Create and Sell Crypto-Collectibles in Minutes
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Create and Sell Crypto-Collectibles in Minutes
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2022-10-09 05:58:37

"I love Create and Sell Crypto-Collectibles in Minutes"

www.pixura.io VS www.gqak.com

2022-10-09 05:58:37

FeaturesUse CasesAboutLaunch NowLaunch a crypto-collectibles marketplace in minutes.All the tools you need to launch your non-fungible token marketplace, no coding required.Launch NowFeaturesASSET ISSUANCEIssue and manage your tokens via Pixura's graphical user interface. Batch-create tokens and manage token giveawaysEXCHANGECreate a branded marketplace with a few clicks of the mouse. Fully customize the experience by with the Pixura APIsANALYTICSTrack your tokens across platforms and marketplaces. Gather insights about your fans and collectorsFor Brands & Game StudiosLaunch custom crypto collectible games, apps and giveaways. Use flexible marketplace templates, or work with us directly for branded whitelabel solutions.Launch NowFor CreativesLaunch your NFT marketplace with zero coding required. GUI tokenization tools & marketplace. Customize your marketplace look and feel.Launch NowTokenization librariesGraphQL queries for smart contract eventsOff chain orders and liquidity pooling with 0xFor DevelopersProgrammatically issue & manage tokens, run queries against your smart contracts with GraphQL, and search through token metadata with Elasticsearch.Read the docsBuild on PixuraABOUT PIXURAPixura is a platform for creating, tracking, and exchanging crypto collectibles. Our web interface lets non-technical users create a marketplace in minutes. And we expose powerful APIs for developers, as well as custom integrations. Our smart contracts leverage Open Zepplin's ERC 721 standard solidity contracts.The TeamJohn CrainCofounder, CEOCharles CrainCofounder, CTOJonathan PerkinsCofounder, CPOZack YangerDirector of MarketingBrian AvelloLegal Counsel, AdvisorTinoStrategic Doge AdvisorSubscribe to our newsletterSubscribeTwitterGitHubTelegramContactTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy© 2018 Pixura, Inc.