Bonjour is closed - Permanently stops on April 08, 2022.
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Bonjour is closed - Permanently stops on April 08, 2022.
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2022-05-07 11:26:28

"I love Bonjour is closed - Permanently stops on April 08, 2022."

www.bonjour.io VS www.gqak.com

2022-05-07 11:26:28

Dear Bonjour community,After living this incredible adventure with you, we have made the very difficult decision to close our doors. With that, we regret to inform you that we will no longer be maintaining Bonjour (including the Bonjour app for Zoom as well as the Bonjour web app).We are all grateful to have your trust and dedication to making this innovative Zoom app valuable for many sellers around the world. You have dedicated time and energy to creating this unique experience with us, removing the burden of updating Salesforce for thousands of people.Although you can no longer use Bonjour, we sincerely appreciate the work that has been done. And we are proud of the service we have built. Moreover, we believe that more and more solutions will continue to work to solve this daily pain.With gratitude – the Bonjour teamWe'll permanently stop the Bonjour service on April 08, 2022.© Copyright 2021. All Right Reserved. .footer__link--color {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(232.01deg, #FF2F19 10.16%, #FFA635 88.6%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;}#cookiescript_injected { background-color: #333 !important; font-family: 'Geomanist', 'Open Sans', Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica', sans-serif !important;}#cookiescript_manage:hover #cookiescript_manageicon .cookiescript_gear { fill: #FE5019 !important;} #cookiescript_header { font-family: 'Geomanist', 'Open Sans', Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica', sans-serif !important;} #cookiescript_accept,#cookiescript_save { background-color: #FE5019 !important;} #cookiescript_accept:hover,#cookiescript_save:hover { background-color: #c12f01 !important;} #cookiescript_readmore:hover,#cookiescript_reportlink:hover,#cookiescript_cookiescriptlink:hover{ color: #FE5019 !important;} #cookiescript_maintabs .cookiescript_active {color: #FE5019 !important;} #cookiescript_categories .cookiescript_active {background: #FE5019 !important;} #cookiescript_reportwrap::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,#cookiescript_aboutwrap::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background-color: #FE5019 !important;}