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2022-10-22 00:58:54

CompanyOpportunitiesPortfolioNewsContactParalax Life Sciences is an investment and executive consulting group of companies for innovative implementation of medical and life science products and services in Bulgaria €0Invested since 2008 0Successful companies 0Jobs createdConceptMissionStrategyTeamConceptParalax Life Sciences concept was developed in the year 2006 by Dr. Dimiter Georgiev, PhD and Vladislava Georgieva MF, as an investment and executive consulting group of companies for innovative implementation of medical and life science products and services in Bulgaria.Paralax Life Sciences has crucial expertise in the management, consulting and performing of different activities in the life sciences sector – clinical trials for the development of new and existing pharmaceutical products, collection and storage of cord blood stem cells, introduction in Bulgaria of products for genetic testing, forensics, innovative technologies for smoking cessation and weight management, pharmaco- and cosmetic vigilance, financial analytics for the Bulgarian healthcare and structured funding for innovative projects etc. We help, as well, international life science companies to avoid costly mistakes, to improve their products or services and therefore to improve their chances for market success. Joining efforts with some well positioned NGO’s, we support qualitative and modern patient care.Paralax Life Sciences will recommend what is required to enter Bulgarian market and devise precise strategies to create, maintain and broaden acceptance, recognition and brand awareness. We not only investigate, analyze and recommend, but we also develop, design and implement a strategic plan in order to pave your road to success. We help clients in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries to define, demonstrate and communicate the safety and value of their products as necessary to meet the diverse expectations of regulators, physicians, and patients. We provide high-quality clinical development services to accelerate and maximize the value of our clients’ investments in the drug development process.We work, as well, in numerous therapeutic areas: from vaccines to women’s health and have participated in many disease-prevention studies.Competent consulting on the field of registration of drugs, food supplements, medical devices, advanced medical treatments etc. is a part of the daily life of Paralax Life Sciences company.MissionParalax Life Sciences invests own capital in technologies and products for the life science and healthcare markets in Bulgaria and Europe. With our participation at few independent contract research companies we perform clinical trials in human and apply the highest ethical and scientific standard.Our mission is toEnable business success in the life sciences in BulgariaWe accomplish this goal through leadership, collaboration, innovation and advocacy. As an effort to strengthen cross-border collaboration in the life sciences we expand our relations with companies all over Europe.Like most innovative capital investments, the clinical and life sciences are inherently risky. In today’s uncertain economic climate, many investors are opting to sit out and wait for more certainty in the market before they invest. Nevertheless, the clinical and life sciences market is an area that healthcare-oriented investors may consider targeting more frequently based on recent results. As the worldwide population ages and more people enter their years of greatest healthcare need, demand for new pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and medical devices has the potential to go higher than we’ve ever seen. That’s why the need for venture capital is greater and one of the ways to generate cash is the partnerships and licensing agreements with larger companies looking to expand their product pipelines.Paralax Life Sciences is focused on helping its customers cultivate business growth in the global clinic & life science marketplace through the development, marketing and distribution of high quality solutions. We offer an experienced leadership team and a dynamic and diverse portfolio to demonstrate our customers’ success.Our mission is to provide a comprehensive range of integrated development services of superior value for our customers, enhancing the regulatory acceptance, the speed to market and the return on investment of their products. We work to improve public health and well-being and our core values are:Customer focusDemand of total qualityValue for the individualShareholder valueIntegrity at all levels of executionStrategyParalax Life Sciences approach focuses on the risk and return characteristics of an investment rather than those criteria that are often used to define venture investments (e.g. sector, therapeutic area, stage of asset development). Hence, we invest in both early stage and late stage companies, platforms and products, discovery and development. However, our main competence are start-ups.Many factors contribute to the investment attractions of clinic & life science companies:There is a considerable unsatisfied demand for healthcare products, driven by increasing consumer expectations and demand for life-style therapeutics.The population is ageing, driving up healthcare expenditure per capita.There is a lack of safe, effective treatments for many diseases. Furthermore, for some well-tested therapies, treatment rates are low.Healthcare costs are increasingly of concern to payers. Innovation in healthcare is the best hope for improving productivity of healthcare delivery.When it comes to life science productivity, Europe has four of the five top ranked countries in this area. Europe is also a major centre for pharmaceutical development and is home to four of the world’s top five pharmaceutical companies. Successful companies can be built upon Europe’s research base to generate attractive returns for investors. Clinic and life science technologies are global businesses. Regardless of location, companies must strive to attain the standards of, and be benchmarked against, the best competition globally.TeamDimitar B. GeorgievMD, PhDFounder & CEOBusiness DevelopmentResourcesBusiness DevelopmentParalax Life Sciences invests in different areas of the clinical and life sciences including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and health technologies. There are no fixed criteria for investment size but we expect to make aggregate investments of minimum € 50 000 in each of our portfolio companies. We will consider investing companies based anywhere in the world but we are particularly focused on Europe.For more information on any of our portfolio companies, please click on the relevant link below:Medical clinic Ascendent NM Genomix / Prenatest Simbula CCDRD | Milray | ProDuct | MilReit SGP Biodynamics | digene HPV test Pharmalex Bulgaria Life Science Projects Institute for Medical ResearchVia subsidiaries and related parties Paralax Life Sciences holds shares of:Pfizer Glaxo Smith Kline Qiagen GileadShould you be interested in meeting the MVM team to discuss your business and its plans for the future please contact us.ResourcesParalax Life Sciences has a broad and efficient network in the life science community in Bulgaria and also excellent communications with prominent financial and regulatory institutions in the country. The staff of the subsidiaries of Paralax Life in Bulgaria consists predominantly of intelligent, highly-motivated people, dedicated to work together as a team improving the human condition through innovation in the clinic and life sciences, but also basic research. Our team has been involved in the creation, financing and management of more than 10 life science companies and has significant experience in research and development, consulting, finance and operational management. The exceptional talent, skill, and passion of our employees are the key to Paralax Life Sciences’s excellence, success and value.The founders of Paralax Life Sciences have supported several successful marketing campaigns for ethical and OTC medications, as also effective introductions of diagnostic tests and medical devices on the Bulgarian market. Some patient loyalty programs have been awarded on international patient’s forums.Selected portfolioSelected ExitsSelected portfolioNM Genomix NM Genomix is a medical enterprise with nearly 10 years of history on the Bulgarian market and very rich medical and business experience of its founders. Staring at the future of medicine, our mission is to provide the best tailor-made healthcare options by delivering next generation medical services and products.Go to websiteCloseCCDRDWe are an independent contract research organization (CRO) located near Berlin, Germany.We perform all types of clinical trials in human while applying the highest ethical and scientific standard.We are dedicated to offer creative and innovative full service from planning to market authorization to our customers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and medical device industry.We focus on maximizing the scientific communication early on in every project to work out the most successful, least risky path to approval for your product.Go to websiteCloseCCDRDWe are an independent contract research organization (CRO) located near Berlin, Germany.We perform all types of clinical trials in human while applying the highest ethical and scientific standard.We are dedicated to offer creative and innovative full service from planning to market authorization to our customers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and medical device industry.We focus on maximizing the scientific communication early on in every project to work out the most successful, least risky path to approval for your product.Go to websiteCloseMedical Center Ascendent Диагностично-консултативен център Асцендент ООД е частно здравно заведение за извънболнична специализирана медицинска помощ.Центърът е създаден през 2000 г. Във връзка с разширяване на дейността си  през месец септември 2006 г. се премества на настоящия си адрес в гр. София, район Оборище, ул. Бачо Киро 47. От създаването си и до момента предлага системен, холистичен подход, както към здравето на жената – от пубертета до менопаузата, така и към здравето на мъжа.ДКЦ „Асцендент” ООД (като правоприемник на ЦПМСЗ „Свети Георги” ) от 15 години участва активно в организацията, координацията и/или провеждането на повече от 100 клинични проучвания в I, II,III и IV фаза с основни области – ендокринология, гинекология, кардиология, белодробни заболявания, дерматология и други.ДКЦ Асцендент разполага с:два лекарски кабинета за провеждане на клинични изследвания, оборудвани с компютри с достъп до интернет, факс и копирна машинаотделение за краткосрочен престой за изследване на бионаличност/биоеквивалентност, разположено на самостоятелен етаж с 10 легла в 3 стаи за доброволци/пациенти, с манипулационна и необходимата апаратура за провеждане на проучвания и за съхраняване на биологични материали и документация – възможност за хоспитализиране до 48 часа, както и със система за повикване на помощ до всяко легло. Отделението разполага с необходимото оборудване за оказване на спешна животоспасяваща медицинска помощ, както и с персонал за оказването ѝ. Отделението работи ефективно от 2009 г., като до момента са проведени 16 клинични изпитвания за бионаличност/ биоеквивалентност при здрави доброволци. Екипът се състои от един клиничен фармаколог, един лекар специалист по вътрешни болести и един специализиращ акушерство и гинекология лекар; 11 медицински сестри и двама лаборанти. Натрупан е значителен опит в провеждането на клинични изпитвания с инхалаторни лекарствени продукти, лекарствени форми за локално прилагане, перорални лекарствени средства и други.Допълнителен фактор, осигуряващ ефективност в клиничните проучвания, е отработеният механизъм за набиране на пациенти, подходящи за съответното клинично изпитване – наличие на база данни в Асцендент, офериране на безплатни изследвания и прегледи, ежемесечни промоции и други.Доказателства за изключително големия опит и отлично качество в работата на ДКЦ Асцендент в областта на клиничните изпитвания са и:множеството проведени мониторинги от възложители на клинични изпитвания и одити от длъжностни лица на държавите – членки на Европейския съюз и определени от Европейската агенция по лекарствата, доказвали , че клиничните проучвания се осъществяват съобразно Добрата Клинична Практика и при спазване на регулаторните стандарти, както и осигуряващи запазване правата и безопасността на участниците в изследваниятаинспекцията от регулаторния орган – ИАЛ – отчетен положителен резултат за качество без установяване на нарушения и критични забележкидългогодишното партньорство със „Синексус България” ЕООД, „Милрей” ЕООД и много други ДИОфактът, че възложители на клиничните проучвания в ДКЦ Асцендент са водещи фармацевтични компании: Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck, Boehringen Ingelheime и други. В ДКЦ Асцендент е учредена Комисия по етика през 2008 г, провела множество заседания по утвърдени стандартни оперативни процедури от ИАЛ.Осъществена е инспекция от регулаторните власти през април 2012г. , като Комисията получава много добра оценка за работата си.Клиничните проучвания в ДКЦ Асцендент се осъществяват съобразно Добрата Клинична Практика с основни цели – защита на правата, безопасността и здравето на участниците в изпитването в съответствие с принципите, залегнали в Декларацията от Хелзинки, както и обезпечаване на научната стойност и възпроизводимост на данните от клиничното изпитване.Go to websiteCloseBulgarian Association for Personalised Medicine …Go to websiteCloseIQS Bulgaria I Quit Smoking is an international franchise network offering a proven, quick and pain-free method to help people quit smoking. Up to 90% of smokers treated have quit after a single, one-hour session by an IQS-trained therapist.Over 300,000 people worldwide have quit smoking using the IQS System, which is guaranteed for six months based on the smokers’ full participation in the program.Go to websiteCloseMilpain …Go to websiteCloseLindeq Lindeq is a medical consultancy specialised in drug safety and pharmacovigilance, cosmetovigilance, quality management and medical device vigilance.Our drug safety and pharmacovigilance solutions can be applied to the important stages in the life cycle of a medicinal product; from development and clinical studies to application and post marketing.Within cosmetovigilance and medical device vigilance our solutions range from reviewing the client’s current procedures to establish and maintain a complete cosmetovigilance/medical device vigilance system, always compliant with the respective regulations.Go to websiteCloseSimbula Financial and accounting company Simbula was established in 2010 as a specialized accounting company, which offers professional accounting services and consultancy for companies operating in different sectors of the economy. Our mission is to develop long-term business relationships with our customers and to contribute for the successful development of their business. Financial and accounting company Simbula works under conditions of complete confidentiality.Go to websiteCloseMilray JSC …Go to websiteCloseSGP Biodynamics …Go to websiteClosedigene HPV Test …Go to websiteCloseSGP Biodynamics …Go to websiteCloseSelected ExitsCryo-SaveMore than 250, 000 samplesCryoSave Private Cord Bank, with more than 250,000 samples preserved, is the leading family stem cell bank in Europe.We are accredited as a Licensed Organ & Tissue Establishment for the collection, analysis, processing and preservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and cord tissue.Established in 2000Established in 2000, CryoSave has cryo-preserved samples from over 70 countries on six continents, with ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in Belgium, Germany, Dubai, India and South Africa.Your sample is held securely until such a time as you may need it. With full parental request and consent, many samples have already been released from our facilities for treatments.Choosing CryoSave means:Quality: We guarantee the highest quality standards in terms of transport, processing and security of your baby’s stored stem cells when banking cord blood. Several CryoSave samples have been successfully used in stem cell transplantations, another reason to bank stem cells.Professional expertise: With more than 12 years of cryopreservation activity, over 20 medical doctors and 40 lab technicians, we are the most experienced stem cell bank in Europe understanding the need to save cord blood.Dual storage: We use a dual storage system, meaning that the stem cells are stored independently in two separate storage tanks for additional safety. This practice has the added benefit of increasing our therapeutic options, because we don’t have to release the whole sample for research or treatment. We therefore extend the usefulness of each sample we store.Accreditations: We are officially accredited as a Licensed Organ & Tissue Establishment by the Dutch Ministry of Health’s Farmatec and Belgian regulatory authority – FAGG (Belgium lab), as well as ISO certified (Belgium and India labs), AABB (Dubai and India labs), and WHO GMP (Belgium and India labs).Research:CryoSave supports high-level research and collaborates with leading universities, physicians and stem cell scientists.We care about families and childrenCryoSave is constantly striving to improve its services and to offer the best possible guidance to its customers, the medical community and the public in general. Thanks to our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, we encourage all our employees to take actions that have a positive impact on their local community. In addition, CryoSave launched the Board of Parents in 2012. This programme gives parents the opportunity to visit the CryoSave labs and learn more about our family stem cell bank. This is a unique initiative to create interactions between the company and its customers and a way to reinforce the transparency of the organization, giving a direct insight into its professional work and long-term objectives.CloseGoldLilyMore than 250, 000 samplesCryoSave Private Cord Bank, with more than 250,000 samples preserved, is the leading family stem cell bank in Europe.We are accredited as a Licensed Organ & Tissue Establishment for the collection, analysis, processing and preservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and cord tissue.Established in 2000Established in 2000, CryoSave has cryo-preserved samples from over 70 countries on six continents, with ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in Belgium, Germany, Dubai, India and South Africa.Your sample is held securely until such a time as you may need it. With full parental request and consent, many samples have already been released from our facilities for treatments.Choosing CryoSave means:Quality: We guarantee the highest quality standards in terms of transport, processing and security of your baby’s stored stem cells when banking cord blood. Several CryoSave samples have been successfully used in stem cell transplantations, another reason to bank stem cells.Professional expertise: With more than 12 years of cryopreservation activity, over 20 medical doctors and 40 lab technicians, we are the most experienced stem cell bank in Europe understanding the need to save cord blood.Dual storage: We use a dual storage system, meaning that the stem cells are stored independently in two separate storage tanks for additional safety. This practice has the added benefit of increasing our therapeutic options, because we don’t have to release the whole sample for research or treatment. We therefore extend the usefulness of each sample we store.Accreditations: We are officially accredited as a Licensed Organ & Tissue Establishment by the Dutch Ministry of Health’s Farmatec and Belgian regulatory authority – FAGG (Belgium lab), as well as ISO certified (Belgium and India labs), AABB (Dubai and India labs), and WHO GMP (Belgium and India labs).Research:CryoSave supports high-level research and collaborates with leading universities, physicians and stem cell scientists.We care about families and childrenCryoSave is constantly striving to improve its services and to offer the best possible guidance to its customers, the medical community and the public in general. Thanks to our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, we encourage all our employees to take actions that have a positive impact on their local community. In addition, CryoSave launched the Board of Parents in 2012. This programme gives parents the opportunity to visit the CryoSave labs and learn more about our family stem cell bank. This is a unique initiative to create interactions between the company and its customers and a way to reinforce the transparency of the organization, giving a direct insight into its professional work and long-term objectives.CloseNewsThe latest buzz in life science as we saw it#us_grid_1 .w-grid-item{padding:2px}#us_grid_1 .w-grid-list{margin:-2px -2px 2px}.w-grid + #us_grid_1 .w-grid-list,.w-grid-none + #us_grid_1 .w-grid-list{margin-top:2px}@media (max-width:899px){#us_grid_1 .w-grid-item{width:50%}}@media (max-width:599px){#us_grid_1 .w-grid-list{margin:0}#us_grid_1 .w-grid-item{width:100%;padding:0;margin-bottom:2px}}.layout_400 .w-grid-item-h{}.layout_400 .usg_post_image_1{transition-duration:0.3s;transform:scale(1) translate(0%,0%)}.layout_400 .w-grid-item-h:hover .usg_post_image_1{transform:scale(1.20) translate(0%,0%);opacity:1}.layout_400 .usg_vwrapper_1{position:absolute!important;left:0!important;bottom:0!important;right:0!important;background:linear-gradient(0deg,rgba(0,0,0,0.80),rgba(0,0,0,0.00))!important;padding:5rem 2rem 1.5rem 2rem!important}.layout_400 .usg_post_title_1{color:#ffffff!important;font-weight:700!important;font-size:1.2rem!important}.layout_400 .usg_post_date_1{color:#ffffff!important;font-size:0.9rem!important}.layout_400 .usg_post_taxonomy_2{color:#ffffff!important;font-size:0.9rem!important} Zika Virus Infection in Pregnant Women04/05/2016infection, pregnancy, WHO, Zika virus PATH against cervical cancer in regions with limited resources19/06/2015 Cushman & Wakefield’s BPO & Shared Service Location Index for 2015 is Out04/06/2015BPO, report The future of the life sciences industries: Aftermath of the global recession19/05/2015 Paralax Life Sciences - Investments for Health 47 Bacho Kiro Str., Sofia 1202, Bulgaria +359-2-9839494 [email protected] GenomixPrenatestSGP Biodynamicsdigene HPV TestMedical Center AscendentMilray JSCMilpainBAPEMEDIQS BulgariaSimbulaCCDRD AGPharmalex Bulgaria© 2008-2018. 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