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2022-08-16 15:12:52

"I love ines cox"

www.inescox.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-08-16 15:12:52

Ines Cox contact@inescox.com (no internships) psssst Thumb twiddling (2022) Participating artist in Universal Export’s current exhibition (2022) Doubt (2019) Image contribution for Rekto Verso Magazine (2021) Empire of dreams, writing for PLI Magazine (2020) Wayfinding installation at Modemuseum Hasselt (2020) Spitting, longing, tossing and turning. For the [EMPTY HOUSE] at Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (2020) Premium Quality, contribution for an installation by 019 in Brussels (2021) SAVE, 336 pages, 210 x 280 mm, 300 copies, published by Track Report (2019) Typography class assignment briefs, for Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (2014—2021) MOVE, a motion picture, for Demo Festival Amsterdam (2019) There are three women sitting in a bar. While thumbing off pistachio shells, they talk about how they grew up together, trained their skills across the river, traveled North for a mysterious master and are now teaching in their hometown. They smile. At one point a dog enters the bar. He introduces himself to the women and joins them for a round of vodka. “And what about you?” He then asks. Out of habit the first woman replies she’s a graphic designer. But then she realizes it would make more sense to say she isn’t. The second woman can completely relate to the doubt of her friend. While an interesting conversation between the dog and the two women unfolds, the third woman feels a bit dizzy and heads towards the restroom. With both hands holding the sink, she looks into the mirror where a fourth woman appears. She quietly asks her who she is. The reflection smiles. ‘I’m not sure yet either’.