Sihoo Official Store:Office ChairEngineering ChairComputer ChairM90M18 – SIHOO Official Store
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Sihoo Official Store:Office ChairEngineering ChairComputer ChairM90M18 – SIHOO Official Store
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"I love Sihoo Official Store:Office ChairEngineering ChairComputer ChairM90M18 – SIHOO Official Store"

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2022-05-05 17:37:59

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There is no fracture or crack in the seat parts;2. The seat structure is not loose3. No screws and other parts are obviously loose .nt_se_1650525867d35d5590 {margin-top: 50px !important;margin-right: auto !important;margin-bottom: 50px !important;margin-left: auto !important;} Seat Impact Test The impact height of the seat surface is 152mm, the impact mass is 102Kg, and the seat surface is adjusted to the highest and lowest positions for 100 shocks each.1. The loading part has no obvious deformation;2. The lifting mechanism and the rotating mechanism should not fail3. No screws and other parts are obviously loose .nt_se_1650531593b3ec4df1 {margin-top: 50px !important;margin-right: auto !important;margin-bottom: 50px !important;margin-left: auto !important;} Handrail Vertical Strength Test Handrail vertical downward load 750N, 1 minute1.The loading part has no obvious deformation;2. The lifting mechanism and the rotating mechanism should not fail3. No screws and other parts are obviously loose .nt_se_1650531611a51199e7 {margin-top: 50px !important;margin-right: auto !important;margin-bottom: 50px !important;margin-left: auto !important;} .nt_se_165061568874567824 {margin-top: 50px !important;margin-right: auto !important;margin-bottom: 50px !important;margin-left: auto !important;} var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? `{}` : scmCustomData; var scmLanguage= (typeof scmLanguage == "undefined" || scmLanguage == null) ? ` { "box_reviews": { "title_info": "Customer reviews", "average_info": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.box_reviews.average_info", "before_number": "Based on", "after_number": "reviews", "all_reviews": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.box_reviews.all_reviews" }, "box_write": { "title_write": "Write A Review", "before_star": "Your rating", "input_name": "Your Name", "input_email": "Your Email", "input_text_area": "Enter your feedback here", "input_photo": "Add photos", "button_write": "Submit Review", "write_cancel": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.box_write.write_cancel", "message_error_character": "Please replace the '' character with the equivalent character", "message_error_file_upload": "Please upload a file smaller than 2m.", "message_success": "Thank you!", "message_fail": "Fail!" }, "reviews_list": { "view_product": "See product", "read_more": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.reviews_list.read_more", "helpful": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.reviews_list.helpful", "reply": "Shop owner replied: ", "button_load_more": "Load more" }, "sort_box" : { "reviews": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.sort_box.reviews", "content": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.sort_box.content", "pictures": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.sort_box.pictures", "date": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.sort_box.date" }, "empty_page" : { "title": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.empty_page.title", "des": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.empty_page.des" }, "thank_you" : { "title": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.thank_you.title", "des": "translation missing: en.smart_aliexpress_review.thank_you.des" } }` : scmLanguage; var scmAccount= (typeof scmAccount == "undefined" || scmAccount == null) ? ` { "email" : "", "name" : "", "order" : "" }` : scmAccount; var htmlIframe= (typeof htmlIframe == "undefined" || htmlIframe == null) ? ` Reviews Importer var infoShop='null'; var dataApp= { 'host' : 'https://reviews.smartifyapps.com', 'cdn' : 'https://reviews.smartifyapps.com', 'productShopifyId' : '', 'shopName' : 'sihooofficial', 'type' : 'product' }; var reviewsInFo= { 'rate1' : '', 'rate2' : '', 'rate3' : '', 'rate4' : '', 'rate5' : '', 'total' : '', 'average' : '', 'product_shopify_id' : '' }; var scmCustomData= `+ scmCustomData +` ; var blockReviewFirst=""; var language= `+ scmLanguage +` ; var scmAccount= `+ scmAccount +`;