toast.log - Get console errors right on your page
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See errors, warnings, and logs as they happen on your site — without having to open the browser’s console. Find bugs you didn't know were there via notifications in our unique toast format.
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toast.log - Get console errors right on your page
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2022-06-21 11:45:26

"I love toast.log - Get console errors right on your page"

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2022-06-21 11:45:26

toast.log Get it now for $20 Get console errors right on your page See errors, warnings, and logs as they happen on your site — without having to open the browser’s console. Find bugs you didn't know were there via notifications in our unique toast format. Get it now for $20 See how it works (1:29) A normal log, like console.log() index.html:404 0 Network Requests 0 SEO issues 1 Logs 0 Warnings 0 Errors Pause Clean logs Settings Close toast.log Only you can see it Don't worry, these notifications only appear for you. Other visitors can't see them. Works on any website, any code toast.log is a browser extension, so it works on any website, any theme and even works offline! You don't need to add any script or change your code. Turn it on and off anytime Works on dev, on prod, on your website or anywhere else. You control it. Turn it on/off anytime, or by specific domain addresses. Filter the logs Only interested in errors? Filter what you want to be notified of: errors, warnings, or logs. Error tracing Know the file name and the line number that is causing the error, at a glance. Search on Google with 1 click The error notifications have a button to diagnose them on Google to help you fix things quicker. Because, most of the time, you were probably going to do that anyway. Search through logsNEW You can also search through your logs by text (words, characters, etc) - only the logs that match your search will be shown. CustomizableNEW Adjust toasts' font-size, opacity, border-radius, and more options, to your taste. Expandable arrays, objects, and JSONNEW View arrays, objects, and JSON as expandables - click to expand or collapse a property. Easy to debug long logs. Network RequestsNEW toast.log shows you all network requests that a page makes, along with the URL, method (GET, POST, etc), and response. Everything in real-time. Debugging just got easier! Loading... SEO issuesNEW See which images are missing "alt" attributes, which resources are broken (returning 404), and many other errors that may be affecting your website's rank on Google. Image missing "alt" attribute: Page missing tag inside the tag. FAQ How does this work? toast.log is a browser extension that listens to Javascript functions such as console.log(), console.error(), window errors, network requests, and much more, and it shows everything to you as toast notifications, in real-time, right on your page, without having to open the browser's Devtools/console. Can I control when and where I want to see the notifications? Sure! You can add specific addresses and domains to your settings where toast.log will automatically be opened, or you can just open it when you want to. By clicking on the extension icon, it will remain activated until you turn off or close the tab. What kind of error does it get? Javascript errors, Network requests errors (POST, GET, etc), DOM errors (broken images or resources), console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error, and SEO issues. Is there a list of supported browsers? toast.log is developed and tested to work on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It might work on all Chromium-based browsers. Safari coming soon, Internet Explorer maybe never. Will my website visitors also see the errors? Thank God no, haha. All the extension features are only visible to you, that means the website itself doesn't change for other visitors, only for you, and only when you activate toast.log. No worries! Are there any limitations I should know? Console.table, browsers warnings (like wrong source map, mixed content, and extension errors, etc) are not well supported YET (We're working on it!). DOM elements are rendered as selectors. But it works well with all the other logs. Do I need to add something to my code or change it? No, just keep using console.log, etc as before. You don't need to add any script or change your code. It works like a charm. Do I need to re-open the extension every time I refresh the page? No! The extension will remain opened on pages from the same domain or tab until you close them or turn toast.log off. That means you can refresh the page and navigate within a website freely. How does the license work? Each license is limited to 3 simultaneous activations - which can be easily deactivated and activated again by yourself on toastlog.com/my-license anytime. Are there any plans for new features? Definitely! This extension is in its very beginning, and along with CSS Scan, and CSS Scan Pro, this is my full-time work, so rest assured I'll keep shipping new features. “toast.log has been an incredible addon to my developer toolbelt. It’s often a hassle to open and close dev tools all the time. With toast.log I can navigate my applications as a normal user would while still being able to debug my code” Lenilson dos Santos “A family member dropped me a message saying he was having issues with his contact form not sending so I used toast.log to see the log and then it made it so much easier to find the cause of the issue so I could fix it promptly” Lewis Hughes “I've got toast.log 6 months ago. Literally, I rarely open the console to debug anymore. Very useful product! ?” Jim Raptis Get toast.log Find out your website's bugs before your customers do. 1 license $20 5 licenses $70 10 licenses $120 20 licenses $200 Get it now on Gumroad Product of the Day on Product Hunt Have you seen CSS Scan? Check the CSS of any element you hover over, instantly. Learn more → Introducing CSS Scan Pro A re-imagined Devtools for web design. Learn more →