TRIGGX – Sustainable change and performance management tool
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TRIGGX – Sustainable change and performance management tool
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2022-10-21 23:44:28

HOMEPRODUCTSUCCESS STORIESABOUTPRESSCONTACTWe build digital tools for next generation change consultants. We know what triggers change.Our platform is built by change consultants, psychologists, coaches and game developers. Years of experience in change management, performance management and game theory, all together in one tool. At TRIGGX, we know gamification is not about playing games, but about the behavior you want to change.Important drivers in our methodology.Understand the target audiencePinpoint current & desirable behaviorKnow what motivates & triggersMaintain engagementMake it fun & celebrateWhy TRIGGX?The platform enables you to personalize the tool for every client with a change management or performance management challenge.The data you acquire with the tool will provide actionable insights into what really drives change in different organizations and gives you the opportunity to optimize and take actions based on activity tracking and player data.You can customize the tool to suit your clients’ needs whilst giving them a broad choice of different gamification features. Use the building blocks to personalize the platform.Our experts can advise you or be part of the team delivering the solution to your client.International banking company grows its sales revenue by 193% with a custom gamified change program, powered by TRIGGX. The advisory team of a large financial services provider uses TRIGGX gamified platform as driver to grow sales of capital products and give their customers an excellent customer service experience.READ THEIR STORY Global player in the bakery ingredients business grows its customer sales revenue by 179% with the “Bakeman” game.A global player in the bakery ingredients business uses the TRIGGX gamified platform as driver for small and mid-sized bakeries and industrial bakeries to excel on bakery success.READ THEIR STORY Dutch retailer creates a fantastic & uniform customer experience by effectively changing local teams across 171 offices.A Dutch retail organisation used the TRIGGX platform to implement a disruptive change in strategy to further enrich customer relationship and increase performance in the workplace.READ THEIR STORY Bike shops race ahead in sustainable profitability by leveraging gamification.The sector association in mobility empowers a new way of working at scale in retail with the Craftsman Game.READ THEIR STORY Synergy in engagement program increases energy and ownership at Dutch multinational banking and financial services company.A Dutch banking and financial services company was seeking a solution to get line-managers and the whole organization engaged. They found the TRIGGX gamification platform to be the best fit to inspire people and take internal leadership to the next level.READ THEIR STORY We work together with: Clients using our change platform: Ready for change?TELL ME MORE! Copyright 2019 TRIGGXHOMEPRODUCTSUCCESS STORIESABOUTPRESSCONTACTHOMEPRODUCTSUCCESS STORIESABOUTPRESSCONTACT