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Release the docs!
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2022-05-04 02:56:35

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www.sassdoc.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-05-04 02:56:35

Release the docs! Twitter GitHub # Install SassDoc globallynpm install sassdoc -g# Run SassDoc on your projectsassdoc source/ DocumentationTweet it Already using SassDoc? Upgrade to version 2 right away! SassDoc is to Sass what JSDoc is to JavaScript: a documentation system to build pretty and powerful docs in the blink of an eye. Among other things, SassDoc is: usable out of the box; highly customisable; blazingly fast; fully themable; integrated with Grunt/Gulp/Broccoli or directly Node. How it works SassDoc parses your source folder to grab documentation-specific comments. From there, it builds a data tree, that gets enhanced and filtered before being passed to the view. So you end up with a fully styled HTML document, like this: What they say @SassDoc_, I didn't realize how awesome this tool was until I used it. This weekend is make-a-theme-weekend for this guy! Ezekiel Gabrielse Everybody that creates Sassy things for the community should check out @SassDoc_. Definitely one of the coolest Sass tools I've run across! Flint.gs I’m In love with @SassDoc_