MWE LAB | Home of the Emperor Work Environment
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MWE Lab provides work environment solutions and bespoke design. The Emperor work environment for home office, command and control, training and simulation.
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MWE LAB | Home of the Emperor Work Environment
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2022-05-14 14:09:30

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www.mwelab.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-05-14 14:09:30

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--section-blocks-alignment: flex-start; --section-blocks-overlay-color: 0, 0, 0; --section-blocks-overlay-opacity: 0.3; } The Emperor XT Up to 6 monitors BUYBUILD & PRICE THE EPOD Change your perspective BUYBUILD & PRICE INDUSTRIAL GRADE to the core LEARN MORE Go to slide 1 Go to slide 2 Go to slide 3 #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__image-with-text {--heading-color: 26, 26, 26; --text-color: 26, 26, 26; --primary-button-background: 46, 158, 123; --primary-button-text-color: 255, 255, 255; --section-accent-background: 245 241 236 / 1.0; --section-autoplay-duration: 8s; --section-animation-play-state: paused; }/* We have to remove some extra spacing adding in non-overlap mode */ @media screen and (max-width: 999px) {#shopify-section-template--15002916028527__image-with-text .section { margin-top: 0; } #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__image-with-text .image-with-text { margin-bottom: calc(-1 * var(--vertical-breather)) !important; }} ePOD Simplicity and design meets with comfort and productivity. The new ePOD offers functionalities that enable the user to experience comfort and immersion through strategically positioned monitors and accessories. BUY EMPEROR XT Be bold! With the signature Emperor scorpion shape and outline, an industrial grade steel structure, tilting capabilities, integrated audio system, LED lighting and much more, the Emperor is the future of high-end home and office computer work environments. BUY epod EMPEROR XT #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__featured-product {--heading-color: 26, 26, 26; --text-color: 26, 26, 26; --primary-button-background: 46, 158, 123; --primary-button-text-color: 255, 255, 255; --secondary-button-background: 245, 241, 236; --secondary-button-text-color: 86, 17, 42;--section-background: 255, 255, 255; --background: 255, 255, 255; --secondary-background: 245, 241, 236; } Ready to ship 1", "contain": true, "cellSelector": ".product__media-item:not(.is-filtered)", "percentPosition": false, "pageDots": false, "prevNextButtons": false }" id="product-template--15002916028527__featured-product-2177001127990-media-list" class="product__media-list"> Zoom Go to slide 1 Go to slide 2 Go to slide 3 Go to slide 4 Go to slide 5 Go to slide 6 Go to slide 7 Go to slide 8 Previous Next Emperor XT Black or White with support for 1 monitor Sale price$4,950 USD Color:Carbon Black Carbon Black Alpine White Variant Carbon Black - $4,950 USDAlpine White - $4,950 USD Quantity: Decrease quantity Increase quantity Share Share Share Facebook Pinterest Twitter E-mail #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__1648586361872ceed4 {--heading-color: 26, 26, 26; --text-color: 26, 26, 26; --primary-button-background: 46, 158, 123; --primary-button-text-color: 255, 255, 255; --prev-next-button-background: 255, 255, 255; --prev-next-button-color: 26, 26, 26; --section-block-background: 245, 241, 236; } @media screen and (max-width: 999px) {} Bespoke Design We provide fast and affordable bespoke design and customize our award-winning Emperor XT based on your requirements to maximize task performance. Our precise methods and commitment to customers ensure that you benefit from topflight design and integration expertise. LEARN MORE #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__16485585481441a914 {--heading-color: 255, 255, 255; --text-color: 255, 255, 255; --primary-button-background: 46, 158, 123; --primary-button-text-color: 255, 255, 255; --prev-next-button-background: 255, 255, 255; --prev-next-button-color: 26, 26, 26; --section-background: 26, 26, 26; --section-logo-background: 0 0 0 / 0.0; --section-logo-count: 16; } Some of our corporate customers Previous Next #shopify-section-template--15002916028527__1648558287699eed0c {--heading-color: 26, 26, 26; --text-color: 26, 26, 26; --prev-next-button-background: 255, 255, 255; --prev-next-button-color: 26, 26, 26; --section-background: 255, 255, 255; } The Emperor makes living the 18-hours workday dream way more enjoyable and totally worth the investment. Leerom Segal, Klick Health, Canada "I enjoy every seconds of it!" Albanna Engineering, Dubai "The Emperor allows our teams to expand their productivity and have all their needs fulfilled in one environment." Zachary Quinn, Love your Melon, USA "I have been a proud owner of a MWE Lab Emperor station since late 2011. It has been by far my best computer related investment I have ever made." Leon Jesmanowicz, USA "MWE Lab provided a seamless design to manufacturing process; facilitated the customizing interaction and adapted well to design change requirements." "MWE Lab provided a seamless design to manufacturing process; facilitated the customizing interaction and adapted well to design change requirements." "I'm loving my workstation every day, my back thanks me for not sitting in a crappy chair." "I'm loving my workstation every day, my back thanks me for not sitting in a crappy chair." "EXCELLENT service, fast response time, incredible product - AMAZING!" Bad Angels Productions, Canada Previous Next Go to slide 2 Go to slide 4 Go to slide 6