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Ryan Seddon April 27, 2022 A year in review of an electric home Let’s start with the acknowledgment that I am in a very privileged position to be able to do this to a home I own. I do believe that my home will be commonplace in the coming decade, clean, fossil fuel-free, and efficient. I just got here earlier as I had the means and passion to be an early adopter.I electrified my home about 18 months ago but have only now clocked over 12 months of an electric home with rooftop solar. Continue reading. February 20, 2022 How I produce the @earthin24 yearly summary Every year I produce a timelapse video of my @earthin24 twitter bot for each of the 5 satellites that it tracks.Earth in 2021, a year in review thread ? pic.twitter.com/L485FyF7EH— Earth (@earthin24) January 3, 2022 This year was the first year I built, tweeted, and stored each video and fulldisc frame inside github using their actions infrastructure. So my usual process of ssh’ing into my VPS and running some flaky scripts to generate the videos would have to be changed. Continue reading. September 26, 2021 Solar dashboard using Adafruit MagTag I recently had the privilege of being able to install solar on my roof and with that came the need/want to track and monitor lots of information about my solar install and my usage patterns of it.Having recently electrified my home and completely removing gas all together (I plan to write about this too), I wanted to know where I could load shift some of my usage patterns.Another aspect of monitoring was to know my panels were performing at their optimal, and expected, output. Continue reading. January 12, 2018 An earth mosaic So a while back I created a twitter bot @earthin24 that generates a video of earth, as seen from himawari8 satellite, every day. Continue reading. August 26, 2017 How I built my earthin24 twitter bot At work my team have recently taken over a golang app. To learn a new language I like to build something that keeps my interest and by the nature of exploring something of interest you tend to cover way more surface area of a language this way. Continue reading. September 27, 2016 Stop iOS10 browser auto-locking I had twitter open the other day and I had to put my phone down and attend to something else, the timeline happened to be on a looping gif video and I noticed when I came back that my phone was still awake and unlocked the fact that video was in view kept the phone awake and this got me thinking about the new playsinline attribute that has been enabled for elements in iOS10 Safari. Continue reading. July 25, 2016 Changing content type of a file in a FormData request with cURL The other day I had to test an API response based on a file having the incorrect Content-Type of a FormData PUT request. Continue reading. November 4, 2015 So how does the browser actually render a website September 2015 I had the privelage of giving a talk at JSConfEU 2015 in Berlin. My topic was about what the browser actually does to construct your website and show it on the screen. This is a topic I’ve been digging into for a few years now and it was really fun trying to distill it into a ~25 minute talk. Continue reading. September 24, 2015 Modernizr 3: A beginners guide Just in time for the launch of Modernizr 3 I’ve been working on a beginners course. This is aimed at people who are getting started in web development and want to know how they can use Modernizr in their workflows.I have 5 vouchers to give away that will give you free access to the course! The first 5 people to tweet the course link with the hashtag #modernizr3course will get a voucher link to access the course for free. Continue reading. July 22, 2014 UITableView in JavaScript, list view with re-usable cells using flexbox If you’re familiar with iOS development you will know that a UITableView is very efficient when displaying a list of data. A simplification of what it does is display enough cells to fill the viewport plus a few more either side. As you scroll it re-uses cells that are now out of the viewport so a list with thousands of items will only ever use a fixed amount of cells. Highly recommend reading The fine art of UITableViews. Now this has certainly been done before in JavaScript, the best known project being infinity.js, but my approach takes an interesting turn, I avoid heavy DOM operations by using flexbox. Continue reading. More Creating a sunrise alarm with the LIFX lightbulb A follow up to obtaining 60fps scrolling performance 60fps scrolling using pointer-events: none Composited layers in iOS Safari bug All Posts © 2022 Ryan Seddon