Ned Batchelder
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2022-05-02 09:46:21

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2022-05-02 09:46:21

Ned BatchelderBlog ·Code ·Text ·SitePython custom formatting 14 AprilPython objects can define their own format mini-language. » more..Singleton is a bad idea 10 AprilDesign patterns are a great way to think about interactions among classes. But the classic Singleton pattern is bad: you shouldn’t use it and there are better options. » more..Dinghy digests 13 MarchDinghy is a tool I wrote to summarize activity on GitHub issues and pull requests. You configure it to look at certain GitHub resources over a recent time period, and it produces a compact digest of what’s been happening: » more..20 years of blogging 7 MarchI’ve been blogging for 20 years! In that time I’ve covered a lot of ground. » more..More blog ·· #art · #audio · #autism · #beginners · #boston · #cog · #concurrency · #coverage · #css · #debugging · #experts · #friends-&-family · #git · #github · #graphics · #juggling · #maps · #math · #online · #open-source · #parenting · #python · #shells · #testing · #walking · 2022 · 21 · 20 · 19 · 18 · 17 · 16 · 15 · 14 · 13 · 12 · 11 · 10 · 09 · 08 · 07 · 06 · 05 · 04 · 03 · 02 · » more topics..Codesoftware I madeFlourish ·· a harmonograph explorercoverage.py ·· for measuring Python code coverageScriv ·· for managing changelogs» more code..Textwords I wrotePython Names and Values ·· how assignment worksKindling projects ·· small projects for new programmersPragmatic Unicode ·· how to stop the pain» more text..About meI'm a software developer with a long career,a wife and three sons, one autistic.I help organize Boston Python. » more..Search meAlso metwitter ·github ·sponsor ·linkedin ·paypal ·work ·resume ·tidelift ·irc ·slack ·email© 2002–2022