Surfrider Coastal Defenders a program by Surfrider Foundation Europe
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Surfrider Coastal Defenders a program by Surfrider Foundation Europe
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2022-06-22 13:15:55

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2022-06-22 13:15:55

ENFRReport an issueSkip to contentHomeActionsReport an issueJoin usDiscover moreClose COASTAL DEFENDERSSee the storySee all actionsJoin usReport an issueOur actions since 200884Won13In progress17LostSign up for our newsletterOur commitmentTogether we – Surfrider Coastal Defenders – act to protect our playgrounds. As a collective, we take back control by forming a tight worldwide community consisting of members, experts, and volunteers in action.SURFRIDER FOUNDATIONWe can’t give up and have our next generation not know how beautiful the sea once used to be. Our coasts are under severe pressure from human impacts. Marine litter dumps, chemical, and bacterial pollution and inappropriate developments have been occurring for way too long and that’s why in 1992 Surfrider Foundation Europe launched this movement to respond to urgent threats.WHAT WE HAVE DONE ?So far our work, balanced between consultation and local action, has made numerous victories. But, every day we are facing new challenges that are taken up by thousands of small organizations, communities, and individuals ready to take action against coastline and ocean degradation. They need support! We are stronger together, by joining the Surfrider Coastal Defenders, we’ll form a united network fighting for the same cause.WANT TO BECOME A COASTAL DEFENDER ?Welcome! We are so glad you want to save the coasts too. There are different ways you can help out by becoming one of our members, experts and by taking direct action – this powerful combination is the strength of our community. But most importantly, we need insight. If you see coastline that needs to be saved, report it to us for expert analysis and we can start taking action.BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEA !Join our actions In progress Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands Surfrider joins legal action against polluter Tata Steel, who deliberately pollutes waters in close proximity to surf... View action In progress San Sebastian, Spain The company Wavegarden and the City Council of Donostia San Sebastian are planning to build a new... View action In progress Tarragona, Spain The community of La Pineda beach in Tarragona experienced a massive spill of plastic pellets, the primary product for plastic... View action View all actions>Become a memberShare your knowledgeJoin an actionOur partnersActionsAboutReport an issueJoin UsDisclaimerDesigned by Novaldi|Contact|Sitemap|Disclaimer|This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.Accept Read MorePrivacy & Cookies Policy Necessary Always Enabled