Portfolio of Sures Kumar
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Sures Kumar is an interaction designer and a recognized digital artist, specializing in speculation design.
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Linkedin Featured works All works About / CV Feature list Interaction Design 16Videography 2Web Design 3New Media Art 6Research 1Augmented Reality 3Experience Design 9Open Source 2Mobile Application 1Sound Design 1Visual Design 2Speculative Design 2Featured 9All Works 29 Sketch plugins Sketch App is a popular designer tool used to build UI and Interactions. I have designed and developed some utility plugins like Sketch Isometric, Looper and Single Border. They have been received very well by the designer community. I also built an experimental plugin called Sketch Play to generate game play from the creativity suite’s UI. Please find more details below. Looper Looper is a sketch plugin that helps automate duplication of groups and layers. One can control properties like Rotate, Scale and Opacity while duplicating. This powerful combination enables artists and designers to create interesting geometric and organic patterns. Stats: Monthly active (MAU): ~28,812 | Overall usage since launch (Apr […] Pixel Currency Current smart device platforms increasingly encourage instantaneous cloud based image syncing and sharing. There is certain nonchalance towards the idea of intimate memories residing in remote cloud servers. Meanwhile, Facebook’s new deep face learning algorithm (accurate to 97.7%) is closing the gap to human level performance in identity verification. The increased societal acceptance towards cloud storage coupled with the recent advances in computer vision technology, affords a vision for a solution for arising identity privacy concerns in public spaces. ‘Pixel Currency‘ addresses the issue of identity privacy arising from the rise of public imaging devices in the near-future. It proposes the implementation of a central screening mechanism for all captured […] Beyond Blood ‘Beyond Blood’ imagines a legal system where algorithms take over the inheritance process during intestacy situations where the deceased has not left a will and the state has to distribute the estates. In his book Shaping Things, science fiction writer Bruce Sterling predicts that in the near-future every object will be tracked and logged by a computer system. He called these objects SPIMES. This project builds on this theory to suggest that by tracking people and objects over a number of years, computers will be able to infer the significance of an object to a particular individual. It can then designate assets based on different parameters, which can be altered […] Pro-Folio The creation of falsified information within scientific research has a long and colourful history. The consequences of previous scientific hoaxes have been both critically beneficial and devastatingly destructive to the creators and recipients of these fictions. Some are designed and deliberately revealed in order to complete their agendas, whereas others continue to charade as the truth. Given the availability of information online ranging from open source names to college databases, computers can construct a believable identity in no time. All it takes is to carefully lay the facts in a logical sequence, which can be coded as an algorithm. If this is possible, can computer programs create all sorts of […] Pixelate Pixelate is a Guitar-Hero-style eating game in which players compete in a one-minute showdown to see who can eat the most food in the correct order. A digital interface built into a custom dining table shows players which foods to eat and when, while the game detects whether they’ve eaten the correct food by measuring the food’s resistance on the fork. Potential applications for Pixelate include encouraging children to eat more healthy foods, helping to manage portions, and educating children and adults about nutrition. Built using Arduino and openFrameworks, Pixelate gameifies the act of eating, challenging players to consider whether they think before they eat, or eat before they think. […] Nimble One of the places where the tension between searching and browsing is readily apparent is the library.  We go to search for a book, do research, or just read and work. However, we often find ouselves getting lost among the shelves of books, spending time browsing, and hoping for a serendipitous discovery or two. Nimble shows what a mixed touch, digital, projection, and book-based library might look like. This is relevant because people still like the tactile feel of books and other printed media and they also like to browse. The project also allows to collect and sort out notes and highlights from the books you are reading. Rather than […] ACM Siggraph Asia 2011 FRAMEWORKS (Nice Cube) is an extension of the concept FRAMEWORKS, where a virtual character plays with the wall and the physical elements present on the wall like frames and switch board. It is an interactive installation trying to enhance the experience of an architectural space. The installation tries to generate warmth to medium like walls of the living space, which otherwise be considered as an insignificant space. Through this installation, we witness an opportunity to interact with the walls to add a new meaning to that space. Technology The game was developed using OpenFrameworks. Publication R. Promila, S. Thoddu Srinivasan. FRAMEWORKS. In the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, Art Gallery. Hong […] Microsoft Office Mobile Microsoft Inc, 2012. User Experience Designer. Visual, User Interface and Interaction Design for Word, Powerpoint and Excel of Microsoft Office Mobile for Android. For more details click here. Credits / Team Amit Chowdhury, Catherine Kim, Abhijit Bairagi, Bing Zhu, Rob Strong, Sunder Raman, Ron Di Sandro, Ravi Birhman, William Vong, Harmeet Singh, Subodh Kumar, Abhijeet Gokhale, Neeraj Nalluri, Darron Stepanich, Ellen Chisa, Fanguang Kong, Mattew Mizulo, Chen Zhao, Joseph Chirilov, Zhongzhong Li, Jeffery Dunn. Civil Debate Wall Local Projects, 2011. Interaction Design and Development Intern. Collaborated in conceptual development, interaction design, interface design and prototyping. Launch Civil Debate wall Brief The objective of this project was to design an electronic forum in which students from diverse backgrounds can debate and discuss some of the most intriguing issues of our time, using new digital tools. The project is essentially targeted at students at the University of Florida, United States. The Civil Debate Wall is an electronic forum that facilitates constructive dialogue amongst students at the University of Florida, which is also one of the politically active campuses in the state. Incidents such as police assaults and fights between […] © 2022 Portfolio of Sures Kumar. All Rights Reserved.