These truths about Islam were common knowledge before 9/11 — Why Muslims Kill For Islam
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Why do Muslims kill for Islam? How does "the religion of peace" produce so many terrorists? Our book decodes the Koran and answers this question. Use this book to prove to your family, your friends and your colleagues that believing Islam will be reformed is like believing in unicorns.
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These truths about Islam were common knowledge before 9/11 — Why Muslims Kill For Islam
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2022-07-06 22:11:32

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2022-07-06 22:11:32

Advanced Search… Navigation Toggle navigation Home Koran Articles Texts Muslim Rape Jihad You are here: Home Buy the book they banned because it proves terrorism is the foundation of Islam's success Get your copy of the book which went straight to No.1 on the best-seller chart on the first day of publication!  The book which shows why the connection between Islam and Islamic terrorism is unbreakable.Read the book which proves that throughout the 20th century your rulers knew all about Islam being an ideology glorifying terrorism and hatred of the other.  Yet in full knowledge of this fact, the ruling class invited millions of followers of Islam into the West. All indicators are that the problems caused by Islam are only going to multiply and your children will live out their old age under the rules of Islam. We've selected 100s of the best five-star reviews from around the world.  This book will transform your understanding of the current political situation, and will prove that Islamisation is a very bad prospect for your children and grandchildren. Buy the 2017 No.1 Best Seller, decode the Koran and Islam in minutes. These truths about Islam were common knowledge before 9/11 Why do Muslims kill for Islam? How does "the religion of peace" produce so many terrorists? Our book decodes the Koran and answers this question. Use this book to prove to your family, your friends and your colleagues that believing Islam will be reformed is like believing in unicorns. http://www.mohammeds-koran.com/front-page http://www.mohammeds-koran.com/@@site-logo/Jihad_Sword_White_Background.png These truths about Islam were common knowledge before 9/11 Why do Muslims kill for Islam? How does "the religion of peace" produce so many terrorists? Our book decodes the Koran and answers this question. Use this book to prove to your family, your friends and your colleagues that believing Islam will be reformed is like believing in unicorns. This website exists to discuss the most fundamental Islamic texts, to prove to ordinary people that the problems the world faces with Islamic terrorism and intolerance are rooted in the Koran, the Hadiths and the history of Islam.  By putting all these texts online and making them all searchable and all available to be cross-referenced in open discussion, this site shows that we have absolutely no expectation that anyone can disprove the claims made in our book Mohammed's Koran.What is truly incredible is that the evidence about Islam in Mohammed's Koran was accepted wisdom among academics, politicians and clergy in the West throughout the 20th century. Following 9/11, with the demonstration that the West had a 5th Column (people who were truly dangerous to our civilisation) the Quisling elite took it upon themselves to mount a wall of deceit in order to stop all critical scrutiny of Islam and to continue their project of Islamisation.Facing up to the inherent violence of Islam is the biggest issue of the 21st century.  Forget the unproven claims about global warming, etc. All your worst fears about Islam are provable not just in the "holy" texts but in the history of how Muslims have implemented the commands and examples contained in those texts. The West's greatest historians of Islam have already predicted that Europe will be Islamic by the time current school-children have reached retirement.  Yet this demographic tsunami is a subject that neither government nor media will even discuss.If you would like to know more about this book, here is a summary of Mohammed's Koran.  You can spend hours, days, weeks exploring the texts on this site, and you will come to the conclusions we demonstrate in our book.  Or you can simply buy the book and acquire that knowledge in minutes not months. Reviews Written in clear, no nonsense, easy-to-understand English... Not one sentence... depicting an opinion or feeling from either author... Cleverly put together and has certainly opened my eyes... Me and my Muslim mate have both bought this and well into it... Information you will not hear on the BBC or read in The Guardian... A Churchillian effort... Islam's biggest enemy is the Quran... A first class and well researched book... A bold, uncompromising, refreshing endeavour! Very well researched and a warning from the future... Very interesting presentation regarding Islam and a few shockers... A very informative book... Reviews - More… Contact Email address for Peter McLoughlin: pmclauth at gmail . com