - Respawn Noble RB (Flame of Splendor Barakiel, 80lvl) every 4 hours. - To get it, you need to be on a sub-class of at least level 75, kill a noble RB or be nearby, in the finishing party. - It is also possible to buy quest items for FA and complete the quest without killing RB.• Olympiad: - Issuance of heroism every week on Monday at 00:10 Moscow time. - Registration from 1 computer. - To start the battle, you need 3 people in extra classes. - Cooldown of active nukes (LS) 3 seconds. - Maximum sharpening on Olympiad +7. Items enchanted above are like +7. - Reward for the winner of the battle: 20 CP, 1 FA. - Heroic Reward: 3 Coin of Luck, 50 FA.• Respawn epic RB: - Ant Queen (75lvl) - 1 day, at 20h + (0-59 min.) (50% drop chance). - Core - 2 days, at 18h +(0-59 min.) (50% drop chance). - Orfen - 2 days, at 19h +(0-59 min.) (50% drop chance). - Zaken (75lvl) - 2 days, gates open at 21:30 for 5 min. by MSC. - Frintezza - 2 days, at 21h + (0-59 min.). - Baium - 5 days, at 22 o'clock + (0-59 min.). - Antharas - 6 days, at 22h + (0-59 min.). - Valakas - 7 days, at 22h + (0-59 min.).Best Interlude Server!SERVER STATUSx1200INTERLUDEONLINE85%TOP PVP/PKhator3960Laros3495TestSOFT13223`[M]apgeJIo[B]`.2726xXx2463`*~JaRvIzZ~*`2281Luda2275AntiPK2260Siiri2218.~*Meone*~.2079PVPPKAntiPK349DjEban282ButterF1y245MaKJIeuH`203INDIGIRKA166#[Mr]-Fr0st!k^^154`*~JaRvIzZ~*`131VincentVega124BoeHKoMaT109Mozart89PVPPKTOP CLANSSoulOfDeath1090invincible729Platinum436iBUYPOWER242Degot80vbronx64Tox1k38genesis35Fury32IWNL10HOMEREGISTRATIONDOWNLOADSSTATISTICSDONATEFORUMCONTACTSPASSWORD RECOVERY ключевые слова: новые сервера lineage 2 interlude x1200 pvp с дополнениями, скачать торрент, классик l2, топ серверов lineage 2, автокликер, анонсы серверов, europvp, рейтинг серверов, high five, интерлюдия, квест на ноблес, линсторм, linstorm, лайншторм, интерлюд пвп сервер классика, баги, лучший сервер la2, скачать клиент, каталог серверов lineage 2, бесплатно, la2top interlude, клиент interlude скачатьДанный сервер является эмулятором известной игры Interlude2022©LineStorm