Think Different Designs | Larry Bradshaw | Satellite Beach | Des Moines
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Think Different Designs | Larry Bradshaw | Satellite Beach | Des Moines
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"I love Think Different Designs | Larry Bradshaw | Satellite Beach | Des Moines"

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2022-09-14 20:43:50

MenuWelcome to Think Different Designs.Website design, development and hosting for small-to-medium size businesses and non-profit agencies based out of, what we locals call paradise, Satellite Beach, Florida.My name is Larry Bradshaw and I've been What Can I Do For You?I focus on working closely with my clients to help them realize their business needs. I do this by asking probing questions and providing credible feedback in a language that a non-technical business owner can understand. My web design experience, coupled with a strong sense of usability, will help you create a memorable and stylish website that will help you in promoting your brand. I plan the project with you from start-to-finish to make sure that when your site is finished its better than you had even imagined.Most of the websites I’ve created were created using the WordPress Content Management Systems (CMS). For those not familiar with this concept, a CMS allows you to update your web site without the need of a web developer. This gives you greater control and allows you to have a lower cost, better looking website that you and your staff can make updates easily. All of my work is done using state-of-the-art Apple hardware and software tools, along with the Adobe Creative Suite products, and open source software such as WordPress, WooCommerce, CiviCRM and other web-based software that meets my client’s needs. We can also assist you with your online reputation management by proving you alerts anytime someone leaves a review on your business and provide you with tools to immediately respond to any online review site. Check out Monitor Business Reviews service today. Special pricing available to Think Different Design clients. Let me get you started on developing a unique, custom-designed website to engage and inform your potential audience that puts your best foot forward. Let's Get Started!FEATURED WORK EXAMPLESGreater Des Moines Public Art FoundationThink Different Designs worked with Jessica Rowe, Executive Director for many months to completely re-develop their database, custom taxonomies and relationships into a new beautiful, responsive-design website with a completely custom theme.Custom Template CreationCustom Post Type & Taxonomy DevelopmentMailChimp IntegrationSocial Media SharingLearn More About This ProjectDMG CommunicationHaving worked with DMG Communication on numerous client websites, they chose Think Different Designs to create and develop their own new website.We worked with a small design team at DMG Communication to incorporate a modern feel focused on their niche market, the agriculture industry.Template CustomizationNewsletter Blog IntegrationSocial Media SharingLearn More About This ProjectDMG CommunicationHaving worked with DMG Communication on numerous client websites, they chose Think Different Designs to create and develop their own new website.We worked with a small design team at DMG Communication to incorporate a modern feel focused on their niche market, the agriculture industry.Template CustomizationNewsletter Blog IntegrationSocial Media SharingLearn More About This ProjectSouth Beach FitnessA local Satellite Beach - Indian Harbour Beach small family-owned gym and fitness center needed a new website design.Working with my Lesa Share, we came up with the concept of "Today at South Beach Fitness" and built most of the content around the daily programming provided to their members.Template CustomizationClass Calendar IntegrationOnline Business Review IntegrationSocial Media SharingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Learn More About This ProjectRECENT WEBSITE DESIGNSa.eg-henryharrison-element-1,a.eg-henryharrison-element-2{-webkit-transition:all .4s linear; 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Passman Fiesta Cristiana Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Pr... Lets Get StartedSCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATIONLet's Get Started!What My Clients Have to Say...#wprev-badge-1{border-radius: 0px;}#wprev-badge-1{border-top: 5px solid ;}#wprev-badge-1{background: ;}#wprev-badge-1{border-bottom: 5px solid ;}#wprev-badge-1 .wppro_badge1_DIV_stars {color: ;}#wprev-badge-1 .wppro_badge1_SPAN_4 {color: ;}#wprev-badge-1 .wppro_badge1_SPAN_13 {color: ;}#wprev-badge-1 .wppro_badge1_DIV_12 {color: ;}Think Different Designs 5 Stars - Based on 3 User Reviews #wprev-badge-2{border-radius: 0px;}#wprev-badge-2{border-top: 5px solid #2ea756;}#wprev-badge-2{background: #ffffff;}#wprev-badge-2{border-bottom: 5px solid #ffffff;}#wprev-badge-2 .wppro_badge1_DIV_stars {color: #f9bc11;}#wprev-badge-2 .wppro_badge1_SPAN_4 {color: #666666;}#wprev-badge-2 .wppro_badge1_SPAN_13 {color: #4f81f3;}#wprev-badge-2 .wppro_badge1_DIV_12 {color: #666666;}Think Different Designs 5 Stars - Based on 5 User Reviews #ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_sided .ttshowcase_rl_quote, #ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_block .ttshowcase_rl_quote, #ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_sided .ttshowcase_rl_quote a, #ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_block .ttshowcase_rl_quote a {background:#f5f5f5;color:#333333;}#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_block .ttshowcase_rl_quote:after,#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .tt_quote_info-below .ttshowcase_rl_quote:after,#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .tt_quote_info-above .ttshowcase_rl_quote:after {border-color: #f5f5f5 transparent;}#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .ttshowcase_rl_quote_sided .ttshowcase_rl_quote:after {border-color: transparent #f5f5f5;}#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .tt_info-left,#ttshowcase_0 .tt_theme_speech .tt_info-right, {width: 75px;}Larry from Think different is awesome to work with. He has creative ideas and is on top of his game. When ever we need changes or additions he jumps right on it and takes care of us the same day!!! Cheryl HayesOwner | The Funky ZebrasAt last, a website design team that can deliver a quality website, on schedule and with acute attention to the details. We lean on Think Different Designs as our go-to for creating solid and attractive websites and maintaining crucial updates our sites demand. Thanks for being a trusted resource for our marketing firm!Micholyn Fajen"Larry recently designed my artist website and I am thrilled with the design and I have received many positive comments from people who have visited it. Larry was very helpful from the very beginning of the design process asking good questions and he was VERY GOOD at explaining all the details in the potential and actual site. He led me through thinking of my whole business presentation not just the website and continues to be a welcome presence through hosting. I could not be happier about the whole experience of working and continuing to work with Larry."Cornstalk StudioAbigail Livingood, OwnerThink Different Designs created a website for me when I started my law firm. They were very easy to work with and very patient with someone who knows nothing about website creation. I am very happy with my website and would highly recommend using the services of Think Different Designs. James Johnson, Attorney"I was very impressed with the professional look of my website done by Think Different Designs, and how fast it was up and running! Thanks so much Larry! I’ve received many compliments on my fellow Garrett Planning Network members and prospective clients."Mary Jobst Financial PlanningMary Jobst, Owner"Larry Bradshaw is a creative, highly organized, and very focused individual. He is great to work with because he’s knowledgeable, insightful, and willing to listen to a client’s needs. He’s an innovative thinker and problem-solver—he gets it! His technical expertise and top-notch support service have proven invaluable. He has consulted with me on the Public Art Foundation website, its webpages, plus smooth the way for an iPhone app. He has been a key advisor on website design changes, as well as the developer for design specifications. Larry possesses outstanding skills and an aptitude that makes him an asset to any client."Greater Des Moines Public Art FoundationM. Jessica Rowe, Executive Director"Think Different Designs took my raw idea and from it developed a solution that exceeded my needs. They were efficient and always asked the right questions from me to get the design that I desired implemented effectively. Working with Larry was a pleasure and he has an impeccable attention to detail. I would easily recommend him for design and development."Wadkins Cars & TrucksPatrick Wadkins, MarketingLarry patiently guided us on the development, setup, and training of our new website! He made what seemed impossible, easy and understandable. He was professional in all his dealings with us. I highly recommend Larry and Think Different Designs,Dawn HannonPresident, LINK of BrevardDawn Hannon"In a testament to how easy it is to work with Larry of Think Different Designs, I have never actually met Larry in person. For the website for my glass business, Tilda Brown Swanson Glass at tbsglass.com,I initially sent him an email because he had helped redesign the website for a non-profit organization for which I am on the board (Iowa Youth Chorus). I asked him to use a simple all black background, display photos I had had professionally taken of my glass pieces, organize them by series, and place statements I had written up for each series. Larry organized my work and statements into a simple and I think, beautiful site for my review. I dumped all of my images into a dropbox and he uploaded the images easily to the site. He hosts my site for me. It has been economical and simple for me to have my site up and running. He has recently given me access to the site as an administrator, so that I can make simple text and image changes myself. Working with Larry is a simple, economical way for a sole proprietor to have a website hosted and live quickly and easily."TBS GlassTilda Brown Swanson, Owner/Artist"Larry was great to work with and did a wonderful job redesigning our company website. The new site design gives us a professional web presence and offers visitors a more streamlined experience. The technical upgrades made have increased our visibility through all of the major search engines, which was a primary goal of the redesign project. I would gladly refer Larry’s work to friends and colleagues."FAF DevelopmentsGuy Ewald, Partner"Larry has been a tremendous asset to our company’s marketing and branding efforts. He has handled our web & logo design, as well as, the design of countless marketing related pieces for print. With each project Larry has worked diligently to ensure each and every one of our requests were satisfied."K&M CollisionK. Michael Bradshaw, Shop ManagerLarry's the guy responsible for my elegant, easy to navigate website! Thanks so much, Larry for all your wonderful, patient and creative help! I couldn't have done this without you!Victoria G. SmithAuthorI have had the pleasure of working with Larry Bradshaw on the development of two real estate development websites. Larry is easy to work with and focused on addressing the needs of the assignment. The websites that he builds are simple to use, easy to navigate, and well presented – everything that a client could ask for. I would heartily recommend him if you are considering building a new website or rebuilding an existing one.Glenn LyonsExecutive Director | Neighborhood Development Corporation"Larry Bradshaw of “Think Different Designs” has been servicing my web site and Facebook for the past four months. Larry is very innovative and creative. His recommendations to me have always been spot on. Larry is very patient with me and extremely easy to work with. I have found Larry to be a pleasure to work with and an asset to my business."Eberle Animal HospitalDr. Mike Eberle, Owner"I hired Larry Bradshaw at Think Different Designs to handle ITC’s website and social media. Larry is an expert in his field. Immediately upon hiring, he took the reins, set up various accounts for me, revamped the website and gave me a list of things to do to ramp up my SEO. My exposure has become greater. I’m reaching more people with my ideas and continue to do so as I learn from Larry."Infinity Training CenterTerri Good, OwnerIT ALL STARTS BY THINKING DIFFERENTLY!Simple to ComplexIt's not one-size-fits-all. Each client has unique needs and varying budgets.What's Best for You?If you have an existing website, I can give it a face lift and maintain it for you. If you don’t presently have a website, I can get you started on the web at a very reasonable cost. Let's Get Started!Simple UpdatesDo you hate having to contact your web designer every time you want to make a simple change?You are in control!I understand your small business or non-profit is on a budget and you need to have a site that you can make edits to yourself for when things change in the future, that’s why I specialize in developing using WordPress.Let's Get Started!Additional NeedsDo you also need a simple logo, virtual 360 degree tour of your office, or manage your online business reviews?How else can I assist?I provide simple logo design services, on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) set up, Usability Review, and Social Media Consultive services. I also provide some 360 degree photography services that would be perfect for your website.Let's Get Started!Lets Get StartedHomeAboutPortfolioPricingReputation Management360˚ Virtual ToursContactPay for ServicesPrivacy & TermsLeave ReviewClient PortalSupport DeskFacebookLinkedInYouTube© 2022 THINK DIFFERENT DESIGNS & LARRY A. BRADSHAW.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.HomeAboutPortfolioPricingReputation Management360˚ Virtual ToursContactHomeAboutPortfolioPricingReputation Management360˚ Virtual ToursContact