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Mustang Trail Race 2023 Home The race Q & A News Info About Fees & details Travel days Equipment list Insurance Supporters Pre-race FAQ Contacts Results Register /* Common general styles go here 1440px x 678px for screens 1024 and up1068px x 648px for less than 1024736px x 460px for less than 768 2880px x 1356px for screens 1024 and up2136px x 1296px for less than 10241472px x 920px for less than 768 */ /* Mobiles in Potrait mode */ @media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { /* Add you style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url("https://mustangtrailrace.com/wp-content/themes/MUSTANG_MOBI/assets/images/home/mustang-konchokling-trail-runner-nepal-750x1334px.jpg"); } } /* Mobiles in landscape mode */ @media only screen and (min-width : 321px) and (max-width : 480px) { /* Add you style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url("https://mustangtrailrace.com/wp-content/themes/MUSTANG_MOBI/assets/images/home/mustang-konchokling-trail-runner-nepal-1068x648px.jpg"); } } /* Tablets */ @media only screen and (min-width : 768px) and (max-width : 1224px) { /* Add you style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url("https://mustangtrailrace.com/wp-content/themes/MUSTANG_MOBI/assets/images/home/mustang-konchokling-trail-runner-nepal-1068x648px.jpg"); } } /* Desktops and laptops computers */ @media only screen and (min-width : 1225px) { /* Add you style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url("https://mustangtrailrace.com/wp-content/themes/MUSTANG_MOBI/assets/images/home/mustang-konchokling-trail-runner-nepal-1068x648px.jpg"); } } /* very large screen devices */ @media only screen and (min-width : 1824px) { /* Add you style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url("https://mustangtrailrace.com/wp-content/themes/MUSTANG_MOBI/assets/images/home/mustang-konchokling-trail-runner-nepal-1920x1080px.jpg"); } } /* For print */ @media print { /* Add your style here */ .cid-ATLHomeImage { background-image: url(""); color:#000; } } Mustang Trail RaceThe Mustang Trail Race is a 8-stage, high-altitude trail race through the culturally Tibetan, trans-Himalayan region of Nepal. 8-20 April 2023 8-20 April 2023. The Mustang Trail Race is a supported 8-stage, 170 km long, high-altitude trail race through the culturally Tibetan, trans-Himalayan region of Nepal. Subscribe to newsletter PreviousNextClose The Mustang Trail Race mixes challenging running on centuries-old trading trails, with plenty of downtime for rest and cultural exploration of caves, villages, monasteries & Hindu temples from Lower to Upper Mustang.I just wanted to write and say a huge and heartfelt thank you for organising this amazing race ... it was absolutely worth it and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.Erica RusbridgeAustralia The view from the best trail - stage 7 For centuries this has been the safest trading route between Nepal and Tibet. The well worn trails make the yaks smile, and are thus perfect for trail runners too. Trails undulate over successions of dry hills between oasis-like villages. Mustang with its fairytale landscape is one of the few places in the world to retain an air of mystery. Only opened to tourism in 1992, it is an enclave of pure Tibetan Buddhist culture whose conserved monasteries, and caves alike, house priceless historical treasures. Where is Mustang? Mustang is in the west of Nepal, way back behind the Greater Himalayan Range, in the rain shadow created by the Annapurna Massif. It's a short flight (or 9 hour drive) from the lake side town of Pokhara.More about the race...A SUPPORTED RACE- you run with a light pack, everything else is carried for you. You sleep in 'tea-houses' on comfortable mattresses. We feed you big cooked meals and you just bring a few favorite energy snacks.8 STAGES, 12 DAYS- It's 12 days in total: 8 x racing days, 1 x hiking day, 2 x travelling days, 1 x day briefing in Kathmandu.FRIENDLY - Up to 30 like-minded starters forming a friendly group. We invite young Nepali running talents to develop their running and interpersonal skills.UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT- We run northwards towards Tibet, behind the stunning 8000 m Annapurna Massif, running at altitudes between 2900 m and 4,300 m!Mustang Trail Race video What race competitors have said: “The race was recommended to me by a friend who praised the whole experience: the organisation, the culture on display and the scenery. I signed up expecting "good" and a bit of repetitive landscapes... well it turned out to be "exceptional" and the memory is within grasp whenever I close my eyes: the mountains, the trails and crazy topography only Dali could have imagined. All yours if you have 2 weeks!”Sylvain LabattuSingapore (Winner 2017) “If you love the desert, then Mustang is for you. The same holds true if you’re a lover of majestic mountains. I love both enough that I choose to live on the flanks of the La Sal Mountains outside Moab, Utah. Well, Mustang is that to a higher power…”Bryon PowellUSA “I spent one year living in Nepal and in that time I had a lot of experiences but none were better than running the Mustang Trail Race. Mustang is a magical and mystical place, and one that not many people get to go visit. Richard and Trail Running Nepal know how to provide a one-in-a-lifetime experience appropriate for visiting this unique land. They were able to make it simultaneously a race and a cultural experience/tour. I recommend the Mustang Trail Race to anyone who loves running, loves adventure, and loves learning and experiencing different cultures and ways of life. There is no place like Mustang, it must be experienced in person and there is no better way to see it then with the group from the Mustang Trail Race.”Tyler WassonUSA “This race is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will experience adventure in an ecosystem unlike anywhere else on the planet — through high red desert, dramatic canyons, villages of twelve households, with Annapurna and Dhaulagiri looming in the background. You will be challenged by the running and the altitude and nurtured by the views and the wonderful people with whom you’re experiencing these timeless communities. An absolute must do.”Kathryn SallUSA (2013) “Still can’t believe I completed the Mustang Trail Race! I had never run a stage race before but the excellent pink way-finding ribbons ensured that I found the route every day. I ran through amazing, varied, incredible landscapes enjoying a culture that I would never have seen had it not been for this race. It was the most wonderful experience.”Menai BaughUnited Kingdom “The Mustang Trail Race has left an indelible mark on me. Everything good about trail running, cultural exploration, adventure, challenging oneself, and the camaraderie that comes from multi-day races, was present in huge quantities.”Matt MorozHong Kong (2014) “The Mustang Trail Race is an incredible way to see, and race through, a spectacular landscape of snow-capped mountains rising from a high-altitude desert. The race is a perfect mixture of exhilarating running and fascinating culture, and is organised in such a way that you can experience both to their full effect. Go and see Mustang whilst it still has its isolation - it's an experience I'll never forget. ”Alex CopleyUK “A fantastic, special and unforgettable experience. A mix of sport (trail running), culture, travel, all shared with people of different nationalities, age and habits. All this together makes the Mustang Trail Race.”Gimmi CampoItaly “Thanks for a great event! One of the best things I've ever done.”Justine Christie (2018)AustraliaMustang Newsletter Subscribe to newsletter Stage 7 - a viewpoint to a bizare landscape, just metres from the trailStop the race! It would be crazy to run right past ancient monuments, right? What about Check-in Check-out checkpoints? During the Mustang Trail Race you can stop and enjoy the moment with the clock stopped: go inside an 800 year-old monastery; go explore a cave… Take as long as you want, then check-out, and the clock starts again. We do this on stage 2, stage 3, twice on stage 4, and finally (TBC) on stage 5. Does it make it easier or more difficult? Try it and see. Lo Manthang, dusted by rare April snowfall. Tibet is on the horizon. Stage informationWhile the distances seem short, the oxygen available to you during the race is between only 75% and 60% that of sea level.D#DateRouteKm↑/↓D#DateRouteKm↑/↓4Tue, Apr 11thStage 1: Kagbeni to Tsaile15km↑538m ↓316m5Wed, Apr 12thStage 2: Tsaile to Ghemi27.5km↑2202m ↓1694m6Thu, Apr 13thStage 3: Ghemi to Lo Manthang21km↑1097m ↓849m7Fri, Apr 14thStage -: Lo Manthang – rest & acclimatisation↑0m ↓0m8Sat, Apr 15thStage 4: Lo Manthang to Konchok Ling29.1km↑1063m ↓1063m9Sun, Apr 16thStage 5: Lo Manthang to Yara16km↑650m ↓835m10Mon, Apr 17thStage 6: Yara to Tanggye18.3km↑782m ↓-1312m11Tue, Apr 18thStage 7: Tanggye to Chuksang23.9km↑1168m ↓1523m12Wed, Apr 19thStage 8: Chuksang to Jomsom via Muktinath15.1km↑1184m ↓484mTotal distance165.9 Mustang has its own Grand Canyon, which splits the Himalaya in twoDesert, mountains: a Tibetan landscape! iRunFar’s Bryon Powell wrote: “If you love the desert, then Mustang is for you. The same holds true if you’re a lover of majestic mountains. I love both enough that I choose to live on the flanks of the La Sal Mountains outside Moab, Utah. Well, Mustang is that to a higher power…” Every stage seems to have its own personality, such that really no two are similar, and every day seems enjoyably different. The view from the final pass - stage 8 Now read about Stage 1, the short, sharp first 15 km into Upper Mustang, or view a gallery of photos from the very first Mustang Trail Race. Stage 1 Gallery Register Stage 7 - descent to the finish Previous Next More pages: Facebook Flickr Gallery Sitemap PrivacyRECENT NEWSSUBSCRIBE TO TRAIL RUNNING NEPALGet occasional updates about running in Nepal.Thanks for filling out the form! 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