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2022-10-02 03:13:01

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opacity: 0.6; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="688"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods { max-width: 600px; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="718"] .mini-cart .__alpaca__delivery_methods__wrapper { padding: 0 24px; max-width: 460px; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="730"] .ajaxcart__footer--fixed { height: auto !important; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="766"] .ajaxcart__footer--fixed { height: auto !important; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="766"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__wrapper { justify-content: center; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="801"] .ajaxcart .__alpaca__delivery_methods__wrapper { justify-content: center; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="826"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__wrapper { justify-content: flex-start; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="838"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__wrapper { justify-content: flex-start; } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="885"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__list__item { background: var(--color-background); border-color: var(--color-borders-and-lines); } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="885"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__list__item--selected { background: var(--color-secondary-background); } body[data-alpaca-theme-store-id="885"] .__alpaca__delivery_methods__list { border-color: var(--color-borders-and-lines); } Loading Requesting location access... Something went wrong while loading pickup times. Dismiss Cancel pickup selection Select pickup time down Loading See future dates Earlier Confirm Loading Later See past dates Loading Cancel pickup selection Loading Cancel pickup selection Loading Cancel pickup selection Loading Cancel pickup selection Overnight shipping only due to heat waves across the country. In-store pickup always available. New website coming soon. Overnight shipping only due to heat waves across the country. In-store pickup always available. New website coming soon. Home Shop Current Flavors Story FAQ's Contact USD USD INR GBP CAD AUD EUR JPY 0 Home Shop Current Flavors Story FAQ's Contact USD USD INR GBP CAD AUD EUR JPY My Account Facebook Instagram " class="slide-image" > Chocolate with heart. Eat well and do good. That's the mission. Learn More " class="slide-image" > Unique and delicious art. Each chocolate is hand-crafted and hand-painted with love. SHOP NOW " class="slide-image" > Inspired chocolate collections. We want to spotlight our local food and drink artisans. Learn More Featured Collections " class="list-image" > Signature Collection from $ 16.00 SHOP ALL BOXES 1 2 A handful of chocolate and a heart full of love. Letting someone know you care has never been easier! Send your family and friends a little piece of joy with each box.  " class="product-details-slideshow-image" > 1 2 The Art of Chocolate. Each piece is individually painted and printed so savoring each bite just became a little more special.  " class="product-details-slideshow-image" > Testimonials The artistry of Tandem Chocolates is only surpassed by their taste. David Delicious chocolates. Inspiring stories. Michelle Tandem Chocolates exceeds all expectations! The chocolates are works of art and the tasting experience is spectacular. Judy The most beautiful chocolates I have ever experienced. You can taste the love that goes into making them. Absolutely divine. Annie 1 2 Working With Brilliant Women of the World. As a woman-run business, it is especially important to me that I support other woman-run businesses. Each step along the way, from the growing and making of ethical chocolate to the final photographs, I work with amazing and inspiring women in Reno, the US and across the globe.  " class="product-details-slideshow-image" > 1 2 Organic and Locally Sourced. Wherever possible, each ingredient is kosher, organic, and as locally sourced as possible.  " class="product-details-slideshow-image" > Making life a little bit sweeter. Flavors Inspired by adventure, each flavor in Tandem Chocolates is chosen with intention and, always, lots of love.  Travel In my eyes, chocolate is a universal language. From wine tasting in Italy to hiking in the Amazon, or climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro traveling creates our shared humanity. Pop-ups Nothing brings me more joy than meeting you in person! Stay up to date on all upcoming pop-ups and let's share tales over a chocolate (or two!). Social Facebook Instagram Follow us on Social Media! Why? Because it's fun and we know you're already on your phone anyways.7111 S. Virginia St. Unit #A15Reno, NV 89511 © 2022. All rights reserved. Powered by Shopify.