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2022-05-02 01:46:32

svenknebel.deindexGitHubTwitter TIL that the word "boycott" comes from a person who was targeted by one:On 19 Sept. [] he made a speech at Ennis which marked an epoch in the struggle. ‘When a man,’ he told his peasant hearers, ‘takes a farm from which another had been evicted, you must shun him on the roadside when you meet him, you must shun him in the streets of the town, you must shun him at the shop-counter, you must shun him in the fair and in the market-place, and even in the house of worship, by leaving him severely alone, by putting him into a moral Coventry, by isolating him from the rest of his kind as if he was a leper of old—you must show him your detestation of the crime he has committed; and you may depend upon it, if the population of a county in Ireland carry out this doctrine, that there will be no man so full of avarice, so lost to shame, as to dare the public opinion of all right-thinking men within the county, and to transgress your unwritten code of laws.’The method of intimidation thus recommended by Parnell was at once adopted in its full rigour by the peasant members of all branches of the league, and was soon known as ‘boycotting,’ after the name of its first important victim, Captain Boycott of Lough Mask, co. Galway. (from Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Vol. 43, transcribed on Wikisource, pg. 327/328)In German the spelling is adjusted ("Boykott"), so clearly that it was a specific name was lost at that point.found via Naomi O'Leary posted 2022-04-05 20:00:15.741860+00:00, tagged TILpet peeve: people that reference twitter discussions from their blog posts (i.e. "this post sparked some interesting discussion on Twitter, see here"), but also delete all tweets older than X days, destroying those links. posted 2021-04-18 16:25:14.224095+00:00On the way to 36C3 - getting into the train to Leipzig, see a sea of stickered laptops posted 2019-12-26 15:39:57.065015+00:00, tagged 36c3Indiewebcamp Brighton, Demo time:"Nobody is deploying to production right now, right? Everyone's finished.""It's not "deploying" if you're editing on the live server!" posted 2019-10-20 15:15:04.760393+00:00, tagged IWC Wärmebildkameraselfie (mit kühlschrankkalter Mate) posted 2019-08-11 15:39:50.673702+00:00, tagged electronics, Chaostreff, thermalProgress from last sunday at Chaostreff: We got our Erika 3004 type writer to type fast and error free by getting hardware flow control for its serial port to work. We tried first with a FT232RL-based USB-serial adapter, but it's flow control implementation is not fast enough: if the Erika signals "stop sending", it continues sending for up to 3 characters, which the Erika can't handle. But a Raspberry Pi can react fast enough if configured correctly, so now we can remove a bunch of pessimistic sleeps from the code.I also worked on hooking it up as a terminal to other programs, so we hopefully can run text adventures or something on it for CCCamp. posted 2019-07-31 16:34:36.194178+00:00, tagged video, cccp, erika3004 Loads of space (this is only part of it) for our mini-IWC in Åmål! Sadly, not really the people to fill even a corner of it… posted 2019-06-29 12:32:05.055030+00:00, tagged indieweb, Åmålreply to https://github.com/sknebel/AutoAuth/issues AutoAuth, private feeds and WebSubNot part of the main specification, but important for private feeds and worth documenting.I see three models:1. WebSub informs all users about all changes to the feedWhen the feed changes, the site triggers a notification to all subscribers. If the feed change is in a private post, it does not include it in the ping, either sending the last public state of the feed or an empty ping (effectively announcing an empty diff). Authorized subscribers would take this as a signal to fetch the feed with authorization attached.This leaks the fact that *something* private happened to all subscribers. The hub is not involved in handling private information at all, and thus can safely be external.Do all/most hubs allow this? A hub that wants to create the diff itself might reject sending out an empty notification, but at least for non-Atom content I don't think hubs do this.How do subscribers handle empty pings? Does it cause them to fetch the page, assuming a "thin ping"? This could be mitigated by separating out authorized subscribers as described below. (WebSub does not know "thin pings", but I think pubsubhubbub did and clients might support them)2. individual topics for private subscribers with fat pingsThe site could give different topic URLs (capability URLs) to private subscribers, and send matching notifications to them. (Compare how the WebSub spec recommends returning different rel=self URLs for different content types. Potentially, fat pings could be used then. A site could use an integrated hub for private subscribers and still let a public hub handle everyone else.The hub here can't fetch the private topic URLs (unless it has special support/is integrated).If the capability URL leaks, others can subscribe to it and would receive notifications. This would compromise fat pings. Subscribing applications and hubs would need to take care to not leak this, but hubs developed assuming public feeds might not do this. Integrated hubs could only allow one subscription per topic URL, which could mitigate this when each time a different capability URL is submitted.integration with token expiry/revocation is needed: the link between token and capability URL must be maintained, and topics associated with invalid tokens not updated anymore.3. individual topics for private subscribers with thin pingsCompared to 1, it at keeps activity private and solves the issue mentioned above of subscribers potentially fetching needlessly. Compared to 3, it removes complexity, trust in the hub and leaking the cability URL is less problematic, but requires feed fetches on notification. conclusionI think 2. is too much complexity. I think it makes sense to document 3., and potentially 1. as an easier option. Testing how it works with existing clients and hubs is needed.Thoughts/comments? posted 2018-12-08 12:20:15.417341+00:00, tagged AutoAuth, issueJust published the first draft of a more formal AutoAuth description! posted 2018-11-24 15:44:47.963437+00:00, tagged AutoAuth, IndieWebJust added lang="" support to this site. Default is en, but posts can individually override this. posted 2018-11-20 19:54:27.599054+00:00, tagged maintenanceNEXTby Sven Knebel