Insight-led web analytics | Volument
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Insight-led web analytics | Volument
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2022-05-17 06:38:32

"I love Insight-led web analytics | Volument"

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2022-05-17 06:38:32

VolumentHow it works FAQ About VisionAnalytics for a better InternetInsight-led web analyticsMost analytics tools give you a ton of information and zero insights. We do the opposite. Volument tells you in simple language what works and how to engage your visitors.Privacy-friendlyOpen sourceFree for small sitesTime to reboot analyticsThe way we use the internet has evolved, but web analytics is stuck in the past.Privacy is the new norm. Visitor tracking needs to be anonymous and transparent without any compromises.Information overload has been an unsolved issue in web analytics for years. People still silently die inside when they open Google Analytics and try to make sense of the enormous amount of raw data.Volument gives web analytics a fresh start: a minimalistic, lightweight, and privacy-friendly analytics platform that tells you, like a human to another, how to create content and website experiences people love.{"og_image":"/img/volument-og-image.png","style":"/home/home","title":"Insight-led web analytics | Volument","desc":"Volument is insight-led web analytics for a better Internet.","url":"/","key":"","created":"2022-05-02T09:52:30.201Z","modified":"2022-05-02T10:13:32.713Z","createdISO":"2022-05-02","modifiedISO":"2022-05-02"}Please enable JavaScript for better usability.