[reads] — Learn forever: Books are the future
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[reads] — Learn forever: Books are the future
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"I love [reads] — Learn forever: Books are the future"

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2022-05-05 15:53:37

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To our [reads] communityFirstly, we wanted to saythank youfor being so supportive of [reads] as a brand and business and us as people. We have some sad news— as of August 1st, 2019 we will no longer be offering our subscription service. We're taking some time to step back and think about the future of [reads] and what it can become. June 2018 [reads] box curated by Molly Young and Joana Avillez [reads]brought us back to life. It was born at a time where the internet was invasive and everywhere and we were personally craving analogue experiences— hiking outdoors, baking, camping with friends and reading books. We built [reads] to fill the gap in our own lives and in turn, it resonated with an incredible community of fellow readers.We’ve spent the last 3 years researching what it means to be a "forever learner" and what [reads] could be. We wandered into local bookstores, quizzed every person we knew about reading habits and what running a business was like. We spent time taking coffees with mentors, flying to Colorado for research, a trip to Hobart Book Village with Voguehosting literary dinnersin New York and Berlin, we did guided meditationswith authorslikeCamilla Engstrom + Ana Kras at Skyting Yoga, +hosted events like drink and draws, haiku workshops and rooftop book-swaps. We hosted a retreat to Mexico City, author breakfasts, summer pop ups, book clubs, and sending out curated books every single month.We started out small in 2017 trying to find our people. We thought about Donald Judd's library and how inspiring it is to be surrounded by books, how they inform our decision making, define who we are and educate us on others perspectives and stories. We thought maybe we should open a physical bookstore, but after some initial research we realized that to reach people we had to live online. Our friends helpedus make a video, we launched [reads] on Kickstarter and threw a party before we knew what we were getting ourselves into. We had no idea where [reads] would go, or what it would be but we knew books were important and they weren't going anywhere. Us at our Kickstarter launch party 2017 at 1 Oliver St, Chinatown! We launched our subscription model January 2018 for kids and adults and invited people we admire to curate 2 books they think were essential for everyone's library each month! Our goal was to explore new perspectives and learn new things. We invited illustrators, architects, authors, designers, writers, artists and a magazine as our curators for 2018. People like Jean Jullien, Molly Young, Joana Avillez, Robin Cameron, Michael Yarinsky, Daniel Salmieri, Olivia Erlanger, Luis Ortega Govelaand The Skirt Chronicles.We launched in 2018 with 14 subscribers and over the last 2 years we have hand wrapped and shipped out over 1,000 boxes to people all over America, from Iowa to Rhode Island, Wisconsin to Oregon, San Francisco to Texas, LA to Ohio and of course, New York. We even shipped a couple of boxes to Canada, Germany and Japan in our early days while we were still figuring it out (lol). We’ve received handwritten notes, emails and words of encouragement the whole way and trust us when we say, it makes our day. We’ve built a [reads] community of new friends who love reading and talking about books. We’ve worked with smart publishers and talented small indie presses who know the best of the best.Even though we are not offering our subscription service— we still love books, you can email us always, chat with us, DM us, grab coffee with us! [reads] lives in us, we ARE [reads] and will always be reading books and recommending good stuff to anyone who wants it! We will send out fun newsletters occasionally with good books and good offline things to do too, our Instagram will still continue to be a visual mood board for good books! From the bottom of our hearts as sad as it is that we won’t be physically shipping out our favorite books every month we wanted to say THANK YOU for being on this journey with us, for making it worth it.We're always on email so don't be strangers :)[email protected] [email protected] your team [reads] forever,Emma and Rachael Sign up for [reads] Libraries Collections How it works Account Instagram Twitter Facebook Medium Read our emails. © 2022 [reads]. PrivacyTermsAccessibility