Lipo 360 - Midsection Liposuction - The Complete Guide
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The Ultimate 2022 Guide to Lipo 360. Lipo 360 utilizes 360-degree, circumferential liposuction to treat the midsection of the body.
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Lipo 360 - Midsection Liposuction - The Complete Guide
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Skip to contentLIPO360.COMHomeLipo 360 BBLMasterMind GroupContact LIPO360.COMMain MenuHomeLipo 360 BBLMasterMind GroupContactLipo 360 Official GuideCostPhotosAreasBBLFAQsWhat is Lipo 360°?Many people struggle with excess fat throughout the abdominal region. If you feel self-conscious in your clothing or can’t seem to get the results you desire with traditional diet and exercise, body contouring procedures can help permanently remove areas of stubborn fat.Lipo 360° is one of the best procedures to dislodge and remove excess fat from the midsection to create a smoother, more contoured shape and a smaller waistline. If you’re unsure if Lipo 360 is right for you, read on to learn more about the surgery, its benefits, costs, and more to help you make the best decision.The risks of Lipo 360° are very low, and when performed correctly, the results can be life-changing.Dr. Louis ColeAtlanta LiposuctionMidsection Body SculptingLiposuction 360° or circumferential liposuction removes fat from the entire midsection to create an hourglass shape. 360° Liposuction uses tumescent liposuction to remove subcutaneous fat from the belly, lower back, love handles, and waist. For reference, tumescent liposuction is a liposuction procedure where a tumescent solution is used to numb the area to help make liposuction safer and more tolerable.Lipo 360° is a relatively new term refined and perfected by liposculpting surgeons. The unique thing about this procedure is that the fat is removed from these areas circumferentially, meaning every area is treated, not just one specific section of the abdomen. A cannula is placed into small incisions during the procedure to suck out unwanted fat gently. The fat is either discarded or sterilized and reused for a fat transfer.What is the Expected Cost of Liposuction 360?Like any other cosmetic surgery, liposuction procedure costs will vary depending on the extent of your surgery and how many areas of the body will be treated. Other costs to consider are your geographic location, use of anesthesia, facility fees, and surgeon expertise.You can spend anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000 and beyond on average. You’ll get a better idea of how much your surgery will cost during your initial consultation. Tell your doctor which areas you’re unhappy with and talk about your end goals.If you’re having another cosmetic surgery alongside Lipo 360, be sure to factor in the costs of your second procedure. For reference, a tummy tuck or mommy makeover can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000.Financing Lipo 360Some plastic surgeons may also accept financing plans. Depending on where you have liposuction, some facilities can help lessen the burden of paying for your surgery in full. In most cases, financing for cosmetic surgery is similar to a traditional loan. You may be able to pay a small fee upfront and then work out a payment plan in monthly or weekly installments to pay off the remainder of the surgery. Your initial consultation for Lipo 360 is a great opportunity to ask about financing options.What are the Benefits of Liposuction 360°?Liposuction eliminates body fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Lipo 360° is especially beneficial for patients with excess fat deposits around the midsection. In addition, the procedure can improve the way clothing fits while giving you more self-confidence to wear the clothes you may otherwise feel self-conscious in. When traditional stomach sculpting methods don’t work, lipo is often a safe and effective alternative to get the body you desire.More patients may choose this procedure over traditional liposuction to reduce the risk of irregular contours or asymmetries in the midsection. Lipo 360° considers the entire abdominal area rather than focusing on one specific section of the body, like the love handles or lower back. Circumferential liposuction is also an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no need for general anesthesia, and you’ll be able to return home the same day.Most patients may need to take off work for a few days, but the recovery period is generally short.Dr. William HallInfini Cosmetic AssociatesWhat Areas Can Lipo 360° Treat?Liposuction procedures are individual, and most patients will have multiple problem areas to target. Your doctor will remove subcutaneous fat from four common spots, the abdomen, intercostals, waist, hips (love handles), and flanks. The areas your doctor removes will depend on how much fat is in the area and your goals.Here’s a complete list of the treatable areas with Lipo 360°. During your personal consultation for your procedure, discuss your goals with your doctor to create a plan you’re both comfortable with. Abdomen Bra Roll Love Handles Hip Roll Middle Back Mons Pubis Presacral Triangle Upper Back WaistlinePhotos of Lipo 360° ResultsMost patients are very happy after this procedure. Lipo 360° changes your body shape, giving you the confidence to wear specific clothing and feel better about your appearance. Depending on how much fat is removed, you can decrease your waistline by 4-5 inches. In all cases, lipo 360° creates more noticeable curves and a more contoured waistline.You’ll notice a slimmer midsection immediately following your liposuction procedure. However, it will take time for your body to fully heal before revealing the final results. Depending on how much excess fat is removed, you can expect to see final results between 1-3 months after the procedure. If you’re looking for more dramatic results, we recommend considering a fat transfer procedure in conjunction with your liposuction surgery.Lipo 360° Plus BBLDuring a fat transfer, the fat cells removed during liposuction can be recycled and used in other areas of the body. Many patients opt for additional cosmetic procedures like a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) or a Natural Breast Augmentation simultaneously as liposuction surgery. These procedures require liposuction regardless, so for many, it makes sense to reuse the fat in another area rather than have multiple surgeries at different times.Lipo 360° plus BBL is ideal for patients looking for a perfectly contoured midsection and a more toned and curvier bottom. If you opt for a fat transfer, the extracted fat cells are cleaned and immediately reinjected into the specific areas to increase their survival chance.Who is a Good Candidate for Lipo 360°?The best candidates for 360° liposuction should have stubborn excess fat deposits in the midsection. This type of fat is generally resistant to dieting and exercise. Candidates should have good skin elasticity. Too much excess skin or low-level elasticity can lead to loose skin after the procedure.If you’re above your target weight or have a BMI over 30, you may have to lose weight before considering this procedure. Finally, all candidates should be in overall good health. Diseases or underlying health conditions can potentially lead to dangerous surgical complications.All types of liposuction are not intended to be a means of weight loss. You should have a BMI under 30 to undergo Lipo 360° and be close to your ideal weight.Dr. Frank SotoOmaha Liposuction by ImagenHow is Lipo 360 Performed?Lipo 360 is a relatively quick, outpatient procedure with minimal downtime. Once you and your doctor have a clear plan for your new body, you can go ahead and schedule your surgery day. Lipo 360 is usually performed under local anesthesia, meaning you will remain awake but comfortable and pain-free. Local anesthesia is also safer and less invasive than general anesthesia.Lipo 360 uses small incisions in the treatment area and tumescent liposuction to ensure you’re safe and comfortable. Your doctor will insert a tumescent fluid into the unwanted fat deposits along the flanks, belly, and back. This fluid contains lidocaine, which is a numbing agent that compresses blood vessels to reduce the risk of bruising and soften the fat deposits making them easier to remove. Once the fat cells are loose, they are extracted from the body using a cannula. If you have a fat transfer, the fat will be immediately sterilized and prepared for reinjection.Your incisions will be closed once your doctor is happy with your new waistline. The surgical procedure can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours from start to finish. In almost all cases, Lipo 360 patients are given a compression garment to aid the healing process immediately following surgery. This garment should be worn 24/7 under the guidance of your surgeon.Who is a Good Candidate for 360 Lipo?Patients with excess fat around the abdomen, back, flanks, back, and love handles can benefit from 360 Liposuction.Like traditional liposuction, Lipo 360 is not a weight loss procedure. If you’re considering this surgical procedure, you should be at or close to your ideal weight. If you have stubborn fat pockets around your midsection that do not respond to diet or exercise, Lipo 360 may be the best option to remove unwanted fat permanently. Additionally, you should be in good overall health and maintain a steady weight for at least one year.Recovery & ResultsAfter your 360 Liposuction procedure is complete, you can return home once you are deemed ready to leave the medical facility. As with any type of plastic surgery, it’s important to arrange a caregiver to drive you home. You are not permitted to drive post-op.Minor swelling, bruising, and discomfort are typical side effects but should subside after the first few days. The total recovery time is several months; however, you can return to regular activity after one week. Some patients can return to work 48 hours after Lipo 360. You will notice immediate improvements soon after your surgery, and your final results will show around 6 to 10 months post-op.Lipo 360° FAQI have had a prior C-Section. Can I still get Lipo 360°?It doesn’t matter if you’ve had prior C-sections in most cases. Lipo 360° can even help soothe the scar and eliminate that fatty pouch that sometimes accumulates above the scar. Liposuction can also be a great way to get rid of any additional fat amassed during pregnancy.What’s the difference between Lipo 360° and a tummy tuck?Lipo 360° removes fat pockets around your midsection, while a tummy tuck removes both fat and skin. A tummy tuck will give better skin tightening results if you have an abundance of saggy or extra skin due to weight loss or pregnancy. With that being said, a tummy tuck is also a lot more invasive, dangerous, and requires a hefty recovery period.How is Lipo 360° performed?The procedure is minimally-invasive and usually performed using a local anesthetic or IV sedation. The cosmetic surgeon makes small (typically 2mm) incisions to insert the cannula. The surgeon may use a laser-assisted device like SmartLipo or ultrasonic Vaser at this time.Once the fat cells are removed and have a slim, contoured waistline, the incisions will be closed. Lipo 360° patients will be given a compression garment immediately following surgery, which will be worn during the recovery period to help prevent bruising and swelling.Is liposuction permanent?Once fat cells are removed, they are gone for good. However, if you gain weight, fat cells can return and enlarge. After Lipo 360° is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to help ensure your results are long-lasting.If you gain a significant amount of weight, you may need another fat removal procedure to eliminate new fat.Is 360-degree liposuction safe?The risks of serious complications with this specific surgical procedure are very low. 360° Lipo and any other sculpting, fat removal, or cosmetic surgery should be performed by a properly trained and experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon. Additionally, the procedure should be done in a licensed and accredited medical facility with trained staff members and sterile instruments. This is entirely for your health and safety.Can Lipo 360 tighten the skin?Liposuction is better for sculpting and contouring the body. For example, lipo 360 can help give you a more from-looking midsection, but if you have a lot of excess pr drooping skin, skin tightening surgery like a tummy tuck. Similarly, if you have saggy or deflated breasts, a breast lift can help give you the shape you desire.Is there aftercare for Lipo 360?Yes. To help maintain your new slimmer, sleeker physique, be sure to adhere to your doctor’s aftercare instructions. Aftercare may include: Wound care. Wearing your compression garments. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine to extend your results for decades or even a lifetime.How many body areas are treated with Lipo 360?This particular liposuction procedure encompasses all areas of the midsection, covering 360 degrees around. Fat removal is usually performed in the abdominals, both upper and lower, the obliques, and the mid-to-lower back.Can I book a virtual consultation for Lipo 360?Virtual constellations are under the discretion of your plastic surgeon. However, more medical practices are offering remote consults due to COVID-19. Keep in mind that you must have a working camera and a strong wi-fi connection for your consultation.What is recovery like?The recovery period for Lipo 360 is similar to the recovery from other types of liposuction.360 Lipo does require multiple areas to be treated simultaneously, which can lead to more fatigue during the healing process.Every patient is unique, and your recovery path will vary from another patient. Always follow instructions closely to avoid complications.Liposuction Plus BBL or Tummy TuckSome patients may choose to have additional body contouring procedures performed at the same time. For example, if you’re having a fat transfer like a BBL or a natural breast augmentation, the fat deposits harvested during liposuction can be sterilized and reused to plump other areas of your body.Below are common procedures performed in conjunction with Lipo 360 for more dramatic results.Tummy TuckLiposuction effectively removes unwanted fat; however, it can not fix lax or sagging skin. If you have excess skin from weight loss or post-pregnancy, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can be paired with Lipo 360. The abdominal muscles are tightened during a tummy tuck, and excess skin is carefully removed to leave you with a flatter, more taught stomach.Natural Breast AugmentationAnother way to recycle the fat cells extracted during a liposuction procedure is to reuse them in the breast. Natural breast augmentation uses your own fat to fill out and plump the breasts, rather than a silicone or saline implant.Brazilian Butt LiftThe unwanted fat extracted from your midsection during Lipo 360 can also be used to add more volume to your backside. You can use your own fat to create more round and shapely buttocks.Mommy MakeoverA mommy makeover typically includes combined cosmetic surgeries in the abdomen and breasts. Usually, liposuction, some type of breast augmentation or lift, a tummy tuck, or a breast lift are done simultaneously to help give women their pre-pregnancy bodies back.360 Lipo: The Bottom LinePatients looking to remove unwanted fat while contouring the body can benefit from 360 Liposuction. This procedure is extremely well-received, and most patients report excellent results. Lipo 360 removes fat that is most likely caused by genetics to reshape your midsection to the figure you want.For many, Lipo 360 improves self-esteem and self-image. If you’re considering Lipo 360 to reach your aesthetic goals that may not be feasible through standard diet and exercise, book a consultation today. Privacy PolicyCopyright © 2022 LIPO360.COM | Powered by Awesome Med