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2022-06-12 06:56:44

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TitleZAMM2020ZAMM2018About ZAMMZAMMZombieMedFAQsNewsCode of ConductContact UsMailing listZAMM2020RunGalleryArts 2018ZAMM 2018VideosFacebookPowered By ZAMA on Channel ZedThe Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting 2020 Watch ZAMM on Channel ZedThe Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting is a radically interdisciplinary meeting that bridges science and the arts to grapple with the most pressing challenges of the present and the future. We use the zombie apocalypse as a lens through which we can engage about potentially frightening aspects of our present and future without fear and anxiety, but instead with imagination and creativity. Our second meeting took place Oct 15-18, 2020 via livestream. You can watch it here or on Channel Zed. ZAMM 2018Our first ZAMM meeting took place Oct, 2018 at ASU Relive ZAMM 2018View the ZAMM 2018 program Watch ZAMM 2018 videos About ZAMMZAMM is a production of Arizona State University & the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance Zombie Apocalypse Planning BoardZAMM is planned by an interdisciplinary team based at ASUAthena Aktipis, Psychology, ZAMA chair, Channel Zed producerJoe Alcock, Emergency MedicineCristina Baciu, Logistics CoordinatorDave Lundberg-Kenrick, Channel Zed collaborating producerCarlo Maley, Evolutionary BiologyMark Mannucci, Film and TelevisionBarbara Natterson-Horowitz, Medicine & Evolutionary BiologyIlana Rein, Filmmaker, Channel Zed director & collaborating producerPamela Winfrey, Sci-ArtsEmily Zarka, Gothic Literature & Monster Studies The Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting (ZAMM) is a radically interdisciplinary meeting that bridges science and the arts to grapple with the most pressing challenges of the present and the future. We define a zombie as an entity that is fully or partially under the control of another entity. This includes host-parasite interactions, autonomous technology, and coercion/control in human interactions. These dynamics - where one entity controls another - can lead to unanticipated biological, technological and social consequences. ZAMM brings together scientists, artists, doctors, lawyers, ethicists and futurists to engage with the challenges of zombification and the apocalyptic conditions that may be generated by or contribute to zombification. We use the zombie apocalypse as a lens through which we can engage about potentially frightening aspects of our present and future without fear and anxiety, but instead with imagination and creativity. The goal of ZAMM is to reduce the global burden of zombification and contribute to apocalypse prevention and preparedness through interdisciplinary engagement.ZAMA programs livestream every week on Channel Zed Zombie Apocalypse MedicineEverything you need to know to survive the zombie apocalypse Translational Zombie TheoryThe etiology and treatment of zombie-related diseases and disorders. Topics include rabies, toxoplasma gondii, resuscitation, trauma, microchimerism, parasite-associated mental illness, sickness behavior, sleep deprivation, predator/prey adaptations, mind control, manipulation, and eating behavior.Evidence Based Zombie MedicineMedical challenges during the zombie apocalypse. Topics include zombie survival toolkit, treatment of mammalian bites, wound care and repair, thermoregulation, solar injury, and empirically proven strategies for resisting mind-control. Frequently Asked QuestionsZombie Apocalypse Medicine FAQs Is this for real?Yes, this is for real. We are a group of scientists, humanities scholars, artists, medical doctors and policy experts who come together every two years for a meeting about zombies and the apocalypse.What is a zombie?The Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance defines a zombie as "An individual whose physiology and behavior are (fully or partially) under the control of a genetically distinct individual or population of individuals."What is the apocalypse?The Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance defines that apocalypse as catastrophes that pose significant risk to human life and health, forcing us to reckon with the reality of our underlying risk. How is Zombie Apocalypse Medicine different from regular medicine?Zombie Apocalypse Medicine is a theoretically grounded approach to understanding and treating disease in extreme conditions. These conditions include post-disaster environments, challenging ecological settings such as high altitude and extreme cold, social conditions conditions characterized by mind control and manipulation and scenarios characterized by highly contagious infectious disease. We employ theoretical frameworks including genetic conflict theory, game theory, evolutionary theory, and adaptationism in order to understand how humans and other species have evolved to counter both the physical challenges of apocalyptic conditions and psychological challenges of zombie mind control.Is there a 'zombie gene'?No, zombies arise from complex interactions between the genetics of the susceptible individual (host) and the genetics of the individual (or population of individuals) that takes full or partial control of the susceptible individual. Research is currently underway to elucidate the co-evolutionary dynamics underlying zombie susceptibility genes in hosts and corresponding zombie promotion genes in parasites.What is zombie resistance evolution?Humans and most other species have been shaped by billions of years of zombie resistance evolution. Zombie resistance evolution is a co-evolutionary process wherein hosts evolve mechanisms of resistance to mind control/manipulation and parasites evolve increasingly sophisticated strategies in response. This evolutionary arms-race means that hosts must continue evolving in response to manipulation strategies. In other words, we are always on the run. We utilize computational modeling, genomics and evolutionary methods to quantify these dynamics and test alternative treatment strategies.Is being a zombie necessarily a bad thing?Zombies arise when one individual succumbs to control by a genetically distinct individual or population of individuals. If the fitness interests of the host and controller are sufficiently aligned (either because of genetic similarity or sources of fitness interdependence), the resulting zombie may actually become capable of achieving even higher levels of fitness than would be possible in the absence of infection. Theoretical models suggest that becoming a super-fit zombie may be an effective zombie resistance strategy. Research is underway to determine whether humans and other species have undergone positive selection to become super-fit zombies in order to counter the constantly evolving zombie threat. NewsThe Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance in the news 'The Zombie Apocalypse Is Actually Upon Us': Radio interview with Athena AktipisOctober 9, 2020, KJZZ Radio 'The Zombie Apocalypse Is Actually Upon Us': ASU Professor Explores Real-Life Zombies In Podcast 'Zombified'Zombified Podcast Launches June 11, 2020June 12, 2019, Biodesign NewsAthena Aktipis wants brains. Not because she’s a zombie but because she’s been zombified. And so have you.Zombie narratives can chew through complex topicsOctober 18, 2018, ASU NowFour-day conference bridging science and the arts explores zombification to engage in potentially frightening aspects of the futureASU hosts Zombie ApocalypseOctober 18, 2018, AZ Family NewsZombie apocalypse training at ASU Code of ConductFor Humans, Zombies and all other Monsters RespectThe Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance (ZAMA) is committed to providing a positive and respectful environment for humans, zombies and all other monsters. This means creating and maintaining an environment at the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting (ZAMM) that is free of coercion, discrimination, cannibalism, harassment and any other non-consensual zombification dynamics. ZAMA’s mission includes reducing the global burden of zombification and that begins at our meetings. All participants are expected to be respectful to individual autonomy, engage in constructive professional discussion and help create an environment that is inclusive and equitable to all participants.Inclusion and diversityZAMA is dedicated to supporting and cultivating diversity in all its forms: interdisciplinary diversity, microbial diversity and the many dimensions of human diversity. By participating in ZAMM you are agreeing to provide equal opportunity and treatment to all other participants regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, political beliefs, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical features, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason. You are also agreeing to refrain from any and all forms of harassment, including unwelcome words, actions, gestures, symbols, attention, or behavior. You agree to refrain from using zombification tactics including aggressive pressure, offensive behavior, face eating, intimidation, physical or verbal abuse, persecution, force; coercion, or hostility of a sexual, social, or other nature. ZAMM is not the place for testing or utilizing your capacities to zombify other humans through your resources, power, physical formidability or irresistible charisma.What to do if you experience coercive zombification attemptsIf you experience or witness discrimination, harassment or coercive zombification attempts, should notify the ZAMM conference chair (Athena Aktipis, [email protected]) or contact a ZAMM program committee member (anyone at http://www.zombiemed.org/#conference-program). Such communications, and the identities of the parties involved, will be kept in confidence to the extent that it does not compromise the rights of other individuals. After ZAMM staff have been notified, they will first discuss the details with the person making the complaint, then with any witnesses, and then with the alleged offender, before determining appropriate action. All reports will be treated and investigated seriously and promptly.ConsequencesPersons who act contrary to the values and expectations expressed in this policy statement may be warned, or asked to leave the event in which the behavior occurred; may be excluded from access to current and/or future ZAMM conferences and/or other events; and/or may be subject to other appropriate disciplinary or corrective action, at the discretion of ZAMM. In other words, don’t be an asshole or you will be asked to leave.Dress codeApocalypse Casual. Zombies welcome. Have a question?We'll be in touch soon!NameEmail Message Submit Comment Featuring irresistible brainsGet your fresh brains weekly on Channel Zed and the Zombified Podcast.To stay up to date, join our mailing list.Join© 2016 Create a site with This website is built with Strikingly. Create yours today! This website is built with Strikingly. Create your FREE website today! start now Cookie UseWe use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies.AcceptLearn More