Philadelphia Thursday Night Contra Dance
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Thursday night contra dance in the Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, PA 19119. Also presenting online dances and a speaker series.
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Philadelphia Thursday Night Contra Dance
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2022-06-12 12:27:28

"I love Philadelphia Thursday Night Contra Dance"

www.thursdaycontra.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-06-12 12:27:28

HomeVirtual DancesSPUDSOld Home CalendarPATMAD InfoContact Info Welcome back to the Thursday Contra! WhooHoo! We're back to in-person contra dancing, every two weeks for now, while COVID numbers stay low, at the Irish Center. See the schedule of upcoming bands and callers below.Doors open: 7:00pm to check vaccination cards (photos ok) and sign waivers.Beginner lesson: 7:30pmDance: 8:00pm to 10:30pm (note the new ending time)Admission: sliding scale for local bands $5-15+.Our dances requireproof of up-to-date vaccination (including a booster if applicable),masks (surgical or better, properly worn), and asigned waiver.(If you test positive for COVID a few days after a dance, please send email to boa rd at thursdaycontra dotcom[no spaces] so we can alert others to a potential exposure. Thanks.)The evening may include extra breaks that can be taken outside to get fresh air.Please read the full details if you plan to attend. We're looking forward to dancing with you!Previous dances are listed in the full calendar.DateCallerBandNotesApril 28Dave RuppcoordinatingCoracree: Jane Rothfield (fiddle), Bill Quern (mando, banjo, melodeon), Sarah Gowan (guitar), Allan Carr (bass)Gents & LadiesMay 12Rick MohrcoordinatingFlamingo Sketches: Tom Krumm (fiddle, mandolin), Jared Kirkpatrick (piano, mandolin, feet)Larks & RobinsMay 26Sue Gola coordinatingHot Wasabi: Dave Miller (fiddle), Roberta Goren (flute), Adlai Waksman (piano), Chris Carpenter (banjo, mandolin, clarinetGents & LadiesJune 9Jan AltercoordinatingMind the Gap: Adam Oleksa (fiddle), Kirsten Erwin (flute, whistle), Adlai Waksman (piano), Jane Roberts (cello)Larks & RobinsJune 23Bob Isaacs coordinatingHot Feat: Mat Clark (fiddle and mandolin), Dave Wiesler (piano and guitar), Paul Morrissette (bass)Gents & LadiesJoin us online for:Fun online dancing with fantastic live music and calling on 4th Saturday evenings.Musicians' Tune Swaps hosted by SPUDS, our Mt. Airy open band, is a biweekly online gathering for sharing tunes and socializing. Connect with us on Facebookand Meetup.