Rowan Jack Freeman
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Rowan Jack Freeman
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2022-10-15 17:57:32

"I love Rowan Jack Freeman"

www.rowanjackfreeman.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-10-15 17:57:32

0 Skip to Content Rowan Jack Freeman Photography People Places Rebranding About Bio Contact Resume Hi, hello.My name’s Rowan, (he, him, his) I’ve been figuring life out one step at a time and doing stuff I love since 2004. Currently livin’ in Minneapolis, Minnesota with previous addresses in Menomonie, Wisconsin and Xirosterni, Crete, Greece. Please, poke around and tell me what you think! If you want to learn more about me or get in touch head over to my bio,about → photography photography photography Point, shoot.Telling stories, conveying feelings, showing place and space, indicating time, and playing with light, all through the lens.people→places→ rebranding rebranding rebranding +++Adventures in e-commerce, social media, and web design.Covid-19 and a breast cancer diagnoses threatened the shut-down of my mom’s newly-opened flower shop in Menomonie, Wisconsin, Hive + Hollow. I took on the task of a digital overhaul in nearly every aspect. Pivoting to an online platform to encourage online sales during the pandemic and investing in the power of social media and customer relations gave my moms business not only a chance to make it through the pandemic but also grow. Now, her little shop is busy every month of the year with orders from across the US, wedding inquiries, floral deliveries, and so much more. Fast forward to today and I’m now assisting her open a second location in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.Check out the website I made and learn more about the process,rebranding → .fe-62d38267c94817a79e34a50f { --grid-gutter: calc(var(--sqs-mobile-site-gutter, 6vw) - 11.0px); --cell-max-width: calc( ( var(--sqs-site-max-width, 1500px) - (11.0px * (8 - 1)) ) / 8 ); display: grid; position: relative; grid-area: 1/1/-1/-1; grid-template-rows: repeat(2,minmax(24px, auto)); grid-template-columns: minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr) repeat(8, minmax(0, var(--cell-max-width))) minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr); row-gap: 11.0px; column-gap: 11.0px;}@media (min-width: 768px) { .background-width--inset .fe-62d38267c94817a79e34a50f { --inset-padding: calc(var(--sqs-site-gutter) * 2); } .fe-62d38267c94817a79e34a50f { --grid-gutter: calc(var(--sqs-site-gutter, 4vw) - 11.0px); --cell-max-width: calc( ( var(--sqs-site-max-width, 1500px) - (11.0px * (24 - 1)) ) / 24 ); --inset-padding: 0vw; --row-height-scaling-factor: 0.0215; --container-width: min(var(--sqs-site-max-width, 1500px), calc(100vw - var(--sqs-site-gutter, 4vw) * 2 - var(--inset-padding) )); grid-template-rows: repeat(8,minmax(calc(var(--container-width) * var(--row-height-scaling-factor)), auto)); grid-template-columns: minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr) repeat(24, minmax(0, var(--cell-max-width))) minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr); }} .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 { grid-area: 1/2/3/10; z-index: 1; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 .sqs-block { justify-content: flex-start; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 .sqs-block-alignment-wrapper { align-items: flex-start; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 { grid-area: 7/17/9/24; z-index: 1; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 .sqs-block { justify-content: flex-start; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1658098083191_263777 .sqs-block-alignment-wrapper { align-items: flex-start; } }End of the road.