Superpeer | Cohort-based courses, live events, or 1:1 sessions
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Superpeer | Cohort-based courses, live events, or 1:1 sessions
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2022-05-09 11:59:46

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2022-05-09 11:59:46

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} .click-to-play .vjs-control-bar { border-bottom-left-radius: 1.7585858585858587vw; border-bottom-right-radius: 1.7585858585858587vw; } }What can Superpeer do for you?Turn your audience into loyal, paying followers with our seamless video experience and subscriber management tools.Engage with your audienceConnect with your subscribers through interactive livestreams, 1:1s, and our newest feature, Series.Manage easierWe take care of scheduling, payments, and protecting your privacy, so that you don’t have to.Earn, your waySet your own rates and earn revenue through weekly livestreams, channel subscriptions, and even donations.All FeaturesFeatured SuperpeersApply To Be Listed div[data-load-more-target="4"]:not(.is-expanded) > div:nth-child(n+5) { display: none; }Cinema TherapyMaking sense of life, one blockbuster at a time.Utah, USA22K752K752KLicensed therapist Jonathan Decker and professional filmmaker Alan Seawright break down your favorite movies, searching the characters, themes and plots to find things you can use to improve your mental health, your life, your looks? and your cardiovascular fitness (nope.) Join them and their guests as they try to improve life, laugh at each other, and keep Alan from crying over everything. Read MoreVIEW CHANNELTolulope SolutionsA faith-based space for mentorship and guidance through your love lifeCanada102K101K752KHi there, my name is Tolulope Adejumo, popularly known as Solutions. I am a purpose driven Jesus lover and I pride myself on leaning into godly wisdom for everything! I am married to my best friend and we have 2 adorable children (a girl and a boy). Here on Superpeer, we'll be able to connect on a more personal level. So whether you are a mentee, a fan or someone seeking counsel, be sure to tune in to my upcoming streams. Read MoreVIEW CHANNELKev HickDating And Relationship enthusiast!United States350K752KGet ready to discuss love and life on Superpeer! Join me and others like yourself for live face-to-face Q&As, group discussions, and much more! Read MoreVIEW CHANNELKelsey, aka Premiere GalNeed help with a creative video project? I'm your Gal.United States6K11K383K752KHi! I'm Kelsey aka Premiere Gal. Welcome to my Superpeer page. You can book a one-on-one with me to discuss a video topic or register for my monthly streams below. I look forward to it! Read MoreVIEW CHANNELDriving 4 AnswersLet's learn about cars together!BiH5K405K752KLet's dive deep into the amazing world of cars, bikes, and engines together! Get a paid subscription today and let's hang out while talking about all the things that interest gearheads and petrolheads alike! Read MoreVIEW CHANNELChristine ChunSenior Product Designer | EducatorSan Francisco32K108K752KHello ?? I'm Christine, a Senior Product Designer at Instacart, previously at Facebook. I’ve been mentoring designers since 2016 when I pivoted into UX design as a Chemistry major. I've helped them land jobs at companies like Amazon, Stripe, and Accenture. You’ll leave my coaching session feeling confident about nailing your design interviews. Read MoreVIEW CHANNELNathan MillsI teach you how to make the music you love, and how to make it on your own termsUnited States488K752KI’m Nathan Mills, a classically-trained guitarist, arranger, teacher, and YouTuber. I create and perform my own unique arrangements of music from film, tv, and video games on my YouTube channel, Beyond The Guitar. Read MoreVIEW CHANNELFemkeProduct designer, design educator, mentorCanada34K11K46K752KI'm a product designer at Wealthsimple, ex-Uber. I'm passionate about teaching design and helping people elevate their design career. My mission is to help you break into the design industry, gain skills to help excel your career and do work you're passionate about. Read MoreVIEW CHANNELLoad MoreDon’t just take our word for it"Working with Superpeer has been a fantastic experience. I made over $15K within the first week of my Series launch. Superpeer’s features really enhanced the overall experience for my students and added a lot of value. I love all the different chat features – there’s a really interactive element beyond the 'me-to-them'. They can react to each other’s comments and upvote questions – which has been super helpful!"I started using Superpeer because I wanted a more interactive design workshop and sessions with my community. Before being on Superpeer, I used to do everything by myself. Being on Superpeer has been so helpful because it has not only cut down my time in half, but I can now focus solely on providing the best workshops for my community.“It's one of my favourite platforms! Not only is the team behind Superpeer super supportive and talented, but the product itself is great to use. I can't imagine Superpeer ever going away, thank you for all you do!”“If you're thinking of earning extra money as a mentor, have a look at Superpeer!”“Superpeer is so fresh and so clean. Loving the incredible design and UX as I set up my first stream on #startups.”“I've been using Superpeer with about 10-12 calls per week, and so far the experience has been flawless.”Nathan MillsYouTuber & Guitar InstructorChristine ChunEducator & Sr. Product DesignerFemke van SchoonhovenProduct Designer at UberSara BrunettiniProduct Designer at CrunchTristan PollockHead of Community & Content at CTOJose Cayasso (Caya)CEO at SlidebeanIntroducing Superpeer SeriesWith series, you can create and sell any combination of on-demand video and live stream content. With cohort-based classes you can interact with your audience in a more engaging way.Customize the contentOrganize your live streams, pre-recorded videos, and hosted events into purchasable content packages for your audience.Set the paceSeries can be cohort-based for engaging group discussions or even on-demand for the self-paced learner.Immerse the audienceParticipants can chat with each other, send private messages, and raise a hand to be brought up on the stage during live events.Become a SuperpeerCreate AccountBlogFAQRefer a FriendPrivacyTermsBrand AssetsSuperpeer, Inc. .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"] { background-color: #fff; color: #222; box-shadow: 0 6px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); border-radius: 1rem; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"] .tippy-content { padding: 1rem; } @media (min-width: 480px) { .tippy-box[data-theme*="large"] .tippy-content { padding: 2.5rem; } } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"][data-placement^="top"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-top-color: #fff; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"][data-placement^="bottom"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-bottom-color: #fff; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"][data-placement^="left"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-left-color: #fff; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"][data-placement^="right"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-right-color: #fff; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"] > .tippy-backdrop { background-color: #fff; } .tippy-box[data-theme*="light"] > .tippy-svg-arrow { fill: #fff; }