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2022-05-08 02:15:16

Skip to main navigation Startup Latvia Main navigation Welcome pack Why latvia Events Blog Resources Accessibility notification Comestarttest your idea and go global from hereGet allpossible & impossible support in the processDon't forget tolive a life "> Apply For Startup Visa Start up Launchpad Latvia has already become home for many foreigners “ Alex Pospekhov Future Times, Russia As an ex-dweller of a large European megapolis, I was tired of poor air and food quality, time-consuming traffic jams and airports miles and miles away from the city. Here I wake up from the cries of seagulls and fresh breeze. I spend only 15 minutes to get to the airport and another 15 minutes to reach my gate. Sandy beach is only 20 minutes away from my centrally located office, where I use unlimited high speed 4G mobile internet. Our startup benefits a lot from efficient cost structure, vibrant and international community and professional workforce. All these things make Latvia really MAGNETIC. “ Daria Dubinina Crassula, Ukraine Although Latvia is pretty compact, it generates lots of opportunities for business. This country creates a corridor between Western and Eastern Europe, which gathers industry leaders and creates a flow of top-notch technologies. Latvia itself is cosy and friendly, business communities are open and supportive – this creates a comfortable environment for growth and development. “ Andre Raimundo TeamGuruX, Portugal After studying in Portugal and finishing my course in Czech Republic, I moved to Latvia with just a couple of years in mind so that my now-wife would finish her studies. But a mix of comfort, people, and opportunities on the local market prolonged my stay. And today, 11 years later, after I have built my entire career here, I think it was a great choice. On daily basis, I cooperate with great professionals who are driven by motivation and constantly seek for new challenges. At the moment I'm launching my startup platform that can greatly improve the lives of people who want to render services in a professional and trustworthy way. I can say I feel very excited about what is ahead. Success stories Some measure success by investments. We believe ultimate success hides in EXIT. Founded in 2010 by two Latvian brothers, Ask.fm is a controversial conversation-based social network which lets people send each other anonymous questions. Read more Go to website Founded in 2012, Infogram is a creative visual communication tool which allows its users to create engaging infographics and charts that can be published or embedded elsewhere. Read more Go to website Born in 2010 in Commercialization Reactor in Riga, and supported by the local venture capital funds, Naco Technologies took the physical vapor deposition (PVD) market by storm. Read more Go to website See more Learn more about our Startup ecosystem Startup Fact sheet 2022 Latvian Startup Guide Business guide 2021 Contact us Email: startup [at] liaa.gov.lv Address: Perses street 2, Riga, Latvia Subscribe to our monthly newsletter © LIAA, 2022 Developed by